Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WWE Old School should be held once a year

After the night of prestigious of WWE RAW Old School with many of WWF/E former talents, legends and hall of famers returned for one night only - even titantron, ring, and everything surrounding the arena were old school. Not to mention, Michael Cole wasn't an old school (during the show).

As WWE fan, I hope that WWE Old School can be held once a year, to honor all past wrestlers for bringing WWE into fame and giving entertainment to the fans. In that way, we also can feel all the feel of old school which no one can experienced before. Of course, not to mention is without having pay even a single cent to watch WWE Classic on Demand.

Once a year, around Thanksgiving will give all the fans the trill to see it. Hopefully with great storylines as well. In commentator part, we also hope that Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler will fill in to call all the matches too. Without any doubt, both JR and King are the voices of World Wrestling Entertainment.


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