Friday, February 26, 2010

Perpaduan atau Jahiliyah?

"Apakah hukum Jahiliyah yang mereka kehendaki dan hukum siapakah yang lebih baik dari (hukum) Allah bagi orang yang yakin..."
(Surah al-Maa’idah:50)
sumber: Wikipedia Malaysia.

Malaysia dianggap sebuah negara yang aman, damai dan harmoni sehinggakan banyak pendatang dari negara lain datang ke tanah air kita (sampai tidak mahu pulang ke negara asal dan bermastautin secara haram di negara ini). Kita sebagai rakyatnya sentiasa dipuji oleh rakyat (atau pelancong) negara lain kerana sikap mesra kami. Kami amat bangga menjadi rakyat kepada negara yang berdaulat ini. Tidak sesekali saya terfikir saya adalah lain daripada yang lain.

Adakah kesemua yang disebut tadi hanya luaran? Adakah kesemua yang disebut tadi adalah palsu? Demostrasi jalanan semakin menjadi-menjadi. Tidak kira badan kerajaan, badan bukan kerajaan, Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Rakyat dan lain-lain organisasi - mereka akan mencari apa sahaja alasan untuk mengadakan demostrasi jalanan. Ini yang dikatakan, "bersatu teguh, cerai roboh"?

Tetapi, inikah budaya kita? Membuat kecoh sini sana, memekik orang lain, memukul/mencederakan anggota-anggota keselematan semasa demostrasi jalanan. Ini cuma perasaan sesuatu kumpulan bukan keinginan (yang mewakili seluruh rakyat) negara kita. Kita mengundi calon-calon Dewan Rakyat untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan dan undang-undang negara. Sekiranya seseorang itu bertamadun, adakah demostrasi jalanan adalah cara negara kita mempertahankannya?

Satu perkataan, MEMALUKAN. Janganlah biarkan demostrasi jalanan sebagai platform untuk "bersuara" secara berleluasa lagi. Jadikan slogan 1Malaysia dan Malaysia Truly Asia sebagai satu iklan atau perkataan yang ditayang dan dicakap sahaja. Rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan, negara dipertahankan. Gunalah cara yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Semogo pihak tertentu dapat hentikan (kalau boleh, ubah tabiat) demostrasi jalanan.

CyberSecurity Malaysia

CyberSecurity Malaysia is the national cyber security specialist under the purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia (MOSTI). Their dedicated people are specialists and experts in their own fields, passionate to serve and protect the nation.

They continuously study, analyse, research and innovate to stay ahead and maintain a technological edge. They are service-oriented problem solvers with a passion for excellence, in protecting the sovereignty of our country.

A lot of Internet users do not know that there is an agency that looks after the safety of Malaysian cyberspace. Some of the things that we do are:

Running a help centre called the Cyber999TM service. We encourage organisations and individuals to consult us on cyber security incidents such as harassment and malware infections on their computers. They can do so via email to for further analysis and action by our cyber security specialists.

Advising Internet users on how to cope with cyber threats and deal with safety issues.

Provide specialised services to support the growth of digital forensics, security management & best practices and cyber security products evaluation based on international standards.

Providing an evaluation facility for third party validation on quality and reliability of Malaysian-made security products. This is important as it ensures that Malaysian products get accepted globally.

Education, training and creating awareness in the area of cyber security.

Working towards increasing the number of cyber security professionals. We run a training centre and examination centre for many international certifications.

We also develop educational content on cyber security suitable for Internet users from different age groups ranging from students, office workers to home users. We provide these downloads for free on our website or through an independent awareness Website,

The Malay Mail

The Malay Mail is a newspaper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, first published in December 1896 when KL was the capital of the then new Federated Malay States, making it the first daily to appear in the FMS.

Currently, The Malay Mail is a tabloid, promoted as "The Paper That Cares" and is linked to the broadsheet New Straits Times via Media Prima Berhad. It is an afternoon paper and has several editions.

In 2006, Media Prima unveiled plans to change the direction of the paper and has offered voluntary separation scheme to senior writers and journalists of The Malay Mail. Its former weekend edition, The Sunday Mail, published its last edition on 23 April 2006.

On 20 May 2006 the Sunday Mail was replaced with the Weekend Mail. However, on 8 November the same year, the Weekend Mail was suspended indefinitely by the Internal Security Ministry for breaching guidelines and conditions under the Printing and Presses Act 1984 (Act 301). This was because the "reports and photographs in the paper's Nov[ember] 4–5 issue focusing on sex and sexual issues were contrary to values practised by Malaysians."

A unit of media company Redberry is poised to acquire 75 per cent of the Malay Mail, one of the country's oldest newspapers, which has been struggling with continued losses despite a change of ownership.

Beware hacker, spammers and etc.

As you know this blog has been protected by the Copyright Act, 1987 & Communications and Multimedia Act, 1998.

Copyright Act, 1987
My blog contains many logo designs that were made by myself. Since I did not commercialize my logo designs, so it is my belonging. Although, I could not go and register all my logos but I do have rights. If you wish for it, you can ask from me. Unable to do so, I can bring you to the court of law for my copyright been misused or else.

Some graphic on my blog also wasn't belongs to me. I did some editing and so, it still belongs to their respective owners. Failure to ask for their permission also violated these law.

Communications and Multimedia Acts, 1998
My blog is a public blog. I did fired up on certain sensitive issues but yet, I do still control my words. Until today, no one had commented my blog. Of course I thanked God for that. If you do, make sure your comments also within the limit. If you keep bursting and your words had make other people feel uneasy, you had violated this law.

If you spam or hack my blog or anything related (i.e. Facebook, Friendster, or else), I can just report it to the CyberSecurity and they will do the rest until they can find the culprit(s).

If you have porns (either in your phone or USB or hard drive of your laptop/desktop or any things that can be store, also violate this law. Includes unsuitable pictures too.

So do not risk your ass to sit inside the jail. Be a gentleman or ladies. Don't be prisoners. You can find these 2 acts which can be found on the net.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Please forgive Mr. Toyoda

Pity Mr. Toyoda until he needs to cry and ask for forgiveness of some Aamerican citizen whom had involved in accidents (they drove a problematic Toyota cars). He had openly apologize to all people (either involved in accidents or bought Totota cars which has been withdrawn back).

This is from the web:-

Akio Toyoda apologized to the House oversight committee yesterday. Akio Toyoda is the current president of Toyota and the grandson of the founder of the world’s largest automaker. Toyoda offered an apology to the House with Yoshimi Inaba who is the company’s North American president. They too explained the defects that have caused their vehicles a huge acceleration and steering problem. Both of them humbly admitted that these short of problems are shameful and the event should not be happened. They have also described about their approaches towards the responsibilities for safety in the future.

Toyoda also admitted that the past event has definitely disturbed the companies brand value and reputation. He described the fact by saying that, all the Toyota vehicles bear his name; hence his reputation is also in threat as the cars are damaged.

Earlier Toyota was accused of some serious complains like unintended acceleration, steering tribulations etc. But the incident became worse when the company did not take necessary action to control the hazard. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that nearly 39 people have lost their lives due to unintended acceleration in Toyotas.

He wasn't the one to be blame for. As Christians (religion of America), we need to forgive people. I think they didn't learned from the Bible. It's a sin for a Christian not to forgive people. At the situation, that lady (America's ambassador) represents America. It also means that all the American (either Muslim Americans or Jewish or Christians) didn't want to forgive Mr. Toyoda dan all of them had sins against our Lord and our Father.

They didn't reflect Christian teachings, Jesus' character traits and a great nation as whole. America suppose to be a role model and need to repent for it. If not, many people would see only the bad site of the country. Why would not? In God, we trust.

Hukuman sebat adalah wajar

Baru-baru ini, beberapa orang wanita dikenakan hukuman sebat oleh Mahkamah Syariah dan telah dijatuhkan hukuman tersebut. Perkara ini telah menjadi satu bahan bantahan oleh organisasi bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan badan-badan yang lain kerana melanggar hak asasi manusia dan sebagainya. Adakah hukuman sebat sebegini adalah suatu perkara yang tidak boleh dilaksanakan?

Saya amat berpendapat bahawa hukaman sebat patut dilaksanakan dengan keras kerana ia akan memperingati mereka bahawa kesan rotan itu adalah satu pengajaran yang berat kepada mereka. Tidak kira lelaki ataupun perempuan, hukuman sebat amat berkesan pada mereka. Sepertimana pada zaman kanak-kanak saya, saya akan dirotan oleh ibu atau bapa sekiranya saya telah membuat kesalahan. Sekiranya, kesalahan yang saya lakukan itu amat berat maka hukuman saya juga akan lebih keras.

Kanak-kanak dan remaja zaman kini tidak didedahkan kepada rotan oleh ibubapa mereka kerana ini akan membawa kepada kes dera. Oleh itu, sekiranya hukuman sebat dijalankan akan memberi kesan kepada mereka untuk menginsafi kesalahan yang dilakukannya. Lebih berat kesalahan, lebih keras hukumannya. Ini bukan sesuatu yang menyalahi hak asasi manusia, tetapi kesan impak yang positif akan memberi kebaikan daripada keburukan. Mereka dapat diingatkan supaya jikalau membuat salah, hukuman akan bersiap sedia untuknya.

Dengan terlaksananya hukuman sebat secara berkesan, pra remaja akan berfikir secara waras sebelum bertindak. Mereka perlu didedahkan secara lebih ke atas undang-undang negara yang sedia ada supaya mereka dapat menabur bakti kepada negara, bukan memusnahkan negara. Yang penting, semua ini dapat memberi pengajaran untuk apa yang mereka telah lakukan.

Brand's Generasi Hebat Ads

These two preview shots were Brand's Generasi Hebat ads featuring Choo Hou Ren (not include the new ads, currently aired on TV). Well, I do like these add at first because much of the Brand's GH ambassadors were Malays. The government promoting 1Malaysia but the add has about 4-5 Malay artists and only one Chinese artist. I also was impressed because Hou Ren was the only one dancing on Juara MV.

I don't wish to criticize those Malay artists in Juara MV but even in Youtube, many members also criticize the same thing. They prefer to watch Hou Ren dancing rather those Malay artist (even myself also didn't recognised them too).

During the period before and at the time of CNY, Hou Ren and a bunch of 8TV personalities includes in 8TV's CNY MV, which also Brand's CNY MV. I am also love that MV a lot too. What to do? The song was nice, creative and energetic.

But disappointed came around, after the new Brand's ad started to on TV. Now, Hou Ren is the only one on the ad, dancing (resembled MJ's moonwalk). He spilled a bucket of paint on a white canvas and started to dance on the spilled paint which was spilled on the canvas. At the end of the ad, he used the dance move which he got from the paint art (where he spilt a bucket of paint and dance on it). I just feel it was not logical to put that kind of ad, not because I am jealous or what? My point of view only.

Facebook Mobile and Windows Live Mobile: Not friendly at all

The world is in our hands. We might not carry a laptop around but we did carry our mobile phone. With 3G/4G mobile internet, we can surf the net anytime and anywhere. It is just on our hands for real. Many mobile sites also became a massive exposure as they try to make it mobile friendly (the lesser the contents of the web, the easier we can surf into a web). A normal mobile site will be just less than 100kb. Most of it (because of Blackberry, Iphone, HTC and other touch screen phones), mobile web now is 200kb and less. Even my blog now has been reduced (its contents) into less than 200kb/view.

I have been using Facebook and Windows Live (phone application) for a period of time. I admitted that both Facebook and Windows Live has gave a huge advantages to its users. I like to use it too. In February, Facebook had changed their main page codes and mobile site codes. Whenever these changes has applied many users voiced their dissatisfaction. But Facebook keep on changing from time to time, we also don't want to just keep in our place.

However, the changes had made users inconvenient. I do like of changes but you need to review it whether is it able to support certain phones or not? Not all people can afford a touch screen phones. I am still using SE K800. I love to use that phone a lot although I like slide phones. Because of the recent Facebook log updates, my phone sometimes unable to view the mobile site and says, "Contents too large". Need to refresh more than 5 times only can be view. The friend suggestions application also had made me inconvenient too. I was unable to catch up with news feeds of my friends (because I not always on the mobile web as often as last time).

Meanwhile, Windows Live Messenger Mobile Application was by DiGi, although Maxis has its own version of it. Although DiGi's WLM Mobile upgraded once. Maybe either the line (DiGi WAP or DiGi Intenet) still not stable or the program's software not stable. Whenever I login (especially during night time), I often been ejected out from WLM Mobile. Almost everytime. I couldn't chat with anyone in WLM.

Parti Progresif Penduduk Malaysia

This party had made me remembered one of my past history. I was an unofficial member of this party - I did fill in the form but not providing other documents. I was asked to join the party by then Uncle Siva who also a member of PPP (but later became member of PKR - Keadilan). In my 2 times meeting with them (the branch committee), I was almost became the first Chinese to join and given post as Deputy Youth Wing Leader. Incredible, right? But it wasn't my will to join the party but I merely want to use that oppurtunity to give my then-youth group, the chance of survival from the battle of the group for supremacy in my ex-living area (which was united a years later). During the last elecetion, I was a supporter of PKR and I am the only one among my ex-friends that supported the oppositions.

Maxis Hotlink

Looks familiar? Yes, because it is Maxis Hotlink logo. No... no... no... Not Hotlink. It's Maxis Hotlink now. Around October last year, Maxis has rebranded Hotlink and making it into Maxis Hotlink. Although the logo don't have much difference from the one before it but if you look at the "i". Well is the Maxis Globe logo. By that globe been put into Maxis Hotlink logo, it is offically a part of Maxis although last time, Hotlink is a part of Maxis but not under the same roof as Maxis Telco.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Ini adalah logo gameshow yang terkenal di dunia. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Beza logo ini adalah kerana logo ini versi terbaru yang sedang digunakan di seluruh dunia. Walaupun Edisi Malaysia masih tidak kedengaran, namum saya tetap memperingati gameshow paling berprestij di dunia. Seperti mana yang kalian tahu, WWTBAM Edisi Malaysia meraikan ulangtahun ke-10 pada tahun ini. Satu laman peminat telah dibuat di Facebook.

Cara membuat logo ini adalah menggunakan Microsoft PowerPoint (satu cara saya menggunakan MSPP untuk membuat logo sebelum saya tahu menggunakan Photoshop, Fireworks dan Illustrator). Logo ini adalah versi dalam 2D.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 ulcers in my mouth

Adui! pedih mulut aku. There are 3 ulcers inside my mouth. Wow! Broke my personal record of 2 ulcers previously. One just at the corner of my lips, another at the lower jaw and the newest, under my tongue. Gosh! Plus, my tongue in pain and my mouth cracking. My hand became itch and peel my cracking mouth skin to cause bleeding. What to do? The weather just getting hotter but rain did fall and make the weather became cooler. In addition, I ate very much of the New Year cookies, making me to drink water quite less (although I drank soft drink, e.g. wintermelon drink, shandy and coke).

I posted the problem on Facebook. Sweetie Agnes commented to me that using aloe vera cream which can be use not only for ulcers but also cracking lips and pimples. However, I just came back from Guardian. It was written "for external use". So how to apply to my ulcers? I just leave it to recover in a natural way.

Simple blog

My blog needs to be re-arrange to assure it can be view via mobile web. Compare to my previous blog page, my blog can exceed to 300KB per view. To view via mobile web is a large content page. To save up space in the right side (in blue color), the web links has been moved to the top header links (in red color). Post view have been reduced from 7 posts to 3 posts only. However, I will try to test view via mobile and I will do it later to keep it as minimum as possible. So, I also will keep your broadband cost too, especially those using prepaid broadband like I am currently using (until I can get a postpaid broadband).

Sooner, I gonna promote my blog in R.AGE and BlogMalaysia too. What to do? Not enough publicity and cost my blog unviewed by other people.

DiGi Internet Broadband

My uncle said recently that he will subscribe a broadband so I can use temporarily. He asked me to find the best broadband to be use. In many broadband in Malaysia, I like DiGi Broadband the best. I will recommend my uncle to subcribe DiGi Broadband. I am also currently using DiGi 3G Internet. I also had created a DiGi Broadband modem for myself via Microsoft PowerPoint. I was as simple as I thought. Nice or not?

Social sites? nah!!!

All these preview are my social sites. PR, Google Buzz, Twitter, Friendster, Facebook and Blogger. To say that, I had joined almost all of the social sites of the world. However, I did make some friends in Facebook at first and started off slowly with other sites. I do think that if my ex-friends will not appreciate me, maybe there are still many people outside that will.

Facebook was the second one after PR that I use to know more people. Yes, many people leave comments on my page but slowly people forgotten me. I just think, "Aiya! Never mind. Maybe I'll try to contact them back." but in the end, none had reply my comments to them. I started to think social networks are suppose to make new friends and befriend them. From my point of view, people use it as love networking, where people find girlfriends from it.

I do agreed with Ho Yong Wai that Facebook is to reconnect friends from ex-schools. But in my stand, I had lost all my friends in my hometown. Is it possible for me to add them? They will just ignore me as usual for sure.

Twitter was the third. I used it via mobile. In the end, no one follows me but I followed many people. Blogger was a par as Facebook. My blog mainly about my life and some designing logos and some funny stories but I still can't promote my blog as people does. Why people never connect to my page?

Newly-Google Buzz. I am unable to make comments for now. It wasn't as same as Twitter or Facebook or Friendster. It uses the email application. Whenever I login into the Gmail, I also login into Buzz.

So, why would people uses social networks for something not valuable? Why now-a-day teenagers will feel miserable in love? I really don't understand this world.

My self-made icons

These all icons are made by myself
using PowerPoint (back to the old days). I am lazy to use Illustrator to made it. These icons are: - Vector Magic, Twitter, Google and Friendster.

An accurate 2010 Horoscope

This is the real deal. Try ignoring it, and the first thing you'll notice is having a horrible day starting tomorrow morning . . . and it only gets worse from there.

ARIES - The Aggressive

Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny.. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world.. 16 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

TAURUS - The Tramp

Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight. Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for the love of attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. They can be self centered and if they want something they will do anything to get it. They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth! 15 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

GEMINI - The Twin

Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good at confusing people... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminis will not take any crap from anyone. Geminis like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Geminis can be very sarcastic and childish at times and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE. 9 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

CANCER - The Beauty

MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your ass good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to! 12 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

LEO - The Lion

Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun.. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. 7 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

VIRGO - The One that Waits

Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and take chances. Needs to have the last say in everything.. They think they know everything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget. The one and only. 7 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

LIBRA - The Lame One

Nice to everyone they meet. Their love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess might end up crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithful friends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone you want on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics. Very creative. A hopeless romantic. 9 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

SCORPIO - The Addict

EXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Will try almost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic. Predictable. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want.. Attractive. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to the extreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it but just as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones. HARD workers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, the friendship will end. Romantic. Caring.. 4 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One

Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found.. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Loves deeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones with all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying. 4 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

CAPRICORN - The Passionate Lover

Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy. But when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud, understanding and sweet.
Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs especially Gemini's in sports. Likes to cook but would rather go out to eat at good restaurants.
Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart. 24 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water

Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind, loves being in long-term relationships. Can be clumsy at times but tries hard. Will take on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messy and unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when they're not sleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more than their family. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter but will Knock your lights out.. 2 years of bad luck if you do not forward

PISCES - The Partner for Life

Caring and kind. Smart. Likes to be the center of attention. Very organized. High appeal to opposite sex. Likes to have the last word. Good to find, but hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers. Fun to be around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. VERY caring. They always try to do the right thing and sometimes gets the short end of the stick. They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good sense of humor!!! Thoughtful. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good friend to other but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be. 5 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

1-3 people= 1 minute of luck
4-7 people= 1 hour of luck
8-12 people = 1 day of luck
13-17 people = 1 week of luck
18-22 people = 1 month of luck
23-27 people = 3 months of luck
28- 32 people = 7 months of luck
33-37 people = 1 year of luck
38 and more = a very lucky life!


Situation: 場景:
You are in a deep deep forest... as you walk on you saw an old hut standing there...

What is the status of the door? (Opened/closed)
這個小屋的門現在是什麼狀態?(開著 / 關著)

(2) You enter the hut and see a table... What is the shape of the table? (Round/Oval/Square/Rectangle/Triangle)
你走進屋子裡看見一張桌子、這個桌子是什麼形狀的?(圓形 / 橢圓形 / 正方形 / 長方形 / 三角形)

(3) On top of the table there is a vase... in the vase there is water. How much water is it filled up with? (Full/Half/Empty)
在桌子上有個花瓶,瓶子裡有水,有多少水在花瓶裡?(滿的 / 一半 / 空的)

(4) And what is the vase made of? (Glass/porcelain/clay) (metal/plastic/wood)
這個瓶子是由什麼材料製造的? (玻璃 / 陶瓷 / 泥土)(金屬 / 塑料 / 木頭)

(5) You walk out of the hut... as you carry on your walk in the forest... you see a waterfall from far... there is water running down...

What is the speed of the water? (Choose a number ranging from 0 to 10)
你走出屋子,繼續向森林深處前進,你看見遠處有瀑布飛流直下,請問水流的速度是多少?(你可以從 0 10 任意選一個)

(6) Some time after the waterfall... you step on something hard on the ground... as you look down... you see glistening gold in colour. You bend down and pick it up... it is a keychain chained with keys...

How many key /keys you see hanging on the keychain? (Choose a number ranging from 1 to 10)
過了一會,你走過瀑布,你站在堅硬的地面上,你看見地上有金光閃爍,你彎腰拾起來,是一個帶著鑰匙的鑰匙鏈。有多少把鑰匙拴在上面,你可以任意選一個數字(從 1 10

(7) You walk on and on... trying to find your way out...suddenly you see a castle.
What is the condition of the castle?
你繼續向前走,試著找出一條路來,突然你發現眼前有一座城堡。這個城堡是什麼樣的?(舊的 / 新的)

(8) You enter the castle and saw a pool of murky water with shining jewels floating on it...Will you pick up the jewel?   (YES/NO)
你走進城堡,看見一個游泳池,黑暗的水面上飄浮著很多閃閃發光的寶石,你會撿起這些寶石嗎?(是 / 不)

(9) Next to the murky pool... there
s another pool... with clear water and money floating on it...
Will you pick the money?
在這個黑暗的游泳池旁邊還有一座游泳池。清澈的水面上飄浮著很多枚錢幣。你會撿起這些錢幣嗎?(是 / 不) 

(10) Walking to the end of the castle there is an proceed to walk out of the castle. Outside the exit
there is big garden you see a box on the ground.

What is the size of the box? (small/medium/big)
你走到城堡的盡頭有一個出口,你繼續向前走走出了城堡。在城堡外面,你看見一座大花園,你看見地面上有一個箱子。這個箱子是多大尺寸的?(小 / / 大)  

(11) What is the material of the box? (cardboard/paper/wooden/metal)
這個箱子是什麼材料做的? (硬紙板 / / 木頭 / 金屬)

(12) There is a bridge in the garden some distance away from the box
What is the bridge made of?
花園裡還有一座橋就在離著箱子的不遠處。橋是什麼材料建造的?(金屬 / 木頭 / 籐條)

(13) Across the bridge there is a horse. What is the colour of the horse? (white/grey/brown/black)
走過這座橋,有一匹馬。馬是什麼顏色的?(白色 / 灰色 / 褐色 / 黑色)

(14) What is the horse doing? (still and quiet/nibbling grass/running about)
馬正在做什麼?(安靜地站著 / 吃草 / 在附近奔跑)

OH NO!!! There is a tornado coming... some distance from the horse. You have 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse
ride on and gallop away?
1 ) 跑過去藏在箱子裡?
2 ) 跑過去藏在橋底下?
3 ) 跑過去騎馬離開?

Here are the interpretations:

(1) The door:
opened door - you are a person who is willing to share
closed door - you are a person who is keeping things to yourself

(2) The table:
Round/oval - any friends that came along
you will accept and trust them completely
圓形 / 橢圓形—總有一些朋友陪伴著你,你完全地信任並接受他們。
Square/rectangle - you are a bit more choosy on friends and only hang out with those whom you think are on the same frequency
正方形 / 長方形—你在交朋友的時候有點挑剔,你只是和那些你認為比較熟悉的朋友有一些來往。
Triangle - you are really very very picky about friends and there are not many friends in your life.

(3) Water in vase:
Empty - your life is not fulfilled
Half filled - what you want in your life is half fullfilled
Full - your life is completely fulfilled and good for you! :)

(4) Material of vase:
glass/clay/porcelain - you are weak in your life and tends to be fragile
玻璃 / 泥土 / 陶瓷——在生活裡你是一個脆弱而需要得到照顧的人。
metal/plastic/wood - you are strong in your life
金屬 / 塑料 / 木頭——你在生活裡是一個強者。

(5) Flow of waterfall:
0 - no sex drive at all
1 to 4 - low sex drive
5 - average sex drive
6 to 9 - high sex drive
10 - gone case!!! super high sex drive!!! Can
t live without sex...
— 你根本沒有性慾
4 你的性慾很低
— 中等水平的性慾
9 很強的性慾
— 哇塞!你有超強的性慾,生活裡沒有性根本不行。

(6) Keys:
1 - you have one good friend in your life
2 to 5 - you have a few good friends in your life
6 to 10 - you have a lot good friends

5 生活中你有一些好朋友。
10 生活中你有許多好朋友。  

(7) Castle:
   Old - shows that your last relationship is not a good one and is not memorable to you.
   New - your last relationship is good and it s still fresh in your heart.

(8) The jewel from the murky pool water:
YES - when your partner is around you
you will flirt around with others.
NO - when your partner is around
you will stick around with him/her most of the time.
不—當你的伴侶在你身邊裡,你絕大多數時間只會圍著他 / 她轉。

(9) The money from the clear water pool:
YES - when your partner is not around you
you will still flirt around with others.
NO - even when your partner is not around
you will still think of her and and will be loyal to him/her not flirting around with others.
不——當你的伴侶不在你身邊,你也會忠實於他 / 她,不和周圍的人調情。

(10) The size of the box:
small - low ego
medium - average ego
big - high ego

(11) Material of the box (outlook of the box):
humble personality
metal - proud and stuck up personality
硬紙 / / 木頭(不閃光)——謙虛的性格

(12) The material of the bridge:
metal bridge - have very strong bond with your friends
wooden bridge - average bond with your friends
rattan bridge - you are not in good terms with your friends

(13) Colour of the horse:
white - your partner is pure and good in your heart.
grey/brown - your partner is only average in your heart.
black - your partner doesn
t seem to be good in your heart and appears to be bad sign.
灰色 / 褐色——你的伴侶在你心目中的位置一般。

(14) Horse action:
still and quiet/nibbling grass - your partner is a very homely and humble person.
running about - your partner is a wild type person.
安靜 / 吃草——你的伴侶是一個顧家的,謙虛的人。

15 This the last but most important part of the test.
From how I ended the story... a tornado approaches...
What are you going do? There are only 3 options:
(i) run and hide in the box?
(ii) run and hide under the bridge?
(iii) run to the horse
ride on and gallop away?


What will you choose?
the above is signified by these things:
tornado - problems in your life
box - you
bridge - your friends
horse - your partner
(i) So if you choose the box
you keep your problems to yourself whenever you are met with problems.
(ii) or if you choose the bridge
you will go to your friends whenever you are met problems.
(iii) or lastly if you choose the horse
you seek your partner whenever your partner whenever you are met
with problems.
i )如果你選擇箱子,你無論何時遇到麻煩你都會自己解決。
ii )或者你選擇橋,無論何時你遇到麻煩你都有將去找你的朋友一起解決。
iii )又或者你選擇的最後一個馬,你尋找的伴侶是你無論何時遇到麻煩都要和他 / 她一起去面對。
So if you think this is worth to take some time to send it to your friends then you are a friend indeed.Or you think it is kind of true you can also send it to your friends cause you are true too.
那麼如果你認為花一些時間把這個傳送給你的朋友是有價值的,那麼你是一個真正的朋友。或者你認為這只有一項是真的 , 你仍願意發給你的朋友、證明你同樣是一個真正的朋友。

Went to a party, Mum.

I went to a party,
And remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mum,
So I had a sprite instead.

I felt proud of myself,
The way you said I would,
That I didn't drink and drive,
Though some friends said I should.

I made a healthy choice,
And your advice to me was right.
The party finally ended,
And the kids drove out of sight.

I got into my car,
Sure to get home in one piece.
I never knew what was coming, Mum,
Something I expected least.

Now I'm lying on the pavement,
And I hear the policeman say,
The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,
Mum, his voice seems far away.

My own blood's all around me,
As I try hard not to cry.
I can hear the paramedic say,
This girl is going to die.

I'm sure the guy had no idea,
While he was flying high.
Because he chose to drink and drive,
Now I would have to die.

So why do people do it, Mum
Knowing that it ruins lives?
And now the pain is cutting me,
Like a hundred stabbing knives.

Tell sister not to be afraid, Mum
Tell daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven,
Put ' Mummy's Girl' on my grave.

Someone should have taught him,
That it's wrong to drink and drive..
Maybe if his parents had,
I'd still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter,
Mum I'm getting really scared
These are my final moments,
And I'm so unprepared.

I wish that you could hold me Mum,
As I lie here and die.
I wish that I could say, 'I love you, Mum!'
So I love you and good-bye.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) IS HOPING TO GET 5,000

When this petition has reached 5,000, please return it to:
P.O. Box 54168 8
Dallas , TX 75354-1688
1-800-GET-MADD 1-800-GET-MADD ( 1-800-438-6233 1-800-438-6233 )

If you receive this petition and do nothing but delete it, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signing is such a small effort to make. After you have read the poem, please add your name at the bottom. And never forget, DON'T EVER DRINK AND DRIVE, not even once, thinking that it won't matter. IT DEFINITELY WILL MATTER!!!

How to set it up:
* Click on Forward
* Then send it to everyone you know.

1. Adam Ross Kalesper
2. Deanne Perozzi
3. Raphal Nash
4. Courtney Easter
5. James Chandler.
6. Tracy Lamont
7. Traci Arbisi
8. Faye Hollenbeck
9. Devin E. Davis
10. Starla Shaver
11. Theresa BrehmLisa Brehm
13. Courtney Barnett<>
14. Erika Hurst
15. Kym Moschgat
16. Michael Hansen
17. Matt Weston
18. Laura Bunch
19. Daniel Lawson
20. As hley Byrd
21. Brian Chadwell
22. Bonnie Morrical
23. S! Usan S
24. Michele Zader.
25. Denise Marie Haines
26. Keshia Marie Siders
27. Amy Sue Tresenrider
28. Tracie Balthaser
29. Diana Kaufman
30. Brooke Newkirk
32. Christina M.B.
33. Crystal Mckenzie
34. Kate Laroche
35. Callie Firman
36. Christy Turner
37. Rebecca Turner
38. Elena Thomas
39. Missy Burke
40. Erin M cCalla
41. Linds! Ay Potrafke
42. Jenny Eckel
43. Cassandra Duggan
44. Amy Liebisch
45. Eric Widmeyer
46. Alisa Huth
47. Pam Augustine
48. Leanne Trdinich
49. Megan LeDonne
50. Kristen Ken nedy
51. Mara Bennar do
52. Lisa Wilt
53. Amanda Pieta
54. David DiCosol
55. Connie Carozza
56. Jaime Jacoby
57. Erin Edm! Unds
58. Erin Berecek
59. Becky Porter
60. Alana Miller
61. Carrie Vermillion
62. Susan Spearing
63. Gaye Sougstad
64. LynnSnider
65. DavidShores
66. Carol Conway
67. Natalie Fair
68. Alissa Lloyd
69. Rebecca Wheeler
70. Lisa Riedel
71. Eric Vaughan
72. Danielle Seaman
73. Elizabeth Ambrose
74. Katy Mahannah
75. Susan Hall
77. Meg Kells-Murphy
78. Samantha Kaiser
79. Travis Lincoln
80. Randy
81. Chris Virgate
82. Matthew Burbles
83. Crystal Dambowsky
84. Kyle freaken McEneany
85. Krystal Scharn
86. Lau!ra Rothrock
87. Bethany Bucci
88. Amy Sat! Kevich
89. Christine Rich
90. Courtney Reilly
91. Lauren T ighe
92. Jac! kieWhite
93. Liz Farrell
94. Kathryn M.
95. Heather Anne Lowery
96. Katie Jo
97. C! ara Brenner
98. Emily Gree n
99. Emily Harris
100. Emily Chen
101. Sarah Schererm
102. Eric Eisenberg
103. SlickDan Goldstein
104. Abby Kimmelman
105. Alyssa Lee
106. David Hoffman
107. Celia Kather
108. Susan Ginn
109. Carly Smith
110. Anna Karis
111. Alison Deffenbaugh
112. L itzi Paredes
113. Teresa Eldridge
114. Stephanie Reese
115. Jamie Turner
116. Jenny Showalter
117. Meg Wooldridge
118. Kevin T$chai
119. Loan Nguyen
120. Elizabeth Yorns
121. Katie McGowan
122. Angie Henderson
123. The Troyfish of VT
124. Natalie Corrigan of VT
125. Dyanis Conrad
126. Vasil! Popov
127. Marie Huitt
128. Jessi McMa! han
129. Courtney Kelly
130. Tracy Smithsher
131. Sue Chidester
132. Sally J. James-in me! mory of..
133. Rachael Harness
134. Jan E. Conley
135. Kari M.Fellers
136. Dawn Love
137. Staci Smith
138. Douglas Blair
139. Brooke Rhea
140. Rachel Hammons
141. Brian Gallion
142. Ben Morr ow
143. William Burden
144. Erica M. Smothers
145. Jason Wilchie
146. Frank Smith
147. Kevin Rider
148. Matt Masley-In memory of Alison, killed by drunk driver/1998.
149. Deepak Deean
150. Liz Dedrick
151. Jessa
152. Maureen (MO
153. Dawn O.
154. Paul M.~Peewee
155. Vanessa R.~Venus
156. RyanCabral (stangman)
157. Rache l Miller
158. Christy Fa irlie
159. Julie Snyder
160. Alex La
161. Mariah Reyes
162. Brandon Castrejon
163. Ashley L
164. Jeffrey Yamauchi
165. Lois Kuo
166. Priscilla Kuo
167. Me! i W.W
168. Gennie W. Alasagas
169. P.J. R. Alasagas
170. Charina Gonzales
171. Nieves M.. Ague
172. Calley Redd
173. Alexandra Hart
174. Lisa Peterson
175. Amber Neil
176. Mandy Cox
178. Meghan Anne Me yer --- In memory of James &Kendall died from drunk driver 01/01/96.
180. Brandie Thomas
181. Lorianna Moreno
182. Kris Jensen - In memory of Pat Byrd, killed by a drunk driver 01/99
183. Katie Essig
184. Jenny Haney-In memory of Shane Moore & Anthony Saucedod -
July 9,2000 when they were driving drunk.
185. Kim Jones
186. Sarah Bellamy
187. Jon McInturff
188. ElizabethPrice
189. Lesley Kuras
190. Kellyn Blossom
191. Jenna Cullinane
192. Katherine Gritter
193. Ben Thompson
194. Andrea Durell - In memory of the choad car...
195. Erin Rae Lengkeek
196. Tiffany Megan Lott
197. Carrie Deathriage
198. Melissa Mao
199. Emily Leong
200. Jill Burkholder
201. Meghan Cloud
202. SLS
203. Karen Roy
204. Kasey Kniffin
205. Tom Miyashiro - this is for u joe...
206. Jesse Jet Bellefleur
207. Pamichic
208. Fionaap
209. Ann McDermott
210. Gina Cerrito
211. Johnny Horn
212. Melissa Coleman
213. Morgan Saltsgiver
214. Erin Warrner
215. Jennifer Warrner
216. Kayla JOY McKenzie
217. Alison L.
218. Denise M Malagari
219. Amber Lynn Chesebrough
220. Holly Chesebrough
221. Daryl DuLong
222. Diana Lupa
223. Todd J. Pipitone
224. Eric W. Davies
225. Kristin Landi s
226. Dave Woods
227. S.Whitney
228. Christina Sweeder
229. Sanam de Lorme
230. Lindsey Eigenbrode
231. Meredith Keller
232. Candice Roubin
233. ANGEL
234. Kathleen
235. Alex Rowe
236. Rachel 'T' Thompson
237. Abe Thompson
238. David Dare
239. Sarah Gullemette
240. Ben Cormier
241. DevonSmith
242. Ashley
243. Amy
244. Nicole Thibodeau
245. Katie Wallace
246. Jessica Shanahan
247. Brianna Harmer
248. Mary E. Sundberg
249. Kri! sten Sundberg
250. Lindsay Chandler
251. Heather King
252. Nyleen Veigas
253. Catrina Basset
254. Melissa Ford
255. Ashlie Johnson-In memory of my beloved John Doe-
256. Ashley Jackson
257. Mark Pepperdine
258. Colleen Pepperdine
259. Monica Waldrop
260. RebekahMartinez
261. Heather VonKahle! - my brother was killed by drunk
262. Kristina Yager
263. Shane Peters
264. PFC Jamison Hurley Military Police Corps. U.S.ARMY
265. PFC Daniel Brown Tr ansportation Corps. U.S.ARMY
266. Kyla Parker
267. Angel Acevedo-in loving memory of Jason Stofregen Kurt
Hughes Stock
268. Linda Maberry - In Memory of My Son Jason -killed 7/16/2000 drunkdriver
269. Stacy Stafford - In Loving Memory of Jason Stofregen
270. Peyton Potter
271. SheltonPotter
272. Diane Calhoun
273. Sgt Northrop, Linda USMC 274.Lcpl Broadstreet, Monica USMC
275. Ben Senter
276. ChadWhite
277. Eric Clark
278. Julie Smith
279. Dawn Hurley
280. Melissa Baxter
281. Dave Kothstein
282. Mary Whisler
283. George Whisler<>
284. Joshua Whisler
285. Dave Ivey
286. Sheri Ivey
287. Dave Ivey II
288. Jessica Ivey
289. Rose Ivey
290. Dorie Masterstefone
291. Michael McCarrhaer
292. Maria Hamm
293. Rebecca Hamm
294. Deana Montoro
295. Nancy Lopez
296. Mark Lopez
297. Grace Kieley
298. Becky Gatti
299. Carolyn Showers
300. Robert Hatton
303. June Authier
304. Robin Authier
305. Sarah Frey
306. Kathy Breneman
307. Frank Breneman
308. Erin Breneman
309. Jim Cascio
310. Kim Cascio
311. Kate Wolgemuth
312. Stefanie Heagy
313. Ginger Heagy
314. Barry Heagy
315. Graham Heagy
316. Gabe Heagy
317. Heather Heagy
318. Megan Heagy
319. Liisa Heagy
320. Christine Heagy
321. Danielle Gehman
322. Sarah Bechtel
323. Megan Vascellaro
324. Alexa Vascellaro
325. Ashley Blount
326. Kristin Blount
327. Scott Blount
328. Ruth Blount
329. Nolan Blount
330. R oger Blount
331. Susan Warner
332. Paige Warner
333. Dang Warner
334. Mark Costrello
335. JannaYacks
336. Amy Brunner Aka MrP!nK (lol mis and nicky)
337. Skye Ruf
338. Deanna LaMasster(CABBAGEPRETZLE!!!)
339. Amanda
340. Ryan
341. Tim Longenecke r
342. Joan Smith
343. Andrea Watkins
344. Gail A'Brunzo
345. Lindsey A'Brunzo and Steve Harding-
346. Destiny Sommer
347. Meredith McMurtrie
348. Lynne (Eckman) Henry
349. Christy Knight
350. Kimyia Varzi
351. Patti Kim
352. Kathy Chu
353. Emma Otsuji
354. Cynthia K Estradathis
355. Brent A. Osorio
356. Ana J Alatorre
357. Keith Osorio
358. Becky Pfeifer
359. Alizabeth Pfeifer
360. Raeanne Pfeifer
361. Theresa Pfeifer
362. William D. Pfeifer
363. Carol Pfeifer
364. William H.Pfeifer
366. Quyen Pfeifer
367. AsiaPfeifer
368. ZionPfeifer
369. Tom Pfeifer
370. Jolene Kostenbader,cm
371. David Kostenbader,cm
372. Bela Gecsey, Costa Mesa , Ca
373. Tiffany Gecsey, Costa Mesa , Ca
374. Nicole Kahn
375. Mark Kahn
376. TinaGarrett
378. Adam Garrett/ Fire Fighter/Paramedic Belton, MO_Ran a call 4/28, Drunkdriver head on collision on 71 Hwy, Harris onville Mo.
Killed one,critically injured 5 flown to Children's Mercy.
379. Victor L. Watson, Collierville , TN.
380. Christine R. Watson, Collierville , TN.
381. Cindy Smith.Memphis , Tn
382. Buddy Smith, Memphis , Tn
383. KelleyFrans Memphis , Tn.
384. Tammie Dawson, Memphis , Tn.
385. Dale Dawson, Memphis , Tn . .
386. J.T. Norris, Memphis , TN
387. Wendy Brown
388. Kathy Garazin , IL
389. Heather Rae Hackett, IL
390. Edward Crane, Ft. Lauderdale , Fla.
391. Jodie Goodman, Margate , FL
392. Marc Goodman, Margate , FL
393. Stephen Goodm an, Margate , FL
394. Jennifer Goodman, Margate , FL
395. Dorothy Gerson, Lauderhill , FL
396. Pauline Dukoff, Lauderhill , FL
397. Katherine Carr , Florida
398. Sam Carr , Florida
399. BobJeshiva , Florida
400. John Woods, Staten Island , NY
401. Mar y Molski, Staten IslandNY
402. Elaine Parks, Nesconset , NY
403. Helen Williams, Commack , NY
404. Patty Chow, Garden City, New York
405. Jennif er Kong
406. Yaung-Moon Cho
407. Elsa Yau
408. Gros zouzone
409. Kalia Robinson
410. Sandra Turner-Reid, Quincy , MA
411. Shandro Turner-Scarlett
412. Tammy Lee
413. Caroline Lee
414. Anna Jung
415. Lynette Mason
416. Kerry McDermott -Massachusett s
417. Julie Marina
418. Kim Peters
419. Jennifer Elways
420. Mary Beth Miller
421. James Brandon
422. Kevin Dumais
423. Joanne & Dave Martin
424. Laurie & Ken Comtois
425. Debbie Stanewicz
426. Jim ST.Laurent
427. Lea St. Laurent
428. Deb Marvin
429. Mike Marvin
430. Chris Haywood
431. Gi Dembrowski
432. Cheryl Schedin
433. Kim Silacci
434. Ashley Wernher-Collins
435. Amy Sawyer Fisher
436. Debra L. Nunan
437. Andrea Warren
438. Lisa Rochlin-Sakol
439. Jonathan Fields
440. JeffDiacik
441. Charlie Kuronya
442. Fran Seserko
443. Ron Drumheller
444. Nikki Anderlonis
445. Shannon Pilcicki
446. Laura Baker
447. Maxine Rickabaugh
448. Marie Rissell
449. Veronica Cazille It might seem ironic, but if it does some good , then it's worth while.
450. Sharon Buddendorf
451. Arlene McCarthy
452. Patricia Bucholski
453. Diane Riddick
454. Nannaette Richardson
455. Eugenia Ralston
456. Diane Doyle
457. Kathy DiStefano
458. Jennifer Romeo
459. Nathan Gimbal , PA - In lovingmemory of Michael Amos and Patricia McGinn
460. Carole Ellerkamp, Oreland , PA
461. Jaime Gardner
462. Amanda Ott
463. Linda Ott
464. Rita Ferry
465. Jen Siravo
466. Patricia Gabert
467. Dan Kutscher!
468. Jessica Lax
469. Morgan
470. Sherin T.
471. Aswathy T.
478. Tiffanie Kung
479. Steve Kung
480. Clara Kung
481. Kristi Lim
482. Gillian yap
483. Tara Klapstein
484. MelanieRosser
485. Wani tta Ranson-Alberta , Canada . Lost friend due to impaired driving
486. DanielleMohr , Alberta , Canada
487. Tamara Col i, AlbertaCanada.
488. Gord & mar lene villumsen
489. ShannonJanssen, AlbertaCanada
490. Linda Yashchyshyn
491. Mark Yashchyshyn
492. Sandra McLaren
493. Darcy McLaren
494. Anthony Bouk
495. Dustin Schatz - might think twice now
496. Nicole Wick
497. Amber Ruzycki - Lamont AlbertaCanada
498. Josh Melnyk - Lamont , Alberta , Canada
499. GordonDanylchuk- Leduc , AB
500. Tim Usher- Moose Jaw , SK
501. Ian Parsons - Moos! e Jaw, SK
502. Chris Meginbir - Calgary , AB
503. Sonja Redeker
504. Yvonne Redeker (Mom) - Invermere , BC
505. Leslie Hecher (mother) Radium Hot Springs , BC
506. Wendy Jansen, InvermereBC
507. Wi lf Akerlund, KelownaBC
508. Bev Akerlund, KelownaBC
509. Alice Cristofoli, Trail, BC
510. Ivana Rhodes, Trai,lBC
511. SelmaNutini, Trail, B.C.
512. Lori Cachia, Smithers,BC
513. C! athy Higginson, Smithers, BC
514. Kari Stone, Smithers BC
515. Joel Schneider, Smithers BC
516. Erik! Evan s , Ontar io
517. T. Gamble, Canada
518. Janna Lee , BC , Canada
519. James Lee , BC , Canada
520. Nicol e Pister, BCCanada
521. Lesley L, BCCanada
522. Pierre C, Qc Canada
523. Vanessa H, Ont Canada
524. Carey H, Ont Canada
525. James H, Ont Canada
526. Peter A, Ont Canada
527. Breanne Tucker, AlbertaCanada
528. Donna Tucker, AlbertaCanada
529. Harvey Tucker, AlbertaCanada
530. Eric Birkholz, AlbertaCanada
531. Dennis Birkholz, AlbertaCanada
532. Lucie Birkholz, AlbertaCanada
533. Edward Birkholz, AlbertaCanada
534. Ashton Johnston, AlbertaCanada
535. Ed Josefowicz, AlbertaCanada
536. Mark Berry , WA Australia
537. Christopher Strand, AlbertaCanada
538. Anna Strand, Spruce Grove , AB , Canada
539. Cherlyn Forth, Red Deer , Alberta , Canada
540. Julie Herman, Calgary , Alberta , Canada
541. Robin Swinton, Calgary , Alberta , Canada
542. Kim Melanson
543. Charmaine Therrien, Gatineau , Qc , Canada Ilost 2 friends to drunk drivers
544. Sean Bellefeuille
545. Stephane Lance
546. Stephanie Pearce
547. Devlen Pearce-Lance
548. Alexandra Pearce-Lance
549. Jacob Pearce-Lance
550. Cameron Pearce-Lance
551. Noah Pearce-Lance
552. Nicole Lance
553. Helne Lance
554. WayneHendsbee
555. Paula Trueman
556. Dave Trueman
557. TonyKavanagh Ottawa , Ontario , Canada
558. JeanLaberge Ottawa , Ontario , Canad a
559. Diane! Saumur PerthOntario , Canada
560. BarbPennington Orleans , Ontario , Canada
561. Julie Fortin, Arnprior , Ontario , Canada
562. Lucille Fortin, Orleans , Ontario , Canada
563. Delilah McArthur, Ontario , Canada- in memory of my mother Germaine who left 5 orphans behind because of a drunk driver.
564. Joanne Roy
565. Connie Beattie
566. Helen Brownlee
567. Aline Garneau
568. Michel G arneau
569. AnneGagnon, Sudbury , Ontario , Canada ...In memoryof my cousins Sylvie and Michel, killed in a car accident due to drinking and driving
570. Paul Bionda, Huntsville , ON
571. Katy Bailey, Huntsville , ON
572. Km Hammond, Bracebridge , ON
573. Shirley bath, bayfield, Ont.Canada
574. Sheelagh WilliamsSarnia ONT.
576. Monique Robinson, Corunna, Ont.Canada
577. Gerard Charbonneau, St. Albert , AB
578. Mike & Bonnie Oakley, St. AlbertAB
579. Tobi Barton, St. AlbertAB
580. Les Barton, St. AlbertAB
581. Donna Romanuik, Edm. AB
582. Tracey Gray, Edmonton , AB
583. Billie Jo Spence, Edmonton , AB
584. Geoffrey Spence, Ed monton , AB
585. Mike Spence
587. Dana Dudar
588. Susan Dyck
589. Glen Bergeron
590. Roxanne Persowich CANADA-in memory of my beloved Friend, ShawnNelson(Nelly)
591. Michelle McCullough
592. Mike McCullough
593. Clayton Burnett
594. Glen Medwid
595. Kat Choquette
d 2415 Pam Christenson, Santa Ana, CA
2415 Jerry Santiago, Los Angeles, CA
2416 Debbie Alvero, Los Angeles, CA
2417 Tess Damasco, Glendora , CA
2418 Dits Reyes, Diamond Bar, CA
2419 Joanie Lewandowski, Mission Viejo, CA
2420 Stephanie Schuster, California
2420 Bev. Leinbach , California
2421 Barbara Parkinson, California
2422 Daren Zumberge, Santa Ana , CA
2423 Michelle O'Donoghue, Santa Ana , Ca.
2424 Gladys Morrison, Huntington Beach , CA
2425 Yvonne McCall Banning Ca
2426 Danna Waits Fort Mohave , AZ
2427 Marilyn Bramlet St. George , UT
2428 Helen Turgeon, Calgary , AB
2429 Lil Grauer, Regina , Sask.Canada
2430 Marian Nemeth Regina ,Sk.Canada
2431 Jo Schlosser, Saskatoon , SK , Canada
2432. Sheena Macdonald, Saskatoon , Sk. , Canada
2432 Rocky Straza Regina , Sask Canada
2433 Lori Straza Regina , Sask Cnanada
2434 Hugh Campbell, regina ,sk. canada
2435 Cheryl campbell, regina ,sk.canada
2436 Rocky campbell , regina ,sk.canada
2437 Rhonda Smith
2438 Robert Smith
2439 Donald Smith
2440 Shelly Spelliscy
2441 Matt Spelliscy
2442 Amy Spelliscy 2443 Faye Simon
2444 Laurie Sampson, Regina , SK Canada
2445 Shannon Dean, Regina SK Canada
2446 Nash Tendler, Regina SK Canada
2447 Ridge Tendler, Regina SK Canada
2448 Timothy Dean, Regina SK Canada
2449 Elizabeth Craig Regina SK Canada
2450 Donna Kish Regina SK Canada
2451. Lorne Bumphrey Regina SK Canada
2452. Todd Ripplinger Regina, SK
2453. Brent Parker, Regina SK Canada
2454. Terry Perkins, Regina , Sk , Canada
2455. Corilea Benson, Regina, SK Canada
2456. Sheryl Forest, Regina, Sk Canada
2457. Jodi Vallevand Calgary AB
2458 Ray Harris Calgary AB
2459 Keghan Harris. Calgary AB
2460 Kelsi Harris Calgary AB
2461 Ken Welter Calgary Ab
2462 Sandy welter Calgary Ab
2463 Sarah Welter Calgary Ab
2465 Andy Marven, Calgary, AB
2466 Laura Marven, Calgary, AB
2467. Megan McCool, Calgary AB - Canada
2468. Yvonne Bridgewater, Calgary AB- Canada
2469 Valerie O'Hare
2470 Pat O'Hare
2471 Cathy Buckley
2472 Bert Smakula, Edmonton,AB.
2473 Pat Yakimec St. Paul AB.
2474 Larry Nordquist
2475 Cindy Nordquist Saskatoon, SK
2476 Wendy Nairn, Grande Prairie, Alberta
2477 Nicole Timmerman, Calgary, Alberta
2478 J Barber, Rainbow Lake, Alberta
2479 E Barber, Gainsborough,sask-----because I love my family
2480 M. Pirie, Gainsborough, Sask
2481 Kelly Millions , Carnduff sask
2482 Katie Steenbruggen, Carievale, SK
2483 Pat Olsen, Redvers Sask
2484 L Boutin, Canada
2485 Marie Topinka, Regina Sask.
2486 Darla Brule Whitewood Sask
2487 Bev.Poncelet-Christink, Whitewood,Sask.,Canada
2488 Shiela Hanna, Whitewood,Sk...... In memory of my sister Caren Hanna
2489 R. Dartige, SK
2490.K.E. Holloway, Sk.Canad
2491 E. Martin Calgary AB
2492 R. Martin Calgary AB
2493. Sean Martin Calgary AB
2494. Sava Vujic Calgary AB
2495. Stefan Andjelic
2496 Josh Wright
2497 Amelia McDonald
2498 Alisha Marfaa, Australia
2499 Claire Coulter AUSTRALIA
2500 Connie Watters Australia
2501 S. R. F (Future Professional Property Developer)
2502 anne dimitriadis vic 3015
2503 Jodie Schafer Australia Vic 3015
2504 Bryson Ford Australia Vic 3016
2505 emily zahra australia vic 3016
2506 Alice Watson vic
2506 Gil Cordell-Radford vic 3016
2507 Jack Warne vic 3016
2508 Mariah Dowler Vic 3016
2509 Traceyn Khann Vic 3016
2510 Kristine Daw VIC 3013
2511 Sandi Fallshaw Vic 3016
2512 Flora Lord Vic Australia 3016
2513 Jan Dandridge Victoria Australia
2514 Ted Dugdale Victoria Australia
2515 Diane Dugdale Vic Australia
2516 Cristy Fenton Qld Australia
2517 John fenton Qld australia
2518 Robin fenton QLD AUSTRALIA
2519 barry murray nsw australia
2520 Denise Whelan NSW Aust
2521 Helen Sherwood NSW AUST
2522 Eric Kuilder, Sydney NSW Australia
2523 Anissa Bakker NSW Australia
2524 Cindy Fitzgerald NSW Australia
2525 Toni Imrie NSW Australia
2526 Michelle Imrie NSW Australia
2527 Helen Buckley Nsw AUST
2528 Carleigh Ingram Nsw Aust
2529 Andred Wilson NSW Aust
2530 Linda Wilson NSW Aust
2531 janet schofield
2532 Chris Harris, Port Macquarie, Australia
2533 Margie Tweedie NSW Australia
2534 Terry Tweedie NSW Australia
2535 Heather Tweedie NSW Australia
2536 Geoff Tweedie NSW Australia
2537 Maureen Tweedie NSW Australia
2538 Clare Sandford NSW Australia
2539 Helen Ponder NSW Australia
2540 2540 Adele Friend NSW Australia
2541 2541Tracy Gordon NSW Australia
22djas2542 Clarrie Gibson NSW Australia
2fj 543 Ron Gibson
k2 2544 Kelly Keed NSW Australia
2545 Irene Vorillas NSW Australia
2546 l.kaiyum NSW Australia
2547 Lorence K
2548 Namita K NSW Australia
2549 Krishneel C Auckland New Zealand
2550 Megan A C Auckland New Zealand
2551 Maryanne Kauhemotu, Auckland NZ
2552 Tahnee H.N. Hoete, Tamakimakaurau, Aotearoa.
2553 Bex Pio Tamaki Makaurau, Aotearoa
2554 Kii Pio Tamaki Makaurau Aotearoa
2555 Eric Gerritsen Cambridge NZ
2556 Nicki Simpson Cambridge NZ
2557 Mick Gerritsen
2558 Cheryl Gerritsen
2559 Geoff Hiscock Te Aroha NZ
2560 Max McFarland Dannevirke N.Z.
2561 Helen Stevens Manukau, Auckland
2562 Trevor Stevens Manukau, Auckland
2563 Bunty Howearth Opononi NZ
2564 Ailsa Reece Kaitaia NZ
2565 Shirley Cox Auckland Nz
2566 Carol MacKinnon, Auckland NZ
2567 Mary Griffin Auckland NZ
2568 Junette Griffin Auckland NZ
2569 Lynne Williams, Auckland NZ
2570 Leigh-Anne Bielby,Mt Maunganui, NZ ? in memory of my 2 little cousins killed by a drunk driver.
2571 Izzy Eaton Christchurch NZ ? There should be no such thing as a drunk driver
2572 Lynda Autridge. Christchurch. NZ..Doesn?t bare thinking about
2753 Ron & Karen Cole Brisbane Australia,,,,,,,, Jail time stop... being lenient
2574 Helen Freeman NSW Australia
2575 Leann Smith Jimboomba Australia
2576 Charmaine Lloyd, sunshine coast, australia
2577 Travis Gane, Sunshine Coast, Australia
2578 Teresa Gane, Sunshine Coast, Australia
2579 Adrian Peters. n.s.w Australia
2580 Kirsty Knox Australia
2581 ashley farlow australia
2581 Kayla Bidner Australia
2582 cmaurice nsw aus
2583 D. Diener. NSW Australia
2584 Sharon Nicholson NSW Australia
2585 Bellinda Gabb ..NSW Australia
2586 Sandra Russell NSW Australia
2587 Robyn Simek. NSW Australia
2588 Deidre de Rooy NSW Australia
2589 Dulcie Simpkins NSW Australia
2590 Stephanie Earnshaw NSW Australia
2591 Judy .J NSW Australia
2592 Cheryl Williams NSW Australia
2593 Owen Williams
2594 Megen Jackson
2595 Fred Jackson
2596 Lee Williams NSW Australia
2567 Dennis Williams NSW Australia
2568 Ray Elly NSW Australia
2569 Bill Seibright Nowra nsw
2570 Eunice Cammack Surrey Canada
2571 Bess Fai Surrey Canada
2572 Joy Bouchard Kelowna Canada
2572 Jen Rose Lake Country Canada
2573 America Simmonds, Kelowna, B. C.
2574 Estrella Dombrosky Kelowna, BC, in loving memory of my only two brothers: Roberto Carlos 7 and Carlos Ulises 9, killed by a drunk driver
2575 Laura Dombrosky, Kelowna BC
2576- Caroline Champagne, Qc. Canada
2577-yanick fortier,rossland,bc
2578-Sam Hodge Kelowna, BC
2579- Mat Jackson, Portsmouth, UK
2580-Beltane Jackson Southsea UK
2581 - Johanna Poyntz - Dorset UK
2582 Carol Skoulding Norfolk
2583 Rosie Bonfield, Norfolk, UK
2584 Tara. m
2585 Trevor L, Norfolk
2586 Whitefeather, Norfolk
2587 Tony Gillott, Norfolk
2588 Josephine Dixon. UK
2589 Anna Dixon UK
2590 Miriam Moore UK
2591 Lia White UK
2592 Georgina Culham UK
2593 Alison Vicker UK
2594 Mary Pointer Mansfield UK
2596 susan cochrane Oxfordshire UK
2597 Dawn Vernon Hampshire. UK
2599 joanne kavanagh
2600 Juliet Martyn Leicestershire UK in memory of my friend Diane her new husband and unborn baby all killed by a drunk driver whilst walking home from a bonfire party.
2601 Teresa Hincks
2602 Lisa Bodill
2603 Gill Raimondo
2604 Emanuela Raimondo- Marbella-Spain
2605 Pete Mickan
2606.Jocelyn Mickan
2608 Barb Anderson Melbourne Australia
2609 Lyn Macdowell. East Ringwood, Vic, Australia
2610 Jodi Perkins, Glenrowan, Vic, Australia

2611 Carol Blandford, Bairnsdale Vic Australia
2612 Val Dent Bairnsdale Vic Aust
2613 Angela Fleischer Paynesville Vic Australia
2614 Kaye Murphy Pascoe Vale Vic Australia
2615 Julie Butler Wheelers Hill Victoria Australia
2616 J Webb - Wheelers Hill Victoria Australia
2617 J Dikstaal - Wheelers Hill Victoria Australia
2618 P. Crothers-Wheelers Hill Vic Australia
2619 G. Messieh - Mt Waverley Vic Australia
2620 Ian & Melissa Clarke- Lara Vic Australia
2621 Andrew Debbie Rawlings Reid SA Australiar
2622 sue munno para s.a.
2623 tonia gawler sa
2624 Suzanne Colonel Light Gradens SA
2625 Lynda Darwin NT AUS
2626 suzanne Capobianco vic. AUS
2627 Sandra Goodchild, QLD Australia
2628 Amanda Bills QLD Aust
2629 Anna Stuy, Cairns, QLD, Australia
2630 Vicki Besselaar, Melbourne, Australia
2631 Jessica Clee, Australia
2632 Liz Stevenson, Australia
2633 Cathy Keegan
2634 Cheryle Wall, Australia
2635 Janet Irwin, Vic Australia
2636 Trista Fedyk, Vic Australia
2637 Andrew Mclure, Vic Australia
2638 Daryl McLure, Vic, Australia
2639 Greg King Vic Aust
2640 Julie King Vic Australia
2641 Robyn Reed VIC Australia
2642 Lauren Lines VIC Australia
2643 Rebecca Johns VIC Australia
2644 Alysha Cole VIC Australia
2645 Lynette Elliott VIC Australia
2646 Sandy Morrall QLD Australia
2647 Sue Byrnes
2648 Sue Jackson
2649 Angela Harrison - QLD Australia
2650 Michael Zorz NSW Australia

2651 Karen Zorz NSW Australia
2652 Warren Burke NSW Australia
2652 Rosemary Burke NSW Australia
2653 Marie Mead NSW Australia
2654 Lee Hagan NSW Australia
2655 Tracy Sherman NSW Australia
2656 Sandy Keech NSW Australia
2657 Kristie Cranston NSW Australia
2658 Tara Frisby , NSW Australia
2659 Anthony Manvell NSW Australia
2660 Trish Sweeney, NSW Australia
2661 Carolyn Maloney, NSW Australia
2662 Rhonda Olrich, NSW Australia
2663 Dorothy Murray, WA
2664 Keith Murray, WA
2665 Samantha Murray, WA
2666 Patricia Murray-Dudney, WA
2667 Ty Dudney, WA
2668 Helen Burns, WA
2669 Kerryl Jermey, Barossa Valley, SA AUST
2670 Donna Shaw Geraldine, New Zealand
2671 Lisa Fallon, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2672 Lucia Jones, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
2672 Richard Davis Vienna, Austria
2673 Wilma Sloan, Bedfordshire, UK
2674 Debbie Brown, Ayrshire, Scotland, uk

2675 alison walsh ayrshire scotland uk

2676 Lynda Heng Hong Kong
2677 Lawrence Lee, Malaysia
2678 Nikki Choy SM, Malaysia - Please think twice before u drink n drive..
2679 Josephine Chong, Malaysia
2680 May, Malaysia
2681 F.Kee, Malaysia
2682 Phoebe Lee. Malaysia
2683 Tixie Xin, Malaysia
2684 Tan.b.k, Malaysia
2685 Wan.z.h, Malaysia

2686 Shleng , Malaysia
2687 Punkie, Malaysia
2688 Q,Malaysia
2689 Lai Wee Chin, M'sia
2690 Esther Wong, Rgm Msia
2691 ah qing Rgm Msia
2692 alice_baby M'sia

2693Soon Li Han M'sia
2694 lua huey ying M'sia

2695tiu wan qin M'sia
2696 ong pei wen m'sia
2697 Jason Chia malaysia
2698 Carolyn Ong, Philippines

2699 Steve Hun, M'sia
2700 Ying Pei, M'sia
2701 Sharmaine, M'sia
2702 Amanda Xavier, Malaysia

2703 Lydia Esra Hikmet Atak , Malaysia (=
2704 Aaliyah Hasna, Malaysia
2705 Lim Elaine, Malaysia

2706 Michelle Chai, Malaysia
When the is petition has reached 5,000, please return it to:
P.O. Box 54168 8
Dallas , TX 75354-1688
1-800-GET-MADD 1-800-GET-MADD ( 1-800-438-6233 1-800-438-6233 )

If you receive this petition and do nothing but delete it, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signing is such a small effort to make.. After you have read the poem, please add your name at the bottom. And never forget, DON'T EVER DRINK AND DRIVE, not even once, thinking that it won't matter. IT DEFINITELY WILL MATTER!!!

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