Wednesday, November 17, 2010

300 posts and ongoing, with my 1st follower

This is the 301st posts after 7 months of writing. Much of the resources in this blog may or not be useful, unlike other blogs with things to attract visitors. I'm not a freelance photographers, not a good in other things as well. To achieve on my own goal is always the best because I am simply who I am and doesn't wish to copy any body's style in order of my blog's survival.

Although, you might think that my blog is a private portal of myself and a place for me to release my stress - you just get it have right. Besides as my portal and place to release stress, this blog of my also function as my memories through out this year - as I had short memory. I also used my blog to post every latest logo that I made into it, to allow other users know that I was the creator of certain logo and shared it on the net - even if copyright issues come to my doorsteps.

Nevertheless. my blog also a platform for me to complain almost everything, INCLUDING the government's policies. Even if I did it lesser, it doesn't means that I am already happy with the progress on things that I had complaint. Some of my posts might ends my life in Internal Security Act, I am daring person who always put the truth to everyone - all around the nation and all around the world.

As for now, I am also happy that Danial Fahmi had just became my 1st follower since I had started blogging. Many people out there always asked me to follow their blog and as exchange they will follow mine. However, every time I done it, no one will follow me back in return. I would like to thank Danial for becoming my 1st and only follower. You add will make me happy enough, to stay on with my blog.


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