Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spring cleaning

Today was my workplace’s spring cleaning. As usually, I selected only a few students to come during the spring cleaning. They were Simon, Pandaman, Ryhan, Marcus and Alexandra. I started to clean-up with Alexandra while waiting for the others to come (late).

From cleaning the tables, clean-up the fans, until planting plants too. The Chinese students were over-enjoyed as today I didn’t use my authority at all (unless when I was asked to do so). All of us had our time which they can’t do it normally with their teacher (during school times or even their previous school).

We went to 7-Eleven to get our drink first and rested at the park to have a chit-chat while I injected with some Bible scriptures. Then again, we went back to 7-Eleven to get drinks that the management asked me to buy and returned to my workplace.

All the money that we kept with me for the students’ “donations” was used up for lunch for the students. The treat was Pizza Hut. Too bad those who didn’t come missed the chance to eat Pizza Hut earlier than expected.

The teachers were served with Romania foods from a Romanian teacher. Although those foods were cold foods but it’s tasty. Too bad, I don’t like to eat too much for my lunch. Unexpectedly, Clifford was asked not to come, came to just become busybody. However, he did help out a little bit (can’t be compared with other students.) He also was the only one who ate much of the pizzas.

The last activity of the last day before the Hari Raya holidays, the teachers helped out with planting new plants outside Block A. Gosh! It was hot and sweaty. When I squat down to plant things, my underwear can be seen too. What can I do with it? I was doing extreme works.

[P/S: This article was written and was not been put in correct order. In addition, this article is just a summary.]


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