Monday, November 29, 2010

Temporary Replacement: Samsung Monte

This morning, there were dumb dumbs sent SMSes to my private number (Aino). As you all know that my Aino was damaged and unable to be use unless if call-in phone calls only. I was frustration mood because it might be my bosses who sent it. Without any delay, I confirmed with my buddy Rex that I am going to Low Yat to get a temporary phone.

[Meaning of temporary was to use it for a short period of time.]

Because of rain, I had delayed my plan to go earlier and went there at 6 and reached Times Square at 7. I went to Times Square CIMB ATM machine to get money for the phone. However, the machine had technical problem and forced me to walk to Low Yat Plaza Lower Ground floor's CIMB ATM to get my money.

Scared that it might be my ATM card problem, I prayed that that time (at Low Yat) will able to get money for a phone. Luckily I got it and went to where Rex is working.

I wanted to get Samsung Galaxy 5 at first but I wanted it to better since I will going to use it for another few months. I was also thought of what Henry commented in Facebook which make me change my mind. Then, I saw Samsung Monte (which similar with Vivaz - in shape).

Although RM100 more expensive than Galaxy 5, but I get things better than Galaxy 5. Monte has 3.2 mega pixelS camera and includes 8GB microSD. Compared to Galaxy 5, it only has 2.0 mega pixels camera and includes 2GB microSD TransFlash.

For now, the biggest problem will be: to take phone numbers from my friends again - and I will left one or two person as well. I am concern that my bosses calls me and I don't know who is it.


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