Saturday, November 20, 2010

The End of My AINO

My Sony Ericsson Aino has went crazy back two months ago. My plan to replace that phone was postponed until further time when phone prices starting to go down, cheap enough for me to buy. Bad news is I can't afford to get an Iphone 4 (or maybe I can if I sign-up by using the plan package). Let's see when the time goes on!

My Aino has been crazy by reshuffled all my contacts by its own, especially the contact numbers. If using my mobile experience that I had before, it might be due to the software of the phone had gone haywire. 

Before this happened, around a month ago, there was a little malfunction happened. My pictures which was taken prior the beginning of having the phone until that day, has all erased out without reasons.

Although I like my phone and keep it nicely in a pouch, it doesn't make it damaged internally. I hope that I can get a better phone and will not going the same problem as this Aino. Hmmm... My favourite now is Nokia N8 which looks like Aino and full touch screen too. I will set it as part of phones that I can choose with.


rashid1891 said...

1600 is best ......................

rashid1891 said...

it is good picture ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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