Sunday, November 21, 2010

Shining Collection

Just now I watched a yaoi, boys love Japanese animation - "Gravitation OVA". Suddenly and near the end of the OVA, there is a song which too familiar for me. A song that I heard often in certain places. I know it, it's from cybercafe all around the town, no matter where. 

This song above, Shining Gravitation - by Nittle Grasper (real band is Icemen) performed during the end of the OVA in "Tokyo Music Festival '99". 

Somehow, Super Dancer Online (SDO) and its sequal Xtreme Dancer Online (XDO) used the song as a part of its tracks. Because of SDO/XDO, the song has been made famous and no one knows that it was originated from the animation. Wondering if those players know that this song was a gay song or not? Somehow they (players) used the song for their girlfriends.

At the same time, I hope that you don't get myself wrong. I am a Japanese animations fan. I watched almost all kinds of Japanese animations including gays, lesbians, and etc. I like to watch animations, doesn't means that I going to be one of the gays in the animations (even if I hope for it).


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