Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chinese in Malaysia: Hokkien

There are many kinds of Chinese in Malaysia. We have Hokkien, Hakka, Hainanese, Cantonese, Mandarin and few more which even also don't know much. I don't care much about these anyway since we are now 1Malaysia. If people asked me whether I'm Hakka or what, I will just answer them that I am a Chinese.

To say, I wasn't so satisfied with the Chinese cultures. Malaysian Chinese weren't not ready to accept any facts at all. Since, Chinese people had stressed strongly on Chinese education (and Mandarin) but why would they still want to have dialects to be used in some terms (e.g. Chap Goh Mei). Sorry to Hokkien Chinese.

If Chinese preferred Mandarin, then let it be. Dialects will be just a language between family members and shouldn't bring it to the main streams (press, media, educations and etc.) In the news (especially TV3) always referred Chinese as masyarakat Tiong Hua?which opposed with masyarakat kaum Cina?(or simplified as masyarakat Cina?

Even Taiwan practices Mandarin as their national language and Hokkien language became mother language. Chinese in Malaysia needs to take a further step in order to make Chinese to be united. As for now, much Chinese people in Malaysia only take to people who had the same dialects. Even thought it was their roots but it will not bring us any improvement (in matters of getting unite).

Television stations (NTV7 and 8TV) always broadcast some Taiwanese series. In all series I had watched, I only watched Come back, my children? I can't understand any of the dialogs at all. I only could ask my mother for the translation, but my mother also cannot understand fully (the dialogs) too.

No one can be sure to tell that Hokkien is the majority of all Chinese people in Malaysia. If the Chinese wants to make all Chinese to be united, these are my suggestion:-
(1) Don't just broadcast Hokkien-language drama only, or
(2) If want to stress on Mandarin, then broadcast Mandarin-language drama,
(3) Abolish the use of Hokkien terms into the main streams, and
(4) Change the all the Hokkien terms back to the Mandarin terms.


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