Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Social sites? nah!!!

All these preview are my social sites. PR, Google Buzz, Twitter, Friendster, Facebook and Blogger. To say that, I had joined almost all of the social sites of the world. However, I did make some friends in Facebook at first and started off slowly with other sites. I do think that if my ex-friends will not appreciate me, maybe there are still many people outside that will.

Facebook was the second one after PR that I use to know more people. Yes, many people leave comments on my page but slowly people forgotten me. I just think, "Aiya! Never mind. Maybe I'll try to contact them back." but in the end, none had reply my comments to them. I started to think social networks are suppose to make new friends and befriend them. From my point of view, people use it as love networking, where people find girlfriends from it.

I do agreed with Ho Yong Wai that Facebook is to reconnect friends from ex-schools. But in my stand, I had lost all my friends in my hometown. Is it possible for me to add them? They will just ignore me as usual for sure.

Twitter was the third. I used it via mobile. In the end, no one follows me but I followed many people. Blogger was a par as Facebook. My blog mainly about my life and some designing logos and some funny stories but I still can't promote my blog as people does. Why people never connect to my page?

Newly-Google Buzz. I am unable to make comments for now. It wasn't as same as Twitter or Facebook or Friendster. It uses the email application. Whenever I login into the Gmail, I also login into Buzz.

So, why would people uses social networks for something not valuable? Why now-a-day teenagers will feel miserable in love? I really don't understand this world.


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