Thursday, September 30, 2010

No more take-away

Yesterday, I had Hakka mee as my lunch. Behind the taste of the delicious mee, I need to sacrifices my digestive system. I was end up by suffering diarrhea starting the time after my work and I returned to my shelter home. I need to use the toilet within 2 hours once.

The picture shown was not advertising Coca-Cola or I had diarrhea after I drank Coca-Cola. I used the picture because it was funny.

I could bear myself until 3 a.m. in the morning until I went to sleep peacefully. But, my stomach playing a mind game with me especially during the time I need to work. I can resist it until I reached my shelter home and released it. Wow! It has give me a great relief. I just eat a char siew pao for my lunch and I also get hungry by the time I reached the shelter home.

I also realized I had the same case happened on myself before, which far worse than the current situation. However, this will be my last time to get take-away, and will not dare to do it anymore. I will really rather walk a distance to get my lunch and better to make sure that I will not do the same mistakes again.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Masalah perkauman menjadi-jadi

Bermulanya bulan Ramadhan, di mana rakan-rakan yang berbangsa Melayu (Islam secara keseluruhannya) akan berpuasa selama sebulan. Apa yang meyedihkan, berlakunya beberapa insiden yang sedikit sebanyak menyentuh unsur-unsur perkauman. Guru besar/pengetua menyuruh pelajar berbangsa lain untuk pulang ke negara datangnya moyang mereka, Namewee membuat rakaman lagu bervideo dan anggota polis memarahi suri rumah untuk pulang ke negara China.

Video kontroversi Namewee bermula apabila pengetua/guru besar dari dua sekolah berasingan di Malaysia menyuruh pelajar-pelajar berbangsa Cina untuk pulang ke China kerana makan semasa bulan puasa. Tidak kiralah, pelajar-pelajar tesebut makan semasa waktu rehat ataupun waktu persekolahan, seseorang guru (terutamanya seorang guru besar/pengetua) mengeluarkan kata-kata sebegitu. Saya berpendapat pengetua/guru besar itu sememangnya tiada kelayakan untuk menjawat jawatan tersebut.

Itupun guru besar/pengetua itu hanya digantung kerja buat sementara waktu sehingga pelbagai pihak, terutamanya golongan muda berbangsa Cina berasa hukuman itu tidak setimpal dengan apa yang telah dilakukan, tambahan pula menyatakan di laman Facebook: dia telah menjadi mangsa politik.

Bangsa-bangsa lain tidak pernah mahu menyentuh perkara-perkara sebegini sepertimana yang dilakukan oleh parti pembangkang atau sesetengah pihak yang mengapi-apikan masalah ini. Kami cukup faham dan memahami keadaan yang kita ada sekarang. Namun, apa yang menimpa Namewee cukup menyedihkan kerana pelbagai pihak mahukan Namewee dipenjarakan dan sebagainya. Sekiranya Namewee dipenjarakan kerana menyentuh isu-isu perkauman, Cikgu Siti juga patut diberi hukuman yang sama dan juga mereka yang terlibat.

Yang lagi menyedihkan juga, ada sesetengah pihak menggunakan agama untuk menentang sekeras-kerasnya. Tetapi adakah perkauman ada berkaitan dengan agama? Memang ada. Tidak kira apa jua agama, tiada apa-apa agama yang menyatakan sesuatu agama adalah di atas agama-agama lain. Semua agama perlu dilayan secara adil dan di dalam Kitab Injil ataupun Kital Quran, terdapat juga pelbagai bangsa tinggal di Asia Timur tetapi Allah atau Tuhan tidak menyatakan untuk bertindak secara tidak adil terhadap bangsa yang minoriti.

Polis juga patut tahu undang-undang negara, berpangkat Inspektor pun bertindak macam tiada akal fikiran. Suri rumah berbangsa Cina membuat laporan di balai polis tetapi tidak fasih dalam bahasa Melayu. Suri rumah itu diminta untuk pulang ke China kerana tidak fasih bahasa Melayu. Itu tidak kurang juga kepada Encik "Jangan cakap Omong Kosong" atau "Don't Talk S**t yang sengaja mengapi-apikan keadaan.

Adalah dikuathiri kejadian Mei 13 akan berlaku sekiranya perkara sebegini tidak dihentikan dan tiada kesaksamaan di antara kaum-kaum lain. Istilah 1Malaysia bagaikan perbualan mulut daripada menjadi pegangan hidup kita semua. Sia-sia sahaja Perdana Menteri cuba menyatukan semua kaum seperti sedia kala. Adakah anda mahukan perubahan? Mulakanya dari detik ini. Jangan melengahkan masa kerana kita sudah kesuntukan masa untuk mecapai sasaran Wawasan 2020. Jangan pula negara kita maju dan makmur tetapi rakyatnya mundur dan berbelah bahagi.

New logo update: WWE Nexus

With failure to save using CorelDraw and unable to install Illustrator CS3, I uses Macromedia MX to make this logo and only realised that WWE Nexus logo uses the same font with WrestleMania 26's XXVI writings.

This logo can be downloaded from Brands of the World and you need to register before you download it. It is due to some people downloaded it and claimed the logo on other sites. Well, we freelancers also need much energy to think and create the logo out of respect.

This logo here also is a modified version. The one on Brands of the World is the draft version. You can rearrange it in accordance to your thinkings.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Power of songs

Since I have internet to surf the web, I consistently download new songs. Maybe I wanted to update my song list in my phone but yet when I started to listen to it using my laptop, I’ll get addicted with it. The blog post which I posted today might be looks boring to you. My blog wasn’t for commercial use as other people crazy with. If you are just a great follower of mine, I’m sure that you going to read the post no matter what.

Last week, I updated ‘My Anime Collections’ list with some Japanese animations that I’d watched within this year. It’s been a long time since I updated it. I have downloaded Bleach 「アニマロッサ」Anima Rossa, 「chAngE」, 「さくらびと」Sakurabito, 「旅立つキミへ」On A Journey to You, 「Stay Beautiful」, 「Echoes」, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi II「Super Driver」, 「止マレ!」Stop!, xxxHOLiC: OVA II「風なぎ」Kazenagi, Zan Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei「林檎もぎれビーム!」Ringo Mogire Beam!, 「絶望レストラン」Zetsubou Restaurant, and some songs from Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas.

Although I started to listen to Bleach「chAngE」, I also found out that Zan Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei「林檎もぎれビーム!」Ringo Mogire Beam! also as interesting too. Then I kept listening to the song and even had an instrumental version of the song. I tried to search for Youtube for its music video but I can only get the one on Animelo Summer Live Re:Birth 2009. Utawarerumono OAV「adamant faith」, 「夢のつづき」Yume no Tsuzuki will be great to be listen when you are stress.

Yesterday I watched 8TV Nite Live. One of the segments was about Girl’s Generation gone to Universal Studio and I heard the Cadbury’s eyebrows advertisement song. I also started to search for the song and downloaded the eyebrows video into my phone. I also keep listening with the song too.

One of the weird things that I always do is to get theme songs that other people normally will not get it. I went to Television Themes site to get Family Fued theme after I play with it in Facebook. I failed to search for it but in return, I found National Geographic Theme (although it wasn’t the one we heard from television with the globe spinning). I went to Youtube, downloaded it, edited it and I get only the song for myself. I had never watched National Geographic since my house has no more ASTRO to watch.

I love to listen to many kind of music genres. That’s why it never stop me to get relaxing or even get sad because certain songs will play along with your emotions. Unlike the kids and teenagers nowadays, only admire the artists look as priority without knowing whether the song has any meaning with it. As I told Steven before, artists now only sell his/her looks rather to sing songs with meaning within the song. The power of songs is that powerful to let other people thinks quietly, to understand the meaning of life and to be self-control too.

New logo update: WWE Fatal 4 Way

Another WWE Pay-Per-View logo just made-up by me. WWE Fatal 4 Way was a pay-per-view in last June. Even though there is already a WWE Fatal 4 Way logo in Brands of the World but it wasn't nice enough for WWE Universe.

Then, I decided to make a plain WWE Fatal 4 Way. Too bad, I can't get the correct font. I merely modified it using a total different font - Enter Sandman.

Although it's too late to upload it into BotW, but at least I tried to make a logo and try out CorelDraw.

New logo update: WWE SummerSlam 2010

There you are! Finally I tried to get myself into new logo design again. It's a bit bad because I can only use CorelDraw X5 to make logo, which I wasn't good at it. My Illustrator CS3 unable to be installed and CS4 can't be open. Hope you all will forgive the first timer on CorelDraw X5.

OK! Back to the logo. Yes, it does look very simple but it is someone's interest to make logo, you know. Even though, the logo really look simple, you need to do it right. Correct fonts, correct size, correct pattern, anything must be precise. What can I do more since I am new to CorelDraw?

This logo was used in WWE PPV: SummerSlam. I also uploaded the draft version (this is improved version) to Brands of the World.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Complicating "Followers"

Today, I used all my time to figure out how to un-follow people that followed my previous blog. Although I will not going to use my previous blog, but the blog still give me a great threat especially because there is still a person following my previous blog. Like Chinese proverb says, “If you wanted to cut the grass, you must take out the root as well.”

I was shocked to see that I did followed his blog and I try to erase it. My attempts met with failure. I keep retrying and try, still unable to figure out too. Even to search from Google Search, I can’t get a proper solution.

When I figured out where was the problem (actually I signed in using Twitter but the picture on the Followers List was with a Google logo), I tried my best to sign in using another account. Again, failed! It was because the server unable to let me sign in using another account. Even with many attempts, I still can’t get the thing to un-follow.

Then, I also added the Twitter there too (un-accidentally). It caused me a big frustration and almost going to bang my laptop. I also stress over the music I was listening as well. You know? When things get irritated, you will become very frustrated with your mind keep saying, “Quick! Quick! Quick!”

However at the end, I managed to un-followed it by logging in using Google Chrome (before that I was using Mozilla Firefox). Why Google does create the “followers” such a complicated way? I managed to un-follower which used by both Google and Twitter account. Finally, I also redirected my previous blog to my current blog to assure that there will be no more complications.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

5th BookFest at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center

Today, as I wanted to go to the 5th BookFest, I woke up automatically (although were because my lips were dry and painful - ulcer on the outer middle of my bottom lip). Again, I wasted an hour time during the time I woke up and preparing myself to go out.

The hand sticker is the entrance ticket and they will give you a catalog.

I took SJ Bus to go to Maluri because there was no RapidKL buses came into the end of Damai Perdana. Furthermore when still the month of Ramadhan, I’m sure that RapidKL bus drivers will be ‘lazy’ to come in (because the time also was during the afternoon.) While the bus was on the way, there was a RapidKL bus in front of the bus while I was in it.

I was a bit scared with my clothing because for the first time I wore T-shirt with a collar (and the collar need to remain stand). Of course I reached Maluri LRT station safely before I crossed over to the Maluri Bus Terminal. Then, I took RapidKL’s B114 to KLCC. I walked a long way to the Convention Center soon after I arrived in front of Suria KLCC.

In the blur mood, I went into the Convention Center without knowing where I am going to go. But there were few people came down from the escalator carried the BookFest’s plastic bag. I even asked the security guard and as where am I supposed to go? Even when I found the place, I am still confuse and looking for Steven. I was stupid enough to send SMS to him, to tell that I had reached.

When I reached Hall 1, I found that there were people wearing the red-thingy thing on their wrists. I walked around and went back to Hall 5 which only found out that I need to pay for the entrance fee. (Well! The sign at the Hall 1 was in Chinese while the one at Hall 5 was in English). I also didn’t bring so much of money with me. I checked my wallet and I only have RM10 (all in RM1 notes). The sign of the queuing lane says that “RM2 per entrance, RM10 for season pass”. I was like. “Huh? Every time I came out and in again need to cost me RM2 per entry?” When I checked the instructions in Chinese and it says that “RM2 per day and RM10 for 9-days period.”

After I get my ticket, I went back to Hall 1 for the entrance. I started to look around while looking for Steven too. Whoa! All books are in Chinese language. No English books at all. As I went down further, I saw cashiers with many people. I didn’t realize that at the side of the cashiers, there are 2 ways (at the left and right sides). When I do, I went through and saw many electronic items (with stationeries too). I have the catalog to refer but I didn’t use it. As I went to the end of it, there you are! *English books. Yet, I still can’t find Steven.

I went and round and round… At the English department’s cashier lane’s security check, I saw Steven’s brother (finally). He said that his brother is at the English department. Again, I went and check it out. Still unable to find him, I just continue to look things around.

Around 2:10p.m. I went out of the exhibition halls and try to see if I have the luck to find him or not? What I found was Steven’s brother once more and he was about to go for his lunch. He invited me to follow along and I followed him to Suria KLCC via a shortcut. We went for McDonalds’ since I don’t have much money because I forgotten to get my money.

After the lunch, we went back inside and Steven’s brother needs to get back to work. I went to English department once more to try my luck again. Thank God! Finally, I got him. He was at the children’s department. While he was working, I keep running around (not the running to be exact). When I saw him free, I will go to him and chat with him like a spy.

Oops! A picture of Steven doing his work at the BookFeast.

As time goes on, it’s nearly time to go home. I told Steven that I need to go home and hoping that I can have another day to come again. On the way home, I checked the catalog while on RapidKL’s B103 to Bukit Bintang. Only then, I saw the MOL PayPal Digital Card. I wanted it so badly when I was taking bus of U47 before changing U46 at Maluri.

I reached home and discussed it with my mother (although my mother wanted to get water bottles and she does not agree for me to get the MOL PayPal Digital Card). But, I will get it when I can have the chance to get it soon.

Is WWE going to join the two brands into one single brand?

Back few weeks ago, we saw Bret "The Hitman" Hart awarded the Hart Dynasty with newly-designed WWE Tag Team Championship - retiring the World Heavyweight Championship and WWE Unified Tag Team Championships.

On WWE RAW 900th Episode Celebration Special, WWE Women's Champion challenged WWE Diva's Champion on WWE Nights of Champions. The titles will be unify if either one of the WWE Divas win the match on Pay-Per-View. If unified, it might be named as WWE Unified Divas/Women's Championship or only retaining one of the champion.

If this goes on, it will be WWE Championship and WWE World Heavyweight Championship's turn to be unified once more - to be Undisputed Championship. As predicted by KICK-ASS WRESTLING in Twitter, WWE most probably wanted to unifies all titles before WWE WrestleMania XXVII in Atlanta.

The question is, if all the titles will be unified, what will happened between the two brands - RAW and Smackdown? In my opinion, WWE will make it into a single brand and might only retain RAW as its sole brand to run competitively with TNA's iMPACT. However, it is too soon to say about these things. What can the WWE Universe do are, sit back and wait.

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Pines along with other restaurants demolished

THE row of 10 restaurants including The Pines in Brickfields was demolished yesterday to make way for the building of a modern bazaar, which is part of the RM35mil Little India project.

Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) contractors used two tractors to bring down the 47-year-old structure in less than an hour.

Pines Traders Action Committee chairman Aaron Wan Hay Luen said the committee had met Deputy Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk M. Saravanan two weeks ago to discuss their relocation.

All gone: The site after it is demolished.

“We have submitted our particulars to the ministry and have agreed to move to a field in Lorong Chan Ah Tong until the new site is ready,’’ said Aaron.

He said the operators decided to forgo any compensation as the ministry had agreed to provide them a bigger and conducive environment in the new building.

“It’s a sincere gesture from Saravanan and we appreciate his efforts in solving the matter,’’ he added. The restaurant operators had earlier asked for compensation of RM90,000 each to move out.

The restaurants were supposed to have been demolished on Aug 15, but they were given a reprieve until Aug 31 by Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin.

Source from: The Star Online

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spring cleaning

Today was my workplace’s spring cleaning. As usually, I selected only a few students to come during the spring cleaning. They were Simon, Pandaman, Ryhan, Marcus and Alexandra. I started to clean-up with Alexandra while waiting for the others to come (late).

From cleaning the tables, clean-up the fans, until planting plants too. The Chinese students were over-enjoyed as today I didn’t use my authority at all (unless when I was asked to do so). All of us had our time which they can’t do it normally with their teacher (during school times or even their previous school).

We went to 7-Eleven to get our drink first and rested at the park to have a chit-chat while I injected with some Bible scriptures. Then again, we went back to 7-Eleven to get drinks that the management asked me to buy and returned to my workplace.

All the money that we kept with me for the students’ “donations” was used up for lunch for the students. The treat was Pizza Hut. Too bad those who didn’t come missed the chance to eat Pizza Hut earlier than expected.

The teachers were served with Romania foods from a Romanian teacher. Although those foods were cold foods but it’s tasty. Too bad, I don’t like to eat too much for my lunch. Unexpectedly, Clifford was asked not to come, came to just become busybody. However, he did help out a little bit (can’t be compared with other students.) He also was the only one who ate much of the pizzas.

The last activity of the last day before the Hari Raya holidays, the teachers helped out with planting new plants outside Block A. Gosh! It was hot and sweaty. When I squat down to plant things, my underwear can be seen too. What can I do with it? I was doing extreme works.

[P/S: This article was written and was not been put in correct order. In addition, this article is just a summary.]

False information makes me to waste my time and walked so far

After today’s work, I took LRT to Masjid Jamek and changed to KLCC for BookFair. I did go around KLCC but I found no fair unless Hari Raya items. I started to check the internet and found out there is a fair in KLCC but not Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC); it is Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

According to the source from the net, it’s held from the 1st September (today). WHAT I HAD DONE? I walked from Petronas Twin Tower under my umbrella, half of my pants wet, my shoes totally wet and walk without shortcuts.

Most of the shortcuts were blocked due to constructions between both KLCC at the same time. So, I need to use main road to get myself there. I also mistakenly went to Mandarin Oriental Hotel too. Gosh! I’m totally confused. However, the spirit within me keeps me walking until I did eventually reach Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Another ‘lucky draw’ also was, the date of the bookfair is at the 4th September – not 1st as updated in the website. What can I do next? Walk again! Under the rain with half-wet pants and wet shoes, I walked to Bintang Walk.

My day was wasted just walking with false information. Like Chinese people used to say, “WALAO!!! I WALKED SO FAR BUT I GOT THE WRONG INFO AR?” When I was in the bus, I spent all my time to sleep. I already don’t care with the wet pants and shoes or even saliva came out from my mouth.

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