Earth Year was as same as Earth Hour. It was unveiled during last year's Earth Hour for those who wish to continue their supports toward Earth Hour. A big banner of Earth Year was hung on a building somewhere on Earth (because I don't know where exactly the place was).
This is my first pledge for Earth Year: Not going to use Facebook and Friendster for a year, starting 12am of March 21, 2010 to 12am of March 21, 2011.
However I will be still online using PR, Twitter, and Windows Live, Skype or other applications which can be convenient to everyone (NOT includes Yahoo! Messengers or MiRC).
There will be more pledges of my supports toward the Earth Year ?yet to come until the time is suitable and the condition allows me to do it. By setting good examples to the others, I really hope that they will realize the importance of it (from addicted to Facebook or Friendster) to see the world need our supports.
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