Friday, March 26, 2010

Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek's MCA Election Manifesto

Well, I saw Dr. Chua's MCA Elections Manifesto on the newspaper about "The Humble Ant". I was so interested with that manifesto because it also uses God's creature to represent something (I also used grey rabbit to represent myself).

I wasn't reading it but I make it available for you all to read. Even though it is for the the MCA Election but it also useful for everybody - including you and me. No matter what ,it is a great story that reflect of our daily life.


Manifesto source from: Dr. Chua's blog - link is on the header of the post.

Granted: A room by my own

Yesterday night, after my work, I returned home with a tired body. My mother then told me that the main room which my uncle still kept it for himself, although he already moved to Ampang for almost 3 months. My uncle and my aunt kept the room shut and kept some of their properties inside the main room – mainly things that not usable to them (more accurately: were all junks)

The picture on the left was only a decoration for this post. I do not own these picture, which I got it from the net.

I had planned to decorate my own room since long time ago, back to the days when I was without a job. That plan been postponed because they just keep the room for themselves no matter they still live there or not. But I am now working and don’t have time to think of my furniture’s placing of my own room.

My uncle came yesterday and took a little bit of his belonging. Then he changed the lock and gave the key to my mother. This morning, my mom and I with my brother went into the room and took a glance of the room. I told my mother to keep all my uncle’s belonging to some place and start to use the room. But, my mother said wait until my uncle take all of his belonging first, then only will occupy the room.

At first, I told my mother to tell my another aunt (the one that gave us the hospitality) to ask my uncle to stop occupying that room and let my mother to use the room because Connie had grown up and wants to sleep with my parents. However, before the plan can be use, my uncle already has his plan to give it back to my mother. The main question is, when will he take all of his belongings, to let my mother to use the main room?

What else, I need a room of myself so badly since I moved to the house (which I currently shared a room with my brother). My late cousin’s cupboard has many nice shirts. Some can be fit and some not. Further more, I need my privacy when I have special friend come to my house to stay overnight. So, that’s why I need a room so badly (for some reason).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Donald Lim tries innovative campaign

MCA vice-presidential aspirant Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai is drawing inspiration from high-flying Manchester United in his election campaign.

His campaign flyers feature a symbol similar to that of the Red Devils’ crest. He calls it the Selangor United logo.

“I hope leaders from Selangor will be united,” he said in an interview.

The logo, in red and yellow, also represent the colours of the Selangor flag, added Lim, a big fan of the Manchester United football club.

Lim is focusing his attention on Selangor because he said the state was very important to Barisan Nasional. “MCA suffered a huge setback by losing many of our state and parliamentary seats in the general election.

“So, we need all Selangor leaders to be united to reclaim those seats in the next general election,” he said.

Like the Manchester United footballers, Lim’s staff in the Petaling Jaya Selatan MCA office are also fast on their feet.

They have printed 3,000 copies of the “Selangor United” flyers and started distributing them to Selangor delegates since Monday.

Petaling Jaya Selatan MCA member Ong Soon Siau, who is also Lim’s personal assistant, said the team had printed another 3,000 copies of flyers in a different design for distribution to delegates nationwide.

(The picture above was a sourced picture from The Star Publications)
Going all out: Lim’s staff putting flyers into envelopes in Petaling Jaya yesterday.

Source from:

Viruses are spreading everywhere

Recently many viruses are spreading – almost everywhere. Influenza A, H1N1 struck and claimed its first victim last month. It was so sudden that Influenza A, H1N1 returned for (don’t know how many waves) these past months. Furthermore, that person who had passed away (1st person who died of H1N1) already consulted doctor and not even the doctor could examine the presence of that particular influenza.

In addition of global warming and El Nino climate change, Malaysia might once again into a difficulty of draught season until this May. The government had warned its citizen to save up the usage of water, in case of the El Nino climate change continues for a longer time. On the other side, the climate change had make Malaysian (includes you, me and everybody else) facing cough, sore throat, fever, normal influenza and other normal diseases.

My mother and my cousin sister became victims of cough, influenza and fever. My mom had bad stomach back few days ago before she felt sick of those three diseases. Meanwhile, my cousin sister was very well back few days ago. After that, she also has fever, cough and influenza. She unable to sleep the whole night (2 nights ago) and caused my mother also unable to sleep well.

There is still more about the viruses’ stories. Recently, head office suffered virus invasion into the laptop used for mobile number registration. My boss had sent the laptop and repaired it into a better condition. However, when the internet plug was plugged, the viruses again infected the computer. It cause the only operation (company’s) computer is in my workplace. Head office sent their registration to us and we need to the registration for them. The laptop is under security threat and still under restoration.

  • Rumor says that NTV7’s website also been invaded by viruses. NTV7’s Twitter management posted their status on the net and blamed Google for the error (which make NTV7’s website only accessible using Internet Explorer.
  • This few weeks, we were unable to do any Hotlink registrations too. Meanwhile, these few days, Maxis couldn’t make any calls/SMSes or receive calls/SMSes.
  • RapidKL’s LRT services interruption. Most probably, the main computer infected with viruses, causes the interruption (because PUTRA LRT uses computer to control the trains).

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Earth style

Yesterday I took a picture and I edited it - by cutting the background and replace it with a grey abstract background. Then I put an Earth, 365 Earth Year logo and ntv7's "now showing" bar making it all perfect.

However, I made the picture with some effects using Picasa which had made my hair turning blue. The last thing I need to do was to put the "World Wildlife Fund" logo into my picture.

Summary of my picture:
The background that I'd put was a building on Earth, the colour grey was chose because (1) the color of the Earth is facing the end AND (2) my nickname: Little Grey Rabbit. The strong colour tones on my picture and the Earth stressed that, we, humans need the Earth so much until we can't afford to destroy it - to make it a better world. In addition, with Earth Year logo and WWF logo, I put the awareness of the Earth along with it.

"Question Mark" Quote:

RapidKL: Dahulu, kini dan selamanya

Gambar siput RapidKL ini diambil daripada blog abang sepupu saya. Gambar ini juga memberi gambaran bahawa perkhidmatan RapidKL yang tidak pernah berubah
"Mampukah RapidKL memberi perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada pengguna?" Ini adalah persoalan yang ditanya oleh semua pengguna. Perkhidmatan RapidKL menjadi semakin tidak dapat bersaing dengan perkhidmatan lain yang ada di bandar-bandar di luar negera.

Semasa permulaan RapidKL, mereka menjanjikan memberi perkhidmatan terbaik kepada penggunanya. Dengan pengguna mencecah jutaan dalam sehari, sepatutnya perkhidmatan yang diberi adalah lebih baik dari terdahulu, tetapi menjadi lebih buruk.

Baru-baru ini, setelah 2 minggu tidak menaiki perkhidmatan bas RapidKL, bas-bas RapidKL seperti telah usang 2 tahun. Kusyen tempat duduk rosak, loceng berhenti pun rosak, malah getah pada pintu telah pun longgar. Apabila saya menaiki bas U6X ke PXXXXXX pula, bas sarat dengan penumpang tetapi penghawa dingin yang rosak.

Sekiranya saya ingin menaiki bas dari Cheras untuk ke mana-mana sahaja, saya terpaksa berjalan dari perhentian 7-Evelen Damai Perdana ke hub perhentian Alam Damai-Damai Perdana. Ianya mengambil masa 15 minit untuk berjalan. Saya berjalan jauh adalah oleh kerana bus tidak akan sampai di perhentian itu ataupun terpaksa menunggu 30-45 minit untuk mendapatkan bus.

Selepas itu, pertukaran bas akan mengambil masa 15 minit untuk menunggu pemandu yang seterusnya untuk membawa penumpang ke Kuala Lumpur - jumlah masa (berjalan ke hub) 15min+15min=30min, manakala (tunggu di perhentian bas) opsyen A: 30min+15min=45min, opsyen B: 45min+15min=1jam. Pembaziran masa adalah sangat ketara.

Tambahan pula, seperti mana yang berlaku pada PUTRA LRT semalam dan apa yang dilaporkan oleh XiangCool berkenaan STAR LRT pada hari ini telah melemahkan reputasi RapidKL. Perubahan besar tidak dapat dilihat oleh para pengguna. Mengapa tidak "menyediakan payung sebelum hujan"? Manakala, pihak kerajaan memberi pelbagai peruntukan untuk menaiktaraf pengangkutan awam juga tidak dapat dilihat.

Mahukah kami sebagai pengguna untuk terus mempercayai pengangkutan utama di Kuala Lumpur itu dengan bas-bas yang sebegini? Keselesaan dan keselamatan penumpang patut diambil tempat yang terdahulu. Sekiranya tiada apa-apa berubahan, mampukan RapidKL membawa nama Kuala Lumpur yang merupakan bandar yang dikenali dunia - di mana pelancong asing juga akan menggunakan perkhidmatan RapidKL?

Little Grey Rabbit apologised to Dolphin Lyh

Dolphin Lyh is a close friend to Little Grey Rabbit. They had once been a couple. Although, they had broken up, they had maintained the friendship along with Afro Fishé, who is still Little Grey Rabbit beloved sister. Little Rabbit often tell her some of his cold jokes with her whenever he meets her or sometimes when she came to Little Rabbit’s previous hometown to visit Afro Fishé.

Because Little Rabbit left that town for good, rumours had spread all around that town. Without able to left any messages to people around that town, they also presumed the rumours were truth. Afro Fishé and Dolphin Lyh didn’t know any single thing about Little Grey Rabbit after he had left that town.

However, Little Rabbit soon contacted Afro Fishé to tell her the truth after he had settled down in new town. But Little Rabbit unable to reveal him temporarily until a time which consider suitable. Afro Fishé had forgiven Little Rabbit. Afro Fishé keep it as a secret until when the time was suitable to reveal to Dolphin Lyh.

Until one day, Dolphin Lyh had posted something on the public wall about her lost of her address key and she had changed the key. Only then, Little Rabbit without revealing himself, told her to put him into the security contact. She added Little Rabbit and he started his conversation with her. Apparently, she recognised Little Rabbit which he had denied it.

Dolphin Lyh became angry with Little Rabbit for not revealing himself to her. Little Rabbit had shared the problem with Afro Fishé. Afro Fishé also faces some problem with her sister’s elder brother which she loved before. Afro Fishé told Dolphin Lyh about it and once again, Little Rabbit confronted Dolphin Lyh and revealed the entire problem he had faced and the necessary to keep him low profile.

In the end, Little Grey Rabbit apologised to Dolphin Lyh for not telling her the truth. Little Rabbit hoped that the friendship between them can be maintained as how they were before. Dolphin Lyh accepted his apologise with an open-hearted feeling.

Little Rabbit concerned about Afro Fishé who been alone in that wicked town and asked Dolphin Lyh to forgave Afro Fishé for what she had done – for everything she had kept it from her all things about Little Rabbit was because she still care for Little Rabbit. Little Rabbit asked Dolphin Lyh to help him to take care and be with her whenever Afro Fishé needed.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kejam! Tidak prihatin! Tidak berperikemanusiaan!

Salah satu jenis vandalisme yang dilakukan oleh orang yang tidak berotak. Dengan menggunakan spray paint untuk merosakkan papan tanda jalan. Sungguh sakit hati melihat perbuatan sebegini.
Baru-baru ini, saya telah membincangkan tentang perbuatan vandalisme oleh sampah masyarakat yang tidak berguna kepada negara. Hal ini telah menimbulkan kegairahan saya terhadap mereka yang tidak serik dengan perbuatan mereke untuk merosakkan harta benda awam. Papan nama jalan yang baru itu telah bakar setelah ada pihak yang tidak berguna membakar sampah di bawah papan tanda tersebut. Amat kejam sekali. Papan nama jalan yang baru diletakkan tidak sampai sebulan telah dibakar. Walaupun papan itu masih dapat dilihat tetapi adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kami sebagai penduduk setempat untuk menjaganya.

Balai polis hanyalah lebih kurang 200 meter dari papan nama jalan. Mengapakah pihak polis tidak mengambil tindakan ke atas mereka yang melakukan vandalisme serta pembakaran terbuka? Balai tersebut mempunyai sedikit kakitangan tetapi cukup untuk memerhati keadaan setempat. Tidak semua anggota polis yang bertugas di kaunter laporan. Adakah mereka tidak menghiraukan perkara sekecil itu? Sekiranya jawapan adalah ya, maka kami, sebagai rakyat Malaysia akan hilang segala kepercayaan terhadap pihak polis.

Sementara seluruh dunia akan mengadakan "Jam Bumi" atau "Earth Hour" untuk memberi kesedaran kepada semua orang seantero dunia bahawa perubahan iklim dan pemanasan global sedang berada di tahap yang serius. Tetapi mengapakah orang yang tidak berprihatin ini terus membakar sampah secara terbuka? Adakah orang tersebut seorang yang jahil atau seorang yang bijak pada luaran tapi bodoh pada dalaman? Sungguh menyedihkan setiap kali saya melihat papan nama jalan itu semasa saya berada di perjalanan untuk pulang ke rumah setiap malam selepas berkerja.

Tambahan pula, semalam orang yang tidak berperikemanusian itu terus membakar sampah secara terbuka. Walaupun bukan di bawah papan nama jalan tetapi pembakaran terbuka juga adalah dilarang disisi undang-undang. Sekiranya, papan nama jalan itu sekali lagi dirosakkan, apabila kecemasan berlaku di kawasan berhampiran jalan itu tidak dapat dikesan kerana papan nama jalan tidak dapat dibaca atau dilihat oleh anggota keselamatan. Bagaimana jika kecemasan berlaku pada ahli keluarga kepada orang yang tidak berperikemanusiaan itu?

Saya tidak dapat membuat apa-apa buat masa ini kerana tidak dapat tahu orang yang membuatnya. Jikalau saya dapat menangkap orang itu, saya tidak akan teragak-agak untuk meluahkan kata-kata kesat terhadap orang yang bangang itu. Seterusnya saya akan membawanya ke balai polis untuk vandalisme.

Monday, March 22, 2010

2014 date to switch off traditional light bulb

PUTRAJAYA (19 March): The traditional light bulb will no longer be available by January 2014.

The Government will stop all production, import and sales of the bulbs by that date as part of efforts to save power.

Traditional light bulbs, also called incandescent light bulbs, are considered less energy-efficient and, as a result, not as environmentally-friendly as compact fluorescent lamps, fluorescent tubes and light-emitting diodes.

Power, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin, who announced this yesterday, said the move to stop the use of these bulbs would help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 732,000 tonnes a year.

“The shift to more energy-efficient bulbs will help reduce energy usage in the country by 1,074 gigawatts a year. This is 1% of the total current usage,” he told a press conference after launching his ministry-level Chinese New Year celebrations.

In money terms, Chin said the shift would save RM336mil a year in energy costs and this would allow consumers to better deal with any increase in tariffs that might occur in the future.

Chin said the phasing out of the bulb would be implemented in two phases. The first phase, from January to December next year, would involve stopping all production, import and sales of 100 watt or higher capacity bulbs.

The second phase, from January 2012 till the end of 2013, will see an end to the production, import and sales of all other light bulbs.

He said the move was in line with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s commitment to reduce carbon intensity by 40% by the year 2020 that was made during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference that was held in Copenhagen in December last year.

In a related development, the Housing and Local Government Ministry has proposed the use of LED bulbs to replace conventional light bulbs in street lamps.

Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said a 60W LED bulb gave out the same amount of light as a 250W conventional light bulb. This level of light was the minimum requirement under ministry guidelines.

Kong, who was speaking to reporters after launching the Manjung district-level Ops Cerah in Lumut on Wednesday night, said the Government could save a lot on electricity if street lamps in the entire country used LED bulbs.

Source from:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

365 Earth Year

Since I had started my pledges for Earth Hour 2010, I am also will start my pledge(s) for Earth Year. Yeah! Earth Year doesn't same with Earth Hour because Earth Hour for an hour but Earth Year for a year. I understand that I don't need to explain so much of the name, but there is some people still blur about Earth Year.

Earth Year was as same as Earth Hour. It was unveiled during last year's Earth Hour for those who wish to continue their supports toward Earth Hour. A big banner of Earth Year was hung on a building somewhere on Earth (because I don't know where exactly the place was).

This is my first pledge for Earth Year: Not going to use Facebook and Friendster for a year, starting 12am of March 21, 2010 to 12am of March 21, 2011.

However I will be still online using PR, Twitter, and Windows Live, Skype or other applications which can be convenient to everyone (NOT includes Yahoo! Messengers or MiRC).

There will be more pledges of my supports toward the Earth Year ?yet to come until the time is suitable and the condition allows me to do it. By setting good examples to the others, I really hope that they will realize the importance of it (from addicted to Facebook or Friendster) to see the world need our supports.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Who's from San Antonio, TX?

While I off from observing the Feedjit, I went to various websites before I return to it. When I return to observe, "San Antonio, Texas arrived on...". I just like "Wow! Who's from San Antonio visited my blog?"

My first person to think of was WWE Superstar, Shawn Michaels. Why? Because he also from San Antonio too. At that time also, I was listening to WWE D-Generation X's theme song.

Well, maybe I think too much already. Previously, I also had John Cena's Friendster page. I also didn't know whether it was real or what? I just added it for fun. However, if that visitor was Shawn Michaels, I might want to be his friend too because I AM HIS FANS.

Thank you, visitors!!!

First of all, I want to thank all of you - the visitors of my blog for accidentally or coincidentally visited my blog. Without you, the visitors visited my blog, it would be nothing but a junk weblog.

With motivation from few of my friends, my blog can be search in various ways. If you are using Google, you can key-in either, Daniel J.K. Lim, Daniel Jie Kang Lim, Haiiro Usagi or Tales of the Little Grey Rabbit.

In some way, my blog had also appeared in Indonesia's Sumut Pos - without my knowledge. Few recent blog posts can be found at Sumut Pos' website.

Google Blog is the easiest way to find my blog. Since I was using Feedjit, I can see people (some of the accidentally) visited my blog using Google or Google Blog. Some blogwalker visited my blog since I am now active on certain blogger's directories.

I can't say that my blog is in a nice or perfect as some people does. To me, my blog already satisfied me a lot - especially in designing the header of my blog. I will continue to write my blog until the very end. At the end, I wish to say, THANK YOU.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My pledges for Earth Hour 2010

These are my pledges for Earth Hour 2010. Eventhough I was unable to get my family and my workplace to support it, I going to do it my way.

Pledge #1:
Less usage on phone (use only during emergency) to save the electric cost from charging for 1 week until the end of Earth Hour.

Pledge #2:
No laptop usage begins 3 days before until the end of Earth Hour.

Pledge #3:
No mobile internet usage during the Earth Hour day.

Although these pledge doesn't seem to work as it was suppose to be, but with my sincere heart, I will support Earth Hour.

Supporting Earth Hour 2010

In support to the Earth Hour 2010, I made a poster (which wasn't copyrighted. WWF, please don't sue me) to let people know that I am actually supporting it. Maybe a bit of showing off, I used MJ's 'Heal the world' lyrics as the header of the poster. As you know that I made the "60 Earth Hour logo" and posted it on my blog too.

My family however still will discuss the supporting matter because Connie might scare if the lights are off. I don't know about my workplace either will support it or not too. For my blog, I might try my best to link my blog to a stand-out page which will be design soon.

This year's Earth Hour will not only aimed on 1 billion - according to the population but must be stressed by everyone about the importance of saving our earth. I will print few of the posters and paste it in my house.

You? Will you support it?

Frustrating and Stupidity: Internet Blocked

Yesterday, after I've upgraded Orbit Downloader, the Firewall suddenly popped-up and asked that whether need to block Firefox or not? (since I used Firefox as my default internet browser) The stupidest was I clicked the 'block' button (because I didn't read the whole content).

When I was unable to browse any web anymore, I went to Control Panel and uninstalled it. I reinstalled it back (with the upgraded Orbit Downloader), and thing came back to normal

Today, when I reopened my laptop, again unable to connect to the net. The last resort was I used a time machine software and returned my laptop's program to a few day before (backup) program. Only then I can continue to use Firefox.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lee Chong Wei vs. Thaksin Shinawatra

In Malaysia, Lee Chong Wei had made our country proud by winning the All-England Badminton Championship. He returned to his country with proud. His supporters, family, friends and fans greeted him after he reached the airport.

Meanwhile, Thailand hold massive demonstration (with claimed to have almost a million demonstrators) to ask for fresh elections, force the current Prime Minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva to resign and allow deposed Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra to contest in the election. The so-called "Red Shirt Demonstration" gathered since the "Yellow Shirt Demonstration" took off, following non-Thaksin afflicted government was established.

Celebrations are everywhere around the world. But what kind of celebrations you want the most? Like Lee Chong Wei's or Thaksin's? I understand that some people might say. "These had nothing to do with me." or "what they do will not give me any cash." However, we most likely will think other wise if the same thing (which happened at other countries but it happened in ours).

To: Salesmen, Saleswomen, Salesgirl, Beggars, Street Monks and etc.

To: Salesmen, Saleswomen, Salesgirl.
I am understood that everyone needs to work hard to get his/her jobs done. You all can find other people to buy your products rather to ask us (my brother and I) to buy it. We are also working too. No point to ask it from us. We also need money to survive our daily life. Go and target those earn (many) money rather to ask us (with salary plus commission, not over RM1000).

To: Fake Beggars.
Be a person with dignity. No one was born as a perfect person. Every people need money too, but you still have your hands and legs. Why won’t you ask for any jobs which can pay salary (which can afford your life)? No matter, young or old – lifetime learning will brings you a great fortune. I had seen many beggars (especially with kids) would beg and used up the money in KFC, McD or expensive restaurants. If you were the unfortunate one, ask helps from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat. There are many things you can learn and do rather to sit on a wheel chair or crawl on the road.

To: Street Monks.
Buddha did not ever asked you to beg for donation (some Thai monks too). I am not going to offence Buddhist but Buddha’s karma told that if you were to go and asked people for fake donation, your afterlife will be in Hell. Would you want to be there? Your sins will not be cleansed by meditation or by reading the Sutras.

To: Those in ‘etc.’ categories – Skim Cepat Kaya or Ramalan 4D (or what Ds).
I will not be a fool by trusting what you say. I know that there was no such thing to make money in a short period of time. Not even a millionaire can be a millionaire within a day (if only, you were the winner of ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’).

P/S: Do not make me use the hard way to get rid of these people (who come to our workplace) and disturb our business. If I did not disturb yours, you better don’t disturb mine. Time is GOLD. Don’t waste our time to listen to your ‘grandmother stories’.

Do not visit this shop (for salesmen, saleswomen, salesgirls, beggars, street monks and etc.)
18, Jalan Damai Perdana 1/9c, Bandar Damai Perdana Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur.
*If you want to buy things from us, you are always welcome.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jenayah siber membawa padah

This is another poster made by me. I also had put all the way to report any cyber crimes that happened within your range. Hope it will be useful for everyone.

P/S: I did not intend to use this poster for any competition for Cyber Security Malaysia.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hotlink what?

This Hotlink SIM card(s) was the previous design by Maxis Telecommunication. Let's guess (since I know what it is) to tell me what is this?

Its a bunch of name cards provided by my boss (using Maxis SIM cards' design). According to my boss, that some Maxis dealer also used this SIM design as name cards.

Well, I already have my name cards (provided by my workplace) and I can save up my this year's budget for name cards, which I had designed without under any organisation (used my blog title as the header - and the header's design resembled celebration design)

Community of Praise Church, Malaysia

Community of Praise Kuala Lumpur is the 1st church established by Community of Praise Baptist Church (Singapore). The church was attented by my late cousin previously.

Community of Praise Malaysia later began its own journey to expand their ministries in Malaysia, and India too. *Note: Ccmmunity of Praise Malaysia had nothing to do with Community of Praise Singapore.

This is some information from:

Our journey started in June 1996 when 4 couples met at the home of the Andersons (Ian and Wendy) to seek what God was saying to them. They met each week, continually seeking God. They eventually asked Pastor Charles Carrol from Community of Praise Baptist Church in Singapore to meet with them. He came together with Matthew Pang and agreed God was doing something in our midst, “that the Spirit was heavy upon him” and that he would seek the CPBC council approval for us to come under their covering.

After much prayer and discussion with Pastor Charles Carrol, Sunday services were started on 17th January, 1997 with 27 people in attendance at the home of the Andersons in Lingkungan U-Thant, Kuala Lumpur.

Subsequently, Ian Anderson and Peter Zimmerman were appointed the Founding Elders of Community of Praise in Malaysia. Thus Community of Praise Kuala Lumpur was “born of the flesh and of the Spirit”.

Pastor Steve of CPBC together with different pastors from CPBC traveled to KL every weekend to preach, teach, consult, train or to just encourage the enthusiastic team of early leaders. Subsequently, COP Kuala Lumpur became strong enough to stand on its own by God’s grace. CPBC’s direct involvement tapered off and finally ceased altogether.

As CoP Kuala Lumpur grew, the congregation’s needs also grew. It needed bigger premises, a full time pastor, more staff, etc. It was at this juncture, in 2000, that the church began to worship at the Methodist Centre for Women and Children in Ulu Klang. Rev Todd Nelson from Texas was recruited to lead the church as its Senior Pastor. He was ably assisted by Rev Rudy Liu and Pastor Edward Nathaniel. These three and their spouses (Jeni Nelson, Pastor Ruby Liu and Elsie Nathaniel) together with Ian and Wendy Anderson were appointed as Elders of CoP Kuala Lumpur.

In January 2002 CoP Kuala Lumpur welcomed Pastor Joel Kumar and his wife Angeline Kumar to head the Tamil Work in the Ampang area. In February 2002, Brother Paul Packianathan and his wife Sister Victoria Packianathan also joined us to assist in the Tamil Work. Pastor Joel & his family left CoP in December 2002 to look for greener pastures.

After his ordination, Rev Paul Packianathan took charge of our Tamil Work on 01.01.2003 when it became a local church named CoP Taman Wahyu.

On 01.05.2007, CoP Petaling Jaya was added to our fold.

Subsequently, in Tamil Nadu, India, two more churches were instituted – CoP Perungudi and CoP Saidapet.

Currently CoP is a church that is run solely by Malaysians and is purely supported by its members.

This is a very brief account of our origin and growth. Details will be added as they are compiled as much of the info was lost in the challenging period in December 2002.


Titanus: Titanic Malaysia?

Laporan berita ini dilaporkan oleh Karam Singh Walia daripada stesen televisyen TV3 berkenaan bermulanya kapal layar Titanus yang dibina oleh Moon Cruise.

Pembaca berita TV3 (L):
Berita seterusnya merupakan satu permulaan baru buat syarikat kapal layar terbesar di Malaysia, Syarikat Moon Cruise Malaysia Sendirian Berhad.

Pembaca berita TV3 (P):
Kapal yang dinamakan “Titanus” adalah kapal layar terbesar yang direka dalam sejarah syarikat tersebut. Titanus adalah ilham inspirasi daripada nama “Titanic” itu akan memulakan pelayaran solo pada malam ini.

Pembaca berita TV3 (L):
Rakan setugas, Karam Singh Walia sudah berada di pelabuhan untuk membuat liputan langsung untuk penonton. Silakan Karam.

Karam Singh Walia:
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, Syarikat kapal layar Malaysia, Moon Cruise diwujudkan untuk belayar dari benua ke benua. Ditubuhkan oleh bekas pengurus besar Star Cruise Singapura, dia berhasrat untuk menubuhkan syarikat kapal layar Malaysia yang pertama.

Bekas Pengurus Besar Star Cruise:
It’s been my dream to return to Malaysia and established a cruise ship company in my homeland. And the dream has been realized. However, I want to further my dream to make the largest cruise ship in Malaysia.

Karam Singh Walia:
Kapal layar terbesar yang dibina di Malaysia dan telah dimasukkan ke dalam ‘Malaysia Book of Records’ telah mengharumkan nama Malaysia. Sijil rekod disampaikan oleh wakil ‘Malaysia Book of Records’.

Pelayaran ini dilangsungkan tanpa penumpang di dalam kapal. Hanya beberapa orang ketua dan penolong kapal sahaja berada di kapal. Ini merupakan pelayaran solo bagi syarikat ini yang akan bermula dari Pelabuhan Klang dan berakhir di Calcutta, India.

Seperti mana yang saudara, saudari dapat lihat. Kapal layar itu telah pun memulakan pelayaran di Selat Melaka.

*bunyi letupan dan kamera video telah kabur buat seketika*

What the…??? Wow! This??? Bunyi letupan tadi adalah dari kapal layar ‘Titanus’. Sepertimana yang dapat dilihat, seluruh kapal itu telah kehilangan bekalan elektrik.
*bunyi dentuman kuat*

Gosh! This is Titanic.
*kamera zoom dekat ke kapal, kapal sedang retak setengah*

Sekian sahaja dari saya, Karam Singh Walia – bagaikan kapal karam ditengah laut, untuk TV3. Kembali ke studio.

Rakyat Malaysia yang bertanggungjawab?

Baru-baru ini, beberapa papan nama jalan telah digantikan dengan yang baru setelah papan yang lama telah rosak di kawasan perumahan saya. Sukar dipercayai bahawa papan nama jalan adalah petunjuk untuk memberitahu (sesiapa sahaja - anggota keselamatan dan kecemasan terutamanya) jalan yang mereka sedang lalui.

Namun, disebalik papan nama jalan yang memberitahu nama jalan menjadi mangsa kepada vandalisme. Papan nama jalan yang terdahulu (telah tiada semasa, kami sekeluarga berpindah ke Cheras) tidak dapat memastikan jalan yang kami sedang lalui (sedangkan kami telah berada di jalan yang betul). Papan nama jalan itu hanya digantikan dengan papan kayu yang dicatkan bersama nama jalan oleh penduduk setempat.

Ada beberapa papan nama jalan berdekatan yang elok sebelum ini telah dicatkan dengan cat hitam ke atas nama jalan sehinggakan nama jalan tersebut tidak dapat dilihat lagi. Ada juga yang ditampal dengan stiker Ah Long. Sepertimana yang dapat dilihat, (kawasan sekitar) papan tanda yang baru di atas, telah menjadi tempat pembuangan sampah sarap. Kadang-kala, sampah sarap ini kemudian akan dibakar oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Sekali lagi, papan nama jalan ini akan rosak.

Rakyat Malaysia yang dikatakan prihatin ini menjadi sampah masyarakat. Tidak mengira siapa atau di mana pun, papan nama (atau papan tanda) jalan akan dijadikan bahan vandalisme. Amat menyedihkan. Malaysia Truly Asia? Rasanya tidak.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Classic (with modern color tones)

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? logo which I created previously was a modern WWTBAM logo. What was the different between the two logos? The font used on the words "Who Wants To Be A" (modern logo) was Copperplate while (classic) was ITC Conduit.

I used 2 days to find ITC Conduit fonts (from Yahoo! Search) and I am quite lazy to change all of it to classic color tones of WWTBAM (because of working). I changed the Copperplate font away and put the ITC Conduit font in.

Plus, I had make the question marks shorter than the previous one, re-arrange the whole things to make it perfect.


2waytraffic is a television production company based in Netherlands. It was established in 2004 by former Endemol executives. The company had bought the rights of Celador (notably, with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? International franchise). In 2008, the company became a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Tempat paling seram di Malaysia: Sek. Keb. Kuala Ampang

Setelah mencari beberapa blog seram, SK Kuala Ampang (sekolah yang pernah dihadiri oleh saudara saya) merupakan salah satu tempat paling seram di Malaysia.

Menurut apa yang ditulis oleh penulis blog tersebut:-
Kedengaran bunyi paip tandas dibuka (air) dan kelihatan suatu bayang merupai wanita berpakaian putih berkeliaran di kawasan belakang sekolah.

Disebalik cerita itu, terdapat juga pengalaman dari beberapa orang (kawan kepada saudara saya) menceritakan tentang kisah sekolah itu :-
Kawasan sekolah (tapak) merupakan tapak hospital kepada orang Jepun (mengikut khabar angin). Pada zaman jajahan Jepun, banyak orang Jepun mati di tempat itu. Selepas itu, seluruh kawasan itu dimajukan dan dijadikan sebuah kampung baru.

Namun, ada yang mengatakan mereka terserempak dengan suatu bayangan (merupai wanita berpakaian putih) berada di mana-mana sahaja, termasuk (surau lama sekolah yang berada di belakang sekolah dan kini telah dirobohkan), kantin dan blok terakhir (bersebelahan kawasan belakang sekolah). Beberapa tandas sekolah itu telah ditutup oleh kerana kes-kes berhantu juga.

Blog for FT

Blog for FT was created by Raja Nong Chik Datuk Raja Zainal Abidin (Federal Territories Minister) on last September to encourage the people to send their postings about Federal Territories (Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya).

The blog also would enhance the government effort in highlighting good things on life in FT (as well as bad things) and to create positive internet buzz.

Chinese in Malaysia: Hokkien

There are many kinds of Chinese in Malaysia. We have Hokkien, Hakka, Hainanese, Cantonese, Mandarin and few more which even also don't know much. I don't care much about these anyway since we are now 1Malaysia. If people asked me whether I'm Hakka or what, I will just answer them that I am a Chinese.

To say, I wasn't so satisfied with the Chinese cultures. Malaysian Chinese weren't not ready to accept any facts at all. Since, Chinese people had stressed strongly on Chinese education (and Mandarin) but why would they still want to have dialects to be used in some terms (e.g. Chap Goh Mei). Sorry to Hokkien Chinese.

If Chinese preferred Mandarin, then let it be. Dialects will be just a language between family members and shouldn't bring it to the main streams (press, media, educations and etc.) In the news (especially TV3) always referred Chinese as masyarakat Tiong Hua?which opposed with masyarakat kaum Cina?(or simplified as masyarakat Cina?

Even Taiwan practices Mandarin as their national language and Hokkien language became mother language. Chinese in Malaysia needs to take a further step in order to make Chinese to be united. As for now, much Chinese people in Malaysia only take to people who had the same dialects. Even thought it was their roots but it will not bring us any improvement (in matters of getting unite).

Television stations (NTV7 and 8TV) always broadcast some Taiwanese series. In all series I had watched, I only watched Come back, my children? I can't understand any of the dialogs at all. I only could ask my mother for the translation, but my mother also cannot understand fully (the dialogs) too.

No one can be sure to tell that Hokkien is the majority of all Chinese people in Malaysia. If the Chinese wants to make all Chinese to be united, these are my suggestion:-
(1) Don't just broadcast Hokkien-language drama only, or
(2) If want to stress on Mandarin, then broadcast Mandarin-language drama,
(3) Abolish the use of Hokkien terms into the main streams, and
(4) Change the all the Hokkien terms back to the Mandarin terms.

End of Chinese New Year

During the afternoon, my mother woke me up because my mother wants to eat dim sum. We walked to the kopitiam (restaurant) to eat dimsum under a hot weather. At the kopitiam, we sat outside (parking lot area) and the fan wasn't spinning. The fan was on but it faced towards the middle area.

Later, my mother went to 99 Supermart after telco shop was closed. In the mart, we bought 2 big bottles of cola and my mother wants to boil it with lemon and few slices of ginger, which people think it works as medicine for cough and influenza (not influenza A H1N1).

After that, we went to the shoplots (opposite the Chinese primary school) to see whether the DiGi shop over there was opened or closed? Apparently, the shop was nearly closed. Then, we went to Pustaka Rakyat to buy a document box to put all my father抯 cooking recipes.

When we reached home, we were sweaty. While, I took some rest to prepared myself (to start my work), I edited some of my things. I had removed some of the CNY decors outside the house and a few which were inside the house.

But in the end, I still spent much my times in the house. No doubt, I am an otaku after all. I had change my phone's wallpaper with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? + Tales of the Little Grey Rabbit within the same wallpaper.

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