Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rakyat tidak perlukan Warisan Merdeka

Dari kiri: Kuala Lumpur yang serba moden, contoh replika bangunan Warisan Merdeka, perkhidmatan broadband yang kurang memuaskan, jalan-jalan di bandar rosak, longkang monsun dan pengangkutan awam Malaysia. -GDI
Permodalan Nasional Berhad mencadangkan pembinaan bangunan mega 100 tingkat yang dinamakan sebagai Menara Warisan Merdeka yang akan menelan belanja sebanyak RM5bilion. Tapak projek adalah di tapak Stadium Merdeka dan Stadium Negara. Sekiranya projek itu bermula dalam masa terdekat, projek itu dijangka akan siap pada tahun 2015.

Semasa kepimpinan Tun Dr. Mahathir, Malaysia telah mencapai kemajuan yang tidak dapat dibayangkan oleh mana-mana kuasa besar di dunia. Kuala Lumpur telah menjadi bandar yang moden dan maju, seterusnya berkembang ke seluruh Lembah Kelang untuk membentuk bandar metropolitan (Greater Klang Valley).

Namun, kita dapat melihat dari luaran iaitu Kuala Lumpur berkembang pesat tetapi terdapat banyak perkara yang perlu dipertingkatkan supaya Kuala Lumpur boleh mempunyai daya saing dengan negara-negara membangun. Projek RM5bilion itu tidak mengubah mana-mana perkara yang akan disebut kemudian. Mengapa kerajaan tidak mengunakan duit sebanyak itu untuk membuat pernambahan infrastruktur untuk menjadikan Malaysia betul-betul maju?

Kuala Lumpur adalah sebuah bandaraya yang sibuk. Kebanyakan mereka yang berkerja akan membawa komputer riba mereka untuk meneruskan kerja mereka tanpa mengira di mana jua mereka berada. Sama ada semasa makan tengah hari, berjumpa klien dan sebagainya. Yang menyedihkan, talian internet di Kuala Lumpur dapat memenuhi kehendak orang ramai.

Kemudahan internet di Kuala Lumpur sering mengalami masalah-masalah seperti talian terputus, liputan jalur lebar yang tidak meluas, gangguan talian dan kelajuan internet yang lambat - menyebabkan ramai pengguna tidak berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatan yang diberikan. Mereka yang menggunakan jalur lebar di rumah, mereka berasa tertipu dengan iklan-iklan yang mengatakan syarikat telekomunikasi menyediakan internet jalur lebat terbaik. Namun, apa yang mereka dapat tidak setimpal dengan apa yang dibayar.

Jalan-jalan raya di kawasan Kuala Lumpur juga tidak sebaik mana. Kebanyakan jalan-jalan raya di Kuala Lumpur tidak pernah ditar semula selepas pembinaan jalan tersebut. Sekiranya jalan berlubang, pekerja dari kerajaan tempatan hanya menutup lubang sahaja. Ada jalan-jalan yang merekah hanya ditimbun dengan pasir.

Saya amat memahami sekiranya pihak Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) tidak dapat menutup kesemua jalan-jalan raya untuk mengtar semula, tetapi pihak DBKL boleh menutup kawasan demi kawasan untuk memperbaiki jalan-jalan yang sedia ada dari semasa ke semasa.

Longkang-longkang juga adalah salah satu daripada masalah utama di Kuala Lumpur. Sistem peparitan di Kuala Lumpur yang tidak besar dan tersumbat menyebabkan banjir. Banjir di bandar utama seperti Kuala Lumpur tidak boleh dianggap sebagai perkara biasa dan dipandang secara ringan.

Longkang-longkang dan parit-parit di Malaysia perlu diperbesarkan (diperluaskan) agar masalah banjir dapat dibendung secara serius. Untuk mengelakkan banjir daripada berlaku, longkang dan parit memainkan peranan yang sama penting seperti terowang bawah tanah dan anti banjir (SMART).

Pengangkutan awan di Kuala Lumpur wajar dipertingkatan mutu perkhidmatan masing-masing, tidak kira perkidmatan bas, teksi ataupun sistem keretapi. Pengangkutan awam merupakan sumber penting kepada para pelancong asing yang datang melawat negara kita. Kosistensi masa perjalanan pengangkutan awam kita sering dipersoal oleh pelancong-pelancong asing malah rakyat kita sendiri mengadu tentang pengangkutan awam.

Bas tidak kerap, teksi cekik darah, masalah teknikal dialami oleh sistem transit aliran ringan (LRT) dan masa ketibaan keretapi yang panjang menyebabkan kebanyakan orang hilang kepercayaan kepada sistem pengangkutan. Ramai memilih untuk menggunakan kendaraan masing-masing juga penyumbang utama kepada pencemaran udara.

Sudah tibanya masa untuk Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur untuk menjalankan kempen bumi hijau dengan melarang penggunaan plastik secara meluas seperti mana yang sedang dilakukan di Selangor dan Pulau Pinang  demi kebaikan bandaraya kita. Walaupun ianya susah untuk dilaksanakan di bandaraya ini, tetapi ia adalah  kebaikan dan juga kebersihan bandar.

Oleh itu, wang yang akan digunakan untuk projek mega itu adalah lebih baik untuk digunakan untuk meningkatan mutu perkara yang disebut di atas. Kebaikan ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua pihak termasuk kerajaan kerana ianya bukan sahaja dapat menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi malahan dapat menarik lebih ramai pelancong asing untuk datang ke Kuala Lumpur. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Temporary Replacement: Samsung Monte

This morning, there were dumb dumbs sent SMSes to my private number (Aino). As you all know that my Aino was damaged and unable to be use unless if call-in phone calls only. I was frustration mood because it might be my bosses who sent it. Without any delay, I confirmed with my buddy Rex that I am going to Low Yat to get a temporary phone.

[Meaning of temporary was to use it for a short period of time.]

Because of rain, I had delayed my plan to go earlier and went there at 6 and reached Times Square at 7. I went to Times Square CIMB ATM machine to get money for the phone. However, the machine had technical problem and forced me to walk to Low Yat Plaza Lower Ground floor's CIMB ATM to get my money.

Scared that it might be my ATM card problem, I prayed that that time (at Low Yat) will able to get money for a phone. Luckily I got it and went to where Rex is working.

I wanted to get Samsung Galaxy 5 at first but I wanted it to better since I will going to use it for another few months. I was also thought of what Henry commented in Facebook which make me change my mind. Then, I saw Samsung Monte (which similar with Vivaz - in shape).

Although RM100 more expensive than Galaxy 5, but I get things better than Galaxy 5. Monte has 3.2 mega pixelS camera and includes 8GB microSD. Compared to Galaxy 5, it only has 2.0 mega pixels camera and includes 2GB microSD TransFlash.

For now, the biggest problem will be: to take phone numbers from my friends again - and I will left one or two person as well. I am concern that my bosses calls me and I don't know who is it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Initial D 2: The Movie

We are still waiting for the sequel of Initial D The Movie. According to my understanding, Jay Chou will be directing the movie, as well as starring in it. The only reprising role in the movie is Edison Chen's Ryosuke Takahasi.

Well, I am so exited to wait for the movie. I know everybody waiting for it. The release date is yet to confirmed but whether it's going to be release in 2012 still on debate. 

Jordan Chan and Shawn Yue - if you want me to choose one of it, I would rather have Shawn Yue to reprise his role. No matter how the outcome of the film, I am still going to watch the movie, because my favourite star: Jay Chou is on the movie. 

P/S: The "Initial D 2" logo above was my creation, not the official logo to the sequel film.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

New logo update: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Hot Seat

This is the newest "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" logo based on Australia's "Millionaire: Hot Seat" and Indonesia's Hot Seat, a revival of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Indonesia. 

Again, this is more like International version (or countries that do not used the currency signs on the logo). Malaysia's version also used all the question marks because Malaysia is an Islamic country and if the show was going to use currency signs, like the US and UK, sure there were people going to say that WWTBAM is a gambling game show due to the presents of money and cash.

If you want to, you can join Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Fans Forum

Nippon Problème

Today was the first day of my returning to work after a week of holidays. Going to back to work is a fun thing to me because there will be my students to entertain me with their funny and silly things. For this time, I keep myself positive to work without my students of 2 weeks. However, I started to get bored when I walked alone from Cempaka LRT station to my workplace.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Charlie the Unicorn (Part 2)

Yesterday night, I went to Youtube to look for Undertaker's Gong and Lightning effects, which I failed to search but I found another think instead. "Annoying Orange with Charlie the Unicorn."

Well I found out that the thing was funny and decided to look for "Charlie the Unicorn" and watched the whole videos of it on Youtube. 

The musical songs also were well done and if you did watch the videos, you can go to FilmCow's official website to download all Charles the Unicorn OSTs. 

Don't be confuse with "Charlie teh Unicorn", which were the spoof version of "Charlie the Unicorn".

Charlie the Unicorn

Episode 1: Candy Mountain

Episode 2: Banana King

Episode 3: Snowman

Charlie teh Unicorn (Spoof) Episode 1

Charlie teh Unicorn (Spoof) Episode 2

Charlie the Unicorn: Hot Topic

Charlie the Unicorn: Youtube Live Promo

Charlie the Unicorn: Youtube Live Promo 2

Annoying Orange: Charles the Unicorn

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

RapidKL (LRT): Offline! Tunggu pukul 4

Saya telah mendapatkan rapidpass pada 2 bulan lepas untuk digunakan untuk tujuan urusan kerja dan pada masa yang sama untuk urusan peribadi. Pada akhir bulan Oktober, saya mengalami cacar air yang telah menyebabkan saya tidak dapat ke mana-mana selama 2 minggu. 

Setelah sembuh, saya kembali bekerja seperti biasa. Tetapi, saya tidak mahu menggunakan rapidpass oleh kerana bas RapidKL jarang memasuki kawasan saya kerana tidak mahu memasuki ataupun kelewatan untuk sampai (di luar jangkauan tempoh yang ditetapkan oleh RapidKL). 

Oleh itu, saya menggunakan perkhidmatan bus dari SJ Bus yang membenarkan saya untuk sampai di Stesen LRT Maluri sebelum 8:40 pagi, melainkan berlakunya kesesakan lalu lintas yang sering berlaku di Jalan Cheras (kadang-kala terpulang kepada pemandu bas kerana ada pemandu bas yang memandu dengan cepat dan ada yang memandu seperti kura-kura).

Memandangkan kad rapidpass tidak digunakan lagi serta pembelian kad tambah nilai RapidKL LRT, saya ingin menyahaktifkan kad rapidpass. Setiap kali saya ingin menyahaktifkannya, pekerja-pekerja di kaunter di Stesen LRT Cempaka akan berkata, "Hanya kaunter sebelah (arah berlawanan) sahaja yang boleh buat." Kemudian, saya ke Stesen LRT Maluri dan mereka akan menyatakan, "Offline! Kena tunggu pukul 4."

Perkara ini berlanjutan apabila semalam, saya sekali lagi ke Stesen LRT Cempaka untuk menyahaktifkan kad rapidpass saya. Jawapan yang sama diberi, "Tunggu pukul 4."

RapidKL sudah tidak memasuki kawasan saya secara konsisten, kekerapan bas juga berkurangan, malah adakalanya tidak sampai tepat pada masa lingkungan. Sekarang, malah mahu menyahaktifkan sekeping kad juga mahu meminta saya untuk menunggu sehingga masa yang ditetapkan, pada halnya saya mahu bergeges pulang ke rumah setelah selesai kerja pada pukul 2:30 petang.

Nostalgia kembali ke mindaku

Setelah bekas sekolah menengah saya mengadakan Malam Amal dan Pelancaran Alumni SMK Hulu Kelang, saya mula mencari data-data di dalam internet berkenaan dengan bekas sekolah saya. Saya juga berhasrat dan menawarkan diri untuk membantu Alumni SMKHK membuat weblog [di mana masih dalam konstruksi]. 

Saya juga berasa bertuah kerana terdapat seorang yang tidak dikenali di sebuah forum menolong saya untuk mendapatkan lencana SMKHK dalam bentuk vektor. Berbekalkan dengan apa yang ada, saya memulakan projek ini dengan serta-merta.

Pada masa yang sama, saya juga mendapati bahawa Alumni SRK 2 Kuala Ampang juga telah mengadakan Majlis Pertemuan Semula Alumni SRK2KA - seminggu selepas Majlis Amal SMKHK. Saya berasa sedih kerana tidak dapat menghadiri kedua-dua majlis yang dianjurkan oleh bekas-bekas sekolah saya, tempat saya mendapat ilmu.

Segala nostalgia pada masa persekolahan kembali ke minda saya. Sekali lagi, saya terpaksa bertahan kerana hal-hal peribadi membuat saya tidak dapat berjumpa rakan-rakan sekolah ataupun pulang semula ke Kuala Ampang. Walaupun saya memutuskan segala hubungan yang berkait dengan bekas rakan-rakan saya di Kuala Ampang, ianya tidak menghalang saya untuk menolong sekolah dan guru-guru saya yang telah menolong saya mencapai kecemerlangan dalam hidup.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New and unimproved

The problems keep coming again and again and again. As a customer of "The Widest Coverage" in Malaysia, I got fed up and angry with DiGi Broadband.

Since my phone was damaged, broadband is my last option to go online and to do all my works, especially helping my former school to do with their alumni things on the web. To be precise, I am using my abilities in graphic designing and logo designing to create an alumni weblog for my former school.

I was told to LOOK for other alumni pages in the web in order to make the weblog that I am making to look better and different from other alumni pages. 

Even though the broadband did disconnect few nights prior of starting to make the weblog, it weren't as often as these 2 nights (last night's and tonight). Furthermore, the speed of the broadband was not even more than 200kpbs. 

What I did was, I had signed in using OCS (Online Customer Services) and the first thing I said was, "I am not pleased with the frequent disconnections of the broadband". After they checked all the things, they said, "there is no problems with our line... peak hour from 6p.m. to 2a.m." [I was thinking in my mind that, "Yeah, right! Every time when I asked about brodband, DiGi surely will have 101 reasons.]

I was also advised, if the disconnections keep going on, I need to wait about 15-20 minutes and restart my whole computer/laptop again. Again, I was thinking, "I need to do designing and I can't afford to take any time breaks for it, yet you asking me to restart the whole computer and laptop?"

Yesterday, I was having a catalog of YES 4G services. The services looks much better than any HSDPA (3G) services in Malaysia. In addition, Pastor said that Telekom Malaysia will introduce fiber optic internet broadband services [most probably, UniFi] next year. Seems like there are options for me to choose a better one. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Shining Collection

Just now I watched a yaoi, boys love Japanese animation - "Gravitation OVA". Suddenly and near the end of the OVA, there is a song which too familiar for me. A song that I heard often in certain places. I know it, it's from cybercafe all around the town, no matter where. 

This song above, Shining Gravitation - by Nittle Grasper (real band is Icemen) performed during the end of the OVA in "Tokyo Music Festival '99". 

Somehow, Super Dancer Online (SDO) and its sequal Xtreme Dancer Online (XDO) used the song as a part of its tracks. Because of SDO/XDO, the song has been made famous and no one knows that it was originated from the animation. Wondering if those players know that this song was a gay song or not? Somehow they (players) used the song for their girlfriends.

At the same time, I hope that you don't get myself wrong. I am a Japanese animations fan. I watched almost all kinds of Japanese animations including gays, lesbians, and etc. I like to watch animations, doesn't means that I going to be one of the gays in the animations (even if I hope for it).

Saturday, November 20, 2010




加上,我和我的学生们的感情深刻 --- 令我放不下有假期的生活。每个人都有他们自己的朋友,不过我就是一个人孤孤单单生活。好朋友,Rex要也要工作;我俩个干弟弟也有他们的东西要做(应为他们要帮他们的妈妈手做初一,十五的拜神东西。他们的妈妈也怀孕了。十二月的前的两个星期也要回学校。),根本都没有人的空陪我。

在家里,除了上网找资料,看YouTube(WWE RAW,WWE NXT,WWE Smackdown和 Ghost Adventures)之外、就没了别的东西可以做。还有一个:背明年要教学生的书。刚刚生了水痘,也不适合外去给太阳赛到我的皮肤。现在,我已经变成白老鼠(也是个宅男)。

免责声明:本博客中主要使用「汉语拼音」 键入在这个文章上。任何特点的错误, 请你指正我的错点。谢谢!

Tahukah anda? Baju PBSM tidak boleh dipakai merata tempat?

Sebelum saya memulakan topik ini, biarkan saya memberitahu pengalaman PBSM saya. Saya menyertai PBSM secara aktif bermula dari darjah 4 sehingga Tingkatan 6 dan secara separa aktif pada dua tahun selepas tamat persekolahan. Saya memegang pengerusi PBSM sekolah selama 2 tahun (pada Tingkatan 4 dan 5) dan telah mengambil ujian lencana Pertolongan Cemas semasa Tingkatan 5. Secara tidak formal, saya bersama beberapa rakan telah dinaikkan pangkat dan saya berpangkat "Sarjan". 

Pakaian lengkap uniform Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah -GDI

Saya lebih mendalami aktiviti PBSM bermulanya selepas memasuki Tingkatan 1 dan mula mempelajari ilmu pertolongan cemas dan giat menjalankan aktiviti untuk PBSM. Untuk sekolah saya, PBSM-lah merupakan persatuan paling lemah dalam pertandingan kawad kaki dan sering dipandang hina oleh lain-lain ahli dari persatuan masing-masing. Walaupun setiap kali pendaftaran bermula, seramai beratusan orang menyertai PBSM tetapi pada perjumpaan, hanya 50 orang yang hadir secara aktif.

Setiap kali perjumpaan, guru penasihat kami akan mengingati kami, pentingnya peranan PBSM - sama penting dengan lain-lain persatuan yang sedia ada. Kami juga diminta untuk jangan memberi pandangan yang sama dengan PBSM dan St. John Ambulans. Guru penasihat kami merupakan seorang yang sentiasa bersama dengan PBSM, tidak kira apa jua keadaan. Beliau juga menyertai PBSM semasa bermula zaman di maktabnya. 

Kami akan ditegur sekiranya kami tidak memakai uniform ataupun kemeja-T PBSM dengan tidak elok, tidak lengkap ataupun tidak senonoh. Kami juga sering diberi amaran bahawa baju PBSM tidak boleh dipakai sesuka hati dan ke mana sahaja kerana sekiranya berlakunya kemalangan, si pemakai akan/perlu memberi pertolongan cemas (walaupun ilmu pertolongan cemas anda cetek atau tiada langsung). Semasa menghadiri kursus di peringkat daerah ataupun negeri, kami juga diberitahu bahawa baju PBSM juga tidak boleh dipakai sesuka hati. 

Namum, di zaman persekolahan sekarang, terdapat ramai orang tidak tahu perkara ini. Setiap hari Rabu, pelajar/murid dibenarkan memakai baju unit beruniform masing-masing (termasuk PBSM) ke sekolah. Adakah anda masih memakai baju PBSM anda ke pusat beli-belah, ke pusat tuisyen dan bersiar-siar? Anda perlu berhati-hati dan mendoakan agar tiada apa-apa kemalangan berlaku (tidak kira kemalangan maut ataupun kemalangan biasa - termasuk kemalangan terjatuh atau terkerat jari).

Disebabkan salah satu falsafah PBSM ialah memberi khidmat kemanusian, ia tidak terbatas kepada mereka yang sudah mahir atau professional dalam ilmu pertolongan cemas. Ahli biasa PBSM juga termaktub dalam falsafah ini. Cuba anda bayangkan sekiranya ahli keluarga anda mengalami kemalangan dan terdapat ahli PBSM berdekatan dan dia hanya melihat dari jauh. Apakah perasaan anda? 

Sekarang, ke mana sahaja kita akan kelihatan orang memakai baju PBSM (tidak kira uniform atau kemaja T). Kadang-kala saya juga berasa marah kerana sikap tidak bertanggungjawab mereka telah membuat mereka lupa bahawa setiap kali kita memakai uniform, kita kena mempunyai tanggungjawab yang tersediri - seperti anggota polis, anggota bomba, angkatan tentera mahupung ahli RELA atau pertahanan awam memakai uniform mereka masing-masing.

Sekiranya anda mahu memakai baju PBSM selain daripada pulang ke rumah, anda dinasihati untuk memakai satu lagi jaket ke tempat yang ingin dituju seperti anggota-anggota penguatkuasa memakainya selepas waktu berkerja. 

Satu nasihat umum daripada
Bekas Pengerusi Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah
SLY-131, Tahun 2003-2004.

The End of My AINO

My Sony Ericsson Aino has went crazy back two months ago. My plan to replace that phone was postponed until further time when phone prices starting to go down, cheap enough for me to buy. Bad news is I can't afford to get an Iphone 4 (or maybe I can if I sign-up by using the plan package). Let's see when the time goes on!

My Aino has been crazy by reshuffled all my contacts by its own, especially the contact numbers. If using my mobile experience that I had before, it might be due to the software of the phone had gone haywire. 

Before this happened, around a month ago, there was a little malfunction happened. My pictures which was taken prior the beginning of having the phone until that day, has all erased out without reasons.

Although I like my phone and keep it nicely in a pouch, it doesn't make it damaged internally. I hope that I can get a better phone and will not going the same problem as this Aino. Hmmm... My favourite now is Nokia N8 which looks like Aino and full touch screen too. I will set it as part of phones that I can choose with.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Salam Aidiladha

Beberapa hari lepas, rakan-rakan yang beragama Islam menyambut Hari Raya AidilAdha ataupun Hari Raya Korban (Qurban). Mereka akan mengorbankan lembu atau kambing atau apa jua haiwan ternakan untuk diberikan kepada mereka yang miskin dan daif.

Penduduk kampung sedang mengorbankan seekor lembu -GDI.

Walaupun saya tidak mengeri apa yang disebalik pengorbanan itu (kerana saya hanya tahu pada musim Aidiladha, umat Islam akan ke Mekah untuk menunaikan haji) dan ingin mengetahui lebih banyak dan secara dekat. Malangnya, peluang itu tidak lagi dapat ditunaikan kerana saya tiada kawan-kawan berbangsa Melayu.

Di laman sesawang, banyak topik berbincangkan dengan daging lembu yang diagihkan digunakan untuk tujuan masakan, terutamanya rendang daging. Beberapa tempat di luar kawasan perumahan saya, terdapat beberapa gerai di tepi jalan masih lagi menjual ketupat dan lemang, walaupun Hari Raya Aidilfitri telah berlalu kira-kira sebulan lalu.

Saya sememangnya ingin mencuba lemang panas dan ketupat, bersama-sama dengan rendang ayam dan rendang daging. Olek kerana satu-satunya motosikal di rumah dipakai oleh adik pemalas saya untuk merauau-rayau, hasrat untuk membelinya tidak menjadi-jadi.

Tidak lupa juga, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya AidilAdha (walaupun terlambat) dengan hati yang ikhlas. Maaf zahir dan batin [Oops!] Macam Hari Raya Aidilfitri pula. Semoga Allah memberkati Malaysia dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

Salam 1Malaysia.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quadruple 7s

Before that was 6666, now is 7777. My favourite number is 7. I also like it the most if I have the opportunity to create any thing using the number 7. My blog's counter had reached 7777. Is it lucky - like playing at the casino? Or just another passerby? However, I would like to thanks all visitors for visiting my blog allowing the counter to turn into 7777 and ongoing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

300 posts and ongoing, with my 1st follower

This is the 301st posts after 7 months of writing. Much of the resources in this blog may or not be useful, unlike other blogs with things to attract visitors. I'm not a freelance photographers, not a good in other things as well. To achieve on my own goal is always the best because I am simply who I am and doesn't wish to copy any body's style in order of my blog's survival.

Although, you might think that my blog is a private portal of myself and a place for me to release my stress - you just get it have right. Besides as my portal and place to release stress, this blog of my also function as my memories through out this year - as I had short memory. I also used my blog to post every latest logo that I made into it, to allow other users know that I was the creator of certain logo and shared it on the net - even if copyright issues come to my doorsteps.

Nevertheless. my blog also a platform for me to complain almost everything, INCLUDING the government's policies. Even if I did it lesser, it doesn't means that I am already happy with the progress on things that I had complaint. Some of my posts might ends my life in Internal Security Act, I am daring person who always put the truth to everyone - all around the nation and all around the world.

As for now, I am also happy that Danial Fahmi had just became my 1st follower since I had started blogging. Many people out there always asked me to follow their blog and as exchange they will follow mine. However, every time I done it, no one will follow me back in return. I would like to thank Danial for becoming my 1st and only follower. You add will make me happy enough, to stay on with my blog.

Mock logo of Cena/Nexus

Since Cena will be either free from Nexus or fire from WWE, I made up this logo for him. Much of the colors of CEXA uses the color of Cenation (font: Aachen) were purple and yellow, so the logo of Nexus also retaining the originality and adjust the border of the Nexus logo with CEXA logo.

P/S: This logo can be seen every time when you watch WWE RAW, and sometimes with a "NO" sign on the Nexus logo. This is only a mock logo, and was not a part of WWE.

WWE Old School should be held once a year

After the night of prestigious of WWE RAW Old School with many of WWF/E former talents, legends and hall of famers returned for one night only - even titantron, ring, and everything surrounding the arena were old school. Not to mention, Michael Cole wasn't an old school (during the show).

As WWE fan, I hope that WWE Old School can be held once a year, to honor all past wrestlers for bringing WWE into fame and giving entertainment to the fans. In that way, we also can feel all the feel of old school which no one can experienced before. Of course, not to mention is without having pay even a single cent to watch WWE Classic on Demand.

Once a year, around Thanksgiving will give all the fans the trill to see it. Hopefully with great storylines as well. In commentator part, we also hope that Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler will fill in to call all the matches too. Without any doubt, both JR and King are the voices of World Wrestling Entertainment.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Ol' JR returned to RAW for WWE Old School

For those who had watched Monday Night RAW last night (in Malaysia), you can see WWE Hall of Famer, Jim Ross returned to RAW after he was drafted to Smackdown about 2 years ago and left commentator desk for 1 year and 1 month.

As he was introduced by another WWE Hall of Famer Howard Finkel, Michael Cole started to questioned Jerry "The King" Lawler, "Why is he doing here? This is my show." Jerry "The King" Lawler was happy to see his old friend returning to the commentator desk and both King with JR gave their best to call on the match between Daniel Bryan and Jack Swagger.

Unlike Michael Cole, (even though he is on-screen turned heel) he keep his biases toward certain superstars or NXT rookies. Jim Ross justified both superstars without putting bias attacks when he was calling a match. Michael Cole was ignored by JR during the whole match and he even went to nap, to hope the match will end when he awakes.

When the match was over, Michael "shooing" JR away but JR refused to move. Off a sudden, Ted Dibiase Jr. attacked Daniel Bryan. Justin Roberts formally gave thanks to JR and JR stood up, removed his cowboy hat and swatted Cole with it before leaving.

In JR's Twitter post did stated that he was happy to return as commentator along with King. He also hope to get another shoot next time.

Nuffnang - pemusing kepalaku

Kepalaku mula berpusing-pusing disebabkan penambahan widget Nuffnang MY ke dalam blog saya. Walaupun nampak senang, tetapi kesemua widget membuatkan kesemua kod HTML dan kepada blog saya menjadi kelam kabut.

Saya telah pun mengikut segala arahan dari Nuffnang tetapi kesemua itu mencapai kegagalan. Kepala blog saya jatuh 5 pixel kebawah dari tempat asalnya. Malahan, selepas kesemua widget dimasukkan, saya diminta untuk menutup tingkap browser saya dan membukanya semula selepas itu untuk membenarkan iklan-iklan Nuffnang disegarkan.

Malangnya, saya menampakkannya sebagai satu kegagalan besar dalam sejarah blogging saya dan berasa dukacita terhadap kepala blog saya jatuh 5 pixel, disebabkan kepala blog saya direka khas dan bukannya berserta dengan masukkan menggunakan kod HTML. Kepala blog saya dimasukkan melalui widget Blogger untuk memberi susunan yang tepat pada blog.

Walau bagaimanapun, saya telah berjaya menyusun sendiri kesemua kod HTML Nuffang ke dalam blog saya dengan mengambil beberapa langkah yang mudah untuk menjayakannya. Diharapkan pengiklanan ini dapat memberikan saya sedikit wang poket untuk digunakan.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thanks for your greetings! Part 3

From Brandon (via FB): Hey Bro happy birthday ^^

From Yvonne (via FB): via Birthday Reminder [T.T]

From Eric (via FB): happy birthday......(;

From Ryu Eshley (via FB): via Birthday Reminder [T.T]

From Ray Chan (via FB): happy birthday to u~

From Lau Beng (via FB): hey happy birthday! all the best :)

From Jeffro Ong (via FB): happy birthday! :D

From Rachel Hor (via FB): hapi bufday XDDD

Thanks for your greetings!

I would like to thank everyone to greet me during this hour. Even though, there were just a few people who greeted me "Happy Birthday" but I am satisfied enough with it.

For the bottom of my heart, I am glad to add all of you to be my friends. I don't mind whether you simply added me or else, but nevertheless, I treat everyone equally - except for my buddy, Rex.

I will continue to post these greetings into my blog, sometime after 4p.m. tomorrow - to collect more from Facebook.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My 23rd Birthday

Around half an hour later, I am celebrating my 23rd birthday. It is my 2nd year in a row that I am celebrating my birthday alone. Differences between last year and this year is, I can't eat cakes, red eggs and etc.

After being betrayed by my very own friends and comrades, also at the same time, I lost my job as well. However, by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I managed to stand up again and face my own future.

This year's birthday wishes like a bunch of things that I wanted to do. Get my licence and many many more. I know I can force myself to do all things in one year and I know God will watch over me and plan all things according to His timing.

Because I can't eat cakes or egg or anything, I snapped a photo of my own and photoshop it by putting a cup cake on my palm (as you can see from my picture). So sad, still need to wait for 2 months and a week more, then I can eat everything.

Aung San Suu Kyi: I believe in human rights

Aung San Suu Kyi receives flowers over the fence of her house and waves to her supporters as she is set free. -EPA

Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, freed from seven years of house arrest, told thousands of wildly cheering supporters Sunday that she would continue to fight for human rights and the rule of law in the military-ruled nation.
She spoke to about 5,000 people who crowded around the dilapidated headquarters of her political party, the first stop for the Nobel Peace Prize laureate after leaving the lakeside residence that had been her prison.

"I believe in human rights and I believe in the rule of law. I will always fight for these things," she said. "I want to work with all democratic forces and I need the support of the people."

Suu Kyi earlier slipped into the small compound of her National League for Democracy as people shouted "We love Suu" amid thunderous applause.

Inside, she met with diplomats and was later scheduled to talk with the media, attend the funeral of a close friend and pay a customary visit to the city's sacred Shwedagon pagoda.

"This is an unconditional release. No restrictions are placed on her," her lawyer Nyan Win said.

There was speculation whether she would use her newfound freedom to challenge the ruling military head-on, or be more conciliatory.

In her speech, she did not sound a strident note, speaking about working toward national reconciliation and saying she bore no grudge against those who had held her in detention for more than 15 of the last 21 years.

She thanked her well-wishers and asked them to pray for those still imprisoned by the regime. Human rights groups say the junta hold more than 2,200 political prisoners.

In her first public appearance Saturday evening, Suu Kyi indicated she would continue with her political activity but did not specify whether she would challenge the military with mass rallies and other activities that led to her earlier detentions.

"We have a lot of things to do," said Suu Kyi, the 65-year-old charismatic and relentlessly outspoken woman who has come to symbolize the struggle for democracy in the isolated and secretive nation once known as Burma. The country has been ruled by the military since 1962.

But while her release thrilled her supporters — and also clearly thrilled her — it came just days after an election that was swept by the ruling junta's proxy political party and decried by Western nations as a sham designed to perpetuate authoritarian control.

Many observers have questioned whether it was timed by the junta to distract the world's attention from the election. It is also unlikely that the ruling generals will allow Suu Kyi, who drew huge crowds of supporters during her few periods of freedom, to actively and publicly pursue her goal of bringing democracy to Myanmar.

While welcoming the release, European Commissioner Jose Manuel Barroso urged that no restrictions be placed on her.

"It is now crucial that Aung San Suu Kyi has unrestricted freedom of movement and speech and can participate fully in her country's political process," he said.

President Barack Obama called Suu Kyi "a hero of mine."

"Whether Aung San Suu Kyi is living in the prison of her house, or the prison of her country, does not change the fact that she, and the political opposition she represents, has been systematically silenced, incarcerated, and deprived of any opportunity to engage in political processes," he said in a statement.

Others in Myanmar hailed Suu Kyi as the only one who might unite the poor, isolated country.

"She's our country's hero," said Tin Tin Yu, a 20-year-old university student, standing near the house later Saturday night. "Our election was a sham. Everyone knows it, but they have guns so what can we do? She's the only one who can make our country a democracy."

Critics say the Nov. 7 elections were manipulated to give the pro-military party a sweeping victory.

Myanmar's last elections in 1990 were won overwhelmingly by her National League for Democracy, but the military refused to hand over power and instead clamped down on opponents.

Suu Kyi was convicted last year of violating the terms of her previous detention by briefly sheltering an American man who swam uninvited to her lakeside home, extending a period of continuous detention that began in 2003 after her motorcade was ambushed in northern Myanmar by a government-backed mob.

Suu Kyi took up the democracy struggle in 1988, as mass demonstrations were breaking out against 25 years of military rule. She was quickly thrust into a leadership role, mainly because she was the daughter of Aung San, who led Myanmar to independence from Britain before his assassination by political rivals.

She rode out the military's bloody suppression of street demonstrations to help found the NLD. Her defiance gained her fame and honor, most notably the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1989, she was detained on national security charges and put under house arrest. Out of the last 21 years, she has been jailed or under house arrest for more than 15.

Suu Kyi's freedom had been a key demand of Western nations and groups critical of the military regime's poor human rights record, which includes the continued detention of some 2,200 political prisoners and brutal military campaigns against ethnic minorities. The military government, seeking to burnish its international image, had responded previously by offering to talk with her, only to later shy away from serious negotiations.

Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said the Republic welcomes the release of Myanmar's pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest.

It said her release is a positive step for Myanmar.

The ministry said Singapore, together with ASEAN, have consistently called on Myanmar to release Suu Kyi and engage in a meaningful dialogue with her and all political groups, in an open and inclusive process of national reconciliation.

It said this will lay the foundation for the country's long-term political stability and development.

The ministry also urges all parties to make a new beginning and work together for the good of the country and region.

Indonesia said the release of Myanmar's democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi was a "positive step" towards national reconciliation in the country, an official said Sunday.

"Her release was a positive step towards national reconciliation in Myanmar, that's the president's (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) statement," presidential spokesman for international affairs Teuku Faizasyah told AFP.

"We welcome the decision to release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and we strongly hope her release will generate national reconciliation in Myanmar," he added.

The 65-year-old dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner walked free Saturday after seven years of house arrest, calling on a sea of jubilant supporters to unite in the face of repression by the country's military rulers.

Indonesia has embraced democracy since the fall of military strongman Suharto in 1998.

The Myanmar community in Malaysia is overjoyed with the release of pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, but they expressed scepticism over the sincerity of the military junta.

"Our people need her, the whole country needs her," National League for Democracy (Liberated Area) Malaysia spokesman Bobo Myint said yesterday.

He added that the community was gathering its members for a special meeting today at their office in Taman Puchong Intan here.

"We are very happy and welcome the announcement of her release," he said during a phone interview yesterday.

He said the movement had almost 10,000 members in Malaysia.

Student activist Tony was happy but sceptical about the junta's intention in releasing Suu Kyi.

"I think there must be some economic incentive or international political gains that have not been revealed yet.

"Maybe the junta sees this as a way to end economic sanctions or improve engagement with the international community," he said.

He said the military rulers could overturn the release anytime.

"They must be very confident that she will not mobilise the public or threaten security. They can still use several laws to detain her again if they feel threatened."

For blogger and former student leader Moe who has been living in Malaysia for the last decade, the release of Suu Kyi brought a ray of hope for him and his countrymen.

"She is the one who can create dialogue between the pro-democratic activists and the junta."

He was optimistic that Suu Kyi could mobilise the different factions in the country as well as outside to work towards democracy.

Moe, who formed the Burma Refugee Organisation here, said he hoped this would encourage the international community to take more action to help Myanmar refugees worldwide.

A refugee who only wanted to be known as Wayne, said the release of Suu Kyi made no difference to him and his family as he did not think that the junta would allow her to work towards reconciliation bet ween the central government and ethnic states.

"I don't think we will be able to go home any time soon."

Malaysia alongside with other Asean countries had been consistent in calling for her release.

"Malaysia firmly believes that the unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi will contribute significantly towards Mynamar's efforts in its national reconciliation process, which could pave the way for stability, peace and prosperity in the country," it said in a Bernama report.

It said Malaysia was of the view that the international community should look into providing aid and assistance to Myanmar to encourage Myanmar to develop its capacity to implement the country's "Road Map to Democracy".

Sources from: BERNAMA (MY), Malaysian Digest (MY), The Telegraph (UK), MSN News (US), The Star (MY), Channel News Asia (SG).

Sweet dream once more with my blanket

A week ago, when I started to recovered from chicken pox, I cleaned up my room and changed all my bed sheets. I also asked my mother to sent the blanket to the laundromat to wash that blanket.

I have to use a thinner blanket and unable to turn on the air-cond because of the thinner blanket. By the way, the blanket that I'd sent to laundromat was a thinner one.

Picture: Linus with his blue blanket in Peanut/Snoopy.

I need to wait for the whole one week, in order to get back that blanket. In addition, we are going to have monsoon season very soon.

After I got back my blanket, I used it during last night's sleep. I feel better to have back my own blanket. Once more, I can have a nice, sweet dreams again.

Finlay and Goldust appeared on Smackdown Nov 12, 2010

If you watched Smackdown on November 12, 2010, you will noticed that during Lumberjack Match between Nexus' David Otunga and Edge, two notable person can be found in the lumberjack.

First of all was Dave Finlay. Finlay has been to semi-retired, became trainer and one of the producers for Smackdown. For past 7 months, he only appeared on dark matches an wrestled in house. Never thought that he appeared on televised event.

Another wrestler was Goldust. He was part of RAW after drafted in March/April 2010. Even he is a pro to NXT Diva Rookie - Aksana, it was surprising to see him on Smackdown's main event.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What goes around, comes around

Let's start with DiGi. Few days ago, I was complaining about the broadband line keep disconnecting. Yesterday, I even put it on Twitter. The best thing was they replied me and giving me tips to improve my broadband from disconnecting by set my broadband network from WCDMA Preferred to WCDMA Only.

Good news was the line did got disconnected (less than 5 times after I'd changed the setting) and I can use my broadband all night long.

Today, the things again disconnected. Until now, it has been the 8th time of the day that the broadband got disconnected. This time, I called up DiGi and talked about my complain. According to one of their operators, I supposed to use WCDMA Only because my place has no 3G line. Later on, she asked me to hold up the phone and checked whether there is any technical difficulties - which there was one near Proton Edar of my place.

After that, I went to check my blog. On the counter of my blog, it appeared a familiar number, the Satanic number of '666' but with a zero behind it. Whether or not Satan was nearby or else, no one knows. I can only ask God to bless the whole house and protect myself from the harm of Satan. Maybe the Satan has his plan to destroy me one more to tempt me to stay away from God.

Loss weight

I losses weight after I got chicken pox. It was contributed due to my eatings has been scale down, especially things I like the most. Since I had chicken pox, I only can enjoy plain foods, rooster chicken and light soy sauce after I was recovered (when I had no more blisters).

I started to realised my weight lost, when I started to return to work. The pants that I wore was loose until I might dropped anything if I was running or doing any extreme things. As a teacher, interacting with students is important. I play along with my students very often during lunch time.

Even my lunch also had only bread with BBQ pork meat and plain nasi lemak with luncheon or bread with blueberry jam/butter.

Yesterday night, I took out the scale and scale for my weight. IT WAS 60KG. My previous weight was 65kg. Wow! I lose 5 kg but because of chicken pox. But I am happy with my current weight as I tried to lose weight as well. Happy to see the result too.

New logo update: WWE Velocity

This is my first time to make WWE Velocity logo using Fireworks. The green stripes and the 'V' logo were totally a disaster for me to make, even though this current version wasn't as same as WWE version.

However I already tried my best. Even the word "Velocity" too. Due to lack of preview of the logo in the internet, I can't assure what was the correct way to make the word out from a small, little picture.

Pertandingan mencipta logo

Baru-baru ini, Vectorise.net mengadakan pertandingan mencipta logo untuk laman webnya (dan laman forum). Pemenang akan menerima RM200 dan logo akan menjadi hak cipta mereka.

Tujuan saya meletakkan logo ini di laman blog saya adalah untuk meminta pandangan orang ramai sebelum saya menyerahkan salinan logo ke laman web tersebut.

Logo sebegini memang nampak semudah membina ayat. Akan tetapi, logo untuk sesuatu laman web tidak memerlukan komplikasi. Warna pula menggunakan warna asas RGB dan menambahkan 'gradient' untuk nampak lebih kemas.

Font logo pula menggunakan 2 jenis, iaitu ITC Conduit (yang digunakan oleh WWTBAM) dan Cibreo.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Worse broadband provider

It's been 3 months since I started to use DiGi Broadband. From the anxiousness to use "so-called" the fastest broadband provider had turned to anger and disappointment - time after time, no matter how good the line is, but still not doing as advertised.

"When it stops, only when you want to" has become a fake tagline to make more business when DiGi Broadband (including DiGi Internet for mobile) gets disconnected no matter in what conditions, time and days.

Why DiGi had disappoint me? Since I started to use DiGi Broadband, it has been disconnected for approximate over 100 times within 3 months of my usage. In one day, DiGi Broadband get disconnected by itself almost 7-10 times. When the broadband get disconnected, it will take a long time to reconnect it back online.

When it keeps occurring, I often calls DiGi to know what problems that they are having that makes the broadband gets disconnected. I even use kind words even though I was not happy with the service provided. To say, we pay money for it but we can get the best service? I've been called up DiGi Customer Service quite a few times and when I asked them, these will be their answers:-

*upgrading your account (when you reached at the middle of the month) to refresh your account's status and outstanding amount.

*broadband was meant for outdoor. To receive better reception - indoor, you need to place your computer or laptop near windows.

In the advertisement also did mention that, the line will stays until when I disconnect it. Now, the line doesn't stays and disconnect on its own. Is this the service you provide to us? DiGi, you can sue me for defamation but what you mention on the advertisement was not same as you provided to us. Even DiGi Internet also sometimes unable to connect into the net, at the same time when DiGi Broadband disconnected on its own. The worse was I can't watch Youtube using mobile anymore; thanks to DiGi Internet sucks, providing worse things to its customers.

One of my former student, also a Christian brother experienced the same thing (his location is in Petaling Jaya) and I quote: "Can I sue Digi for not saying that 'with Digi broadband, I will disconnect only when I want it to?'"

Please do as what you had mentioned in the advertisement, I am kind to let you know and called the customer service nicely. Some people might just fire out all kinds of words and I will not have the patient to see the line get disconnected over and over again. Hope you kindly take down this blog post as a note of reference.

WWE goes Old School on WWE RAW

I never noticed that WWE is having a 3-hour special for old school (or Legends) to perform on WWE RAW with the current superstars of WWE. Yes, the classic Monday Night Raw returns for one night only.

In the promo, we can see Shawn Michaels and Marty Jennetty (The Rockers) in it. According to internet sources, Shawn Michaels will not appear on RAW because he did not consider himself as an old school (even he was one of the performers during the starting of Classic Monday Night RAW - Federation Era).

In conjunction of WWE goes Old School, I made this logo which much based on Federation Era's WWF/E Superstar. I get fire-up when I made this logo, plus the Federation Era - WWE logo. Stay tune on Astro SuperSport, November 16 of WWE RAW.



WHAT: Viewers will go back in time for one night at a special start time. On Monday, November 15, WWE and USA Network will present a special edition of its hit series WWE Monday Night Raw with “WWE Raw Goes Old School.” The extraordinary live, three-hour special will celebrate the legendary Superstars that made both television and pop culture history. The show will originate from the GIANT Center in Hershey, PA and feature WWE Legends “Rowdy” Rodney Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka, The Iron Sheik, “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase, “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, and “Mean” Gene Okerlund. The three hour blast from the past will have a special start time 8 p.m. ET/ 7c.

    WWE Monday Night RAW has been a staple on cable television since its debut on USA Network in 1993 and has been the #1 weekly basic cable entertainment series since it went live in 1999. With its ever changing blend of humor, action and drama, Monday Night RAW continues to appeal to a variety of demographics generation after generation.

    WHEN: Monday, November 15, 2010
    8:00 PM – 11:00 PM ET/PT

    WHERE: USA Network

    Monday Night RAW Television Highlights:

  • RAW made its cable television premiere on January 11, 1993.
  • The first episode was taped at the Manhattan Center and aired on USA Network.
  • 33% of RAW’s viewers are female
  • Monday Night RAW is a global phenomenon that has aired original episodes from all over the world including Japan, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy and Iraq.
  • A pop culture phenomenon, RAW has been a destination for actors, athletes and musicians not only to promote projects but to enjoy ringside excitement as fans. Donald Trump, Jeremy Piven, Shaquille O’Neal, Toby Keith and Ryan Phillippe have all appeared on RAW.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brand new look

This few days, I had been thinking to change a larger layout template for my blog, so it can be justified will all those proud logo of mine to fit in the blog. Finally I got one.

I had started using this template yesterday, replacing the previous one - which I still like it but due to spacing problems, I choose a new beta template instead. I might get Nuffang for my blog - if I think there are about 20 or more visitors visit my blog each day.

As per today, this blog is still need to fit in many things and need to see if more informations can be put into 2 side layouts of the blog.

I hope that all of you may enjoy this blog and if you have opinions, please do comment. Thank you!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kad Pengenalan 'Lopek'

Malaysia menukar kad-kad pengenalan pemegang ke kad pengenalan bermikro-cip bermula pada 2005. Pada tahun 2006/2007, pemegang kad pengenalan lama wajib menukar kad mereka ke MyKad. Saya merupakan salah seorang daripada pemegang kad pengenalan lama pada masa itu.

Disebabkan kerajaan mendesak penggunaan kad pengenalan baru, saya dan ibu saya menukar kad pengenalan kami kepada kad pengenalan yang baru. Sebelum itu, kami telah pun mendengar bertapa 'lopek-nya' kad pengenalan yang baru, ada yang dapat tidak kurang sebulan pun sudah mula rosak.

Saya jarang akan menggunakan MyKad saya kecuali semasa berkerja, pendaftaran nombor telefon mudah alih, kiosk KWSP, menduduki kursus memandu atau diperiksa oleh badan-badan berkuasa. MyKad saya disimpan di dalam dompet dan dompet saya tidak pernah sekali pun dimasuki air.

Bulan demi bulan, MyKad saya mula 'mereput' di bahagian belakang kad dan bahagian depan pula, sudah mahu 'ter-kopek' keluar. Entahlah kenapa 'lopek' sangat sekiranya dibandingkan dengan kad pengenalan lama yang digunakan lebih daripada sekarang. (Kad lama: 6-7 tahun - Kad baru: 4 tahun sahaja).

Saya sudah cukup risau sekiranya saya ditahan pihak berkuasa dan mencari alasan yang tidak munasabah ke atas saya kerana mempunyai kad pengenalan yang rosak, walaupun saya mempunyai salinan kad perlantikan anggota RELA bersama saya. Maklumlah, dari Youtube pun dah menyaksikan pelbagai cara oleh pihak berkuasa untuk memperoleh rasuah atau duit kopi dengan mencari apa jua alasan untuk mendapatkannya.

Pada bulan Disember ini, saya akan menukarnya dengan yang baru. Harap tiada apa-apa yang akan berlaku ke atas saya ataupun kad pengenalan saya. Saya juga khuatir pada bulan Disember, saya tidak mempunyai masa untuk menukarnya disebabkan kerja.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Restructuring" my room

I had started to think of "restructuring" my room after I got my chicken pox. In order for me to watch YouTube using the laptop, I took out of of the bed and put it on the floor, so I could watch it while I was laying down on my bed - during the time of the chicken pox period (plus need to do my exam paper as well).

This evening, I cleaned up my room - with help of my mother of course, to changed all bedsheets, vacuum the beds and room, change my pillow (and sticky pillow) and whip all the tables. I was thinking to get all my beds, pillows to 'de-bacterialize' all the bacteria caused me to have chicken pox (although I might get it from the public transports). However, the Sun was covered by clouds recently and unable to put all the items under the sun.

I moved the main table to my bed (previously was close to the wall) to make sure I can still enjoying laying down on my bed to watch videos and observing my blog. also Facebook. Although I am suffering on my back because I can't get the chair to be on my bed anymore. So, the bed is my sitting place. Hmmm... How long can I last with this position?

WWE Smackdown got better than RAW

I've been watching Smackdown since it changed to Syfy on October. I have to admit that the B-show has improved a lot, plus with Theodore Long as the General Manager of Smackdown.

Smackdown has been improving and making it better than WWE RAW. Many new talents has emerged as potential star of WWE even though RAW also have new talents. But the impact weren't as same as Smackdown.

Furthermore, in recent WWE pay-per-view: Bragging Rights, Smackdown has proven to all of us that it wasn't merely a replacement of RAW or whatsoever but proving that they are the dominant of WWE.

RAW has General Manager, but it is silly to have a laptop as the GM - like Edge said. RAW GM should reveal himself instead of hiding. And it doesn't matter if that person is a good guy or a bad guy, make RAW once again the #1 WWE brand is his/her priority.

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