Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New and unimproved

The problems keep coming again and again and again. As a customer of "The Widest Coverage" in Malaysia, I got fed up and angry with DiGi Broadband.

Since my phone was damaged, broadband is my last option to go online and to do all my works, especially helping my former school to do with their alumni things on the web. To be precise, I am using my abilities in graphic designing and logo designing to create an alumni weblog for my former school.

I was told to LOOK for other alumni pages in the web in order to make the weblog that I am making to look better and different from other alumni pages. 

Even though the broadband did disconnect few nights prior of starting to make the weblog, it weren't as often as these 2 nights (last night's and tonight). Furthermore, the speed of the broadband was not even more than 200kpbs. 

What I did was, I had signed in using OCS (Online Customer Services) and the first thing I said was, "I am not pleased with the frequent disconnections of the broadband". After they checked all the things, they said, "there is no problems with our line... peak hour from 6p.m. to 2a.m." [I was thinking in my mind that, "Yeah, right! Every time when I asked about brodband, DiGi surely will have 101 reasons.]

I was also advised, if the disconnections keep going on, I need to wait about 15-20 minutes and restart my whole computer/laptop again. Again, I was thinking, "I need to do designing and I can't afford to take any time breaks for it, yet you asking me to restart the whole computer and laptop?"

Yesterday, I was having a catalog of YES 4G services. The services looks much better than any HSDPA (3G) services in Malaysia. In addition, Pastor said that Telekom Malaysia will introduce fiber optic internet broadband services [most probably, UniFi] next year. Seems like there are options for me to choose a better one. 


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