With motivation from few of my friends, my blog can be search in various ways. If you are using Google, you can key-in either, Daniel J.K. Lim, Daniel Jie Kang Lim, Haiiro Usagi or Tales of the Little Grey Rabbit.
In some way, my blog had also appeared in Indonesia's Sumut Pos - without my knowledge. Few recent blog posts can be found at Sumut Pos' website.
Google Blog is the easiest way to find my blog. Since I was using Feedjit, I can see people (some of the accidentally) visited my blog using Google or Google Blog. Some blogwalker visited my blog since I am now active on certain blogger's directories.
I can't say that my blog is in a nice or perfect as some people does. To me, my blog already satisfied me a lot - especially in designing the header of my blog. I will continue to write my blog until the very end. At the end, I wish to say, THANK YOU.
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