Sunday, November 28, 2010

Initial D 2: The Movie

We are still waiting for the sequel of Initial D The Movie. According to my understanding, Jay Chou will be directing the movie, as well as starring in it. The only reprising role in the movie is Edison Chen's Ryosuke Takahasi.

Well, I am so exited to wait for the movie. I know everybody waiting for it. The release date is yet to confirmed but whether it's going to be release in 2012 still on debate. 

Jordan Chan and Shawn Yue - if you want me to choose one of it, I would rather have Shawn Yue to reprise his role. No matter how the outcome of the film, I am still going to watch the movie, because my favourite star: Jay Chou is on the movie. 

P/S: The "Initial D 2" logo above was my creation, not the official logo to the sequel film.


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