Thursday, February 25, 2010

Facebook Mobile and Windows Live Mobile: Not friendly at all

The world is in our hands. We might not carry a laptop around but we did carry our mobile phone. With 3G/4G mobile internet, we can surf the net anytime and anywhere. It is just on our hands for real. Many mobile sites also became a massive exposure as they try to make it mobile friendly (the lesser the contents of the web, the easier we can surf into a web). A normal mobile site will be just less than 100kb. Most of it (because of Blackberry, Iphone, HTC and other touch screen phones), mobile web now is 200kb and less. Even my blog now has been reduced (its contents) into less than 200kb/view.

I have been using Facebook and Windows Live (phone application) for a period of time. I admitted that both Facebook and Windows Live has gave a huge advantages to its users. I like to use it too. In February, Facebook had changed their main page codes and mobile site codes. Whenever these changes has applied many users voiced their dissatisfaction. But Facebook keep on changing from time to time, we also don't want to just keep in our place.

However, the changes had made users inconvenient. I do like of changes but you need to review it whether is it able to support certain phones or not? Not all people can afford a touch screen phones. I am still using SE K800. I love to use that phone a lot although I like slide phones. Because of the recent Facebook log updates, my phone sometimes unable to view the mobile site and says, "Contents too large". Need to refresh more than 5 times only can be view. The friend suggestions application also had made me inconvenient too. I was unable to catch up with news feeds of my friends (because I not always on the mobile web as often as last time).

Meanwhile, Windows Live Messenger Mobile Application was by DiGi, although Maxis has its own version of it. Although DiGi's WLM Mobile upgraded once. Maybe either the line (DiGi WAP or DiGi Intenet) still not stable or the program's software not stable. Whenever I login (especially during night time), I often been ejected out from WLM Mobile. Almost everytime. I couldn't chat with anyone in WLM.


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