Monday, October 25, 2010

New logo update: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Malaysia - Chinese Edition

Malaysia version
百万富翁 (English translation: Millionaire, transliteration: Bǎi Wàn Fù Wēng) was a Malaysian game show in Mandarin language based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The show was hosted by Victor Gu. The main goal of the game was to win 1 millionMalaysian ringgit by answering 15 multiple-choice questions correctly. There were three lifelines - fifty fifty, phone a friend and ask the audience.百万富翁 was broadcast from 2001 to 2003. It was shown on the Malaysian TV station NTV7.

Hong Kong version
The Millionaire (Chinese百萬富翁Cantonese Yalebaak3 maan6 fu3 yung1Jyutpingbaak3 maan6 fu3 jung1also had the English words of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire surrounding the Chinese title) was a game show from Hong Kong, based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The show's host was Kenneth Chan. The main goal of the game was to win 1 million Hong Kong dollars by answering 15 multiple-choice questions correctly. There were three lifelines: fifty-fifty, phone a friend and ask the audience. Baak Maan Fu Yung first aired on May 7, 2001. It was broadcast by Hong Kong's ATV.

This logo of WWTBAM was made for tribute to people of Hong Kong for visiting my page via Google Images by searching "百萬富翁 logo". The difference between the original Hong Kong's Who Wants To Be A Millionaire were:-

(1) I did not use dollar sign on the logo as the original has the dollar sign.
(2) The font of 百萬富翁 uses Sans-looking rather than the original's serif-looking font.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

New logo update: Stand Up For WWE

Recently, I had realized that there is a slightly unnoticed part of the logo was not discovered. Currently, most of 3D WWE logo also showed that there is a slightly different from the one vectorized and found in any websites. You can have a look at:! and see the logo of WWE at the beginning and compare with those can be found in the internet - except those in 3D form (especially WWE Pay-Per-View logo).

I also made-up Stand for WWE logo. Bad news is, I was unable to get any font (for the word: Stand Up For) that is resemble with the original - of course, don't talk about paying for just a font. I already tried my best to possibly make it available on BrandsoftheWorld.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

WWE's Stand Up For WWE

World Wrestling Entertainment is calling on WWE fans worldwide to “Stand Up For WWE” in a new campaign on and social networking websites, including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. WWE invites fans to voice their support for the company because it has come under unfair and biased attack from certain politicians and media outlets. WWE will correct factual inaccuracies that have been reported about the company during this election season.

Videos will feature Vince McMahon, WWE Chairman and CEO, along with several WWE Superstars discussing various topics including WWE’s PG content, treatment of WWE’s full-time employees and its performers, and WWE’s Talent Health and Wellness Program.

In addition, the videos will highlight WWE’s longstanding commitment to give back to communities through literacy programs, support of the military and their families, the annual “Tribute To The Troops” holiday special and the company’s more than 25 year relationship with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

“The nearly 600 full-time WWE employees, as well as its 140 Superstars, all work for one reason – to put smiles on people’s faces,” said Vince McMahon, Chairman and CEO, WWE. “The inaccurate media reports about our company are not only an injustice but an insult to our millions of fans worldwide.”

This article is from 'Stand Up For WWE' Facebook page and it was unedited and whatsoever (it is totally the original content from the site's info). I do not own any from the site or else too. The 'WWE Universe 3D' logo was created by myself in part of the my support as WWE Universe to WWE. This WWE logo is different vector as others which can be found on the internet. I used Abode to recreated the logo, change it using Vector Magic and created the 3D effects by using Microsoft PowerPoint.

Hidup bagaikan sekuntum bunga

Tahukah anda cara-cara untuk menanam pokok bunga di halaman rumah anda.

Anda akan menanam benih bunga, menyiram air dan memerhatikannya tiap-tiap hari sehingga pucuk pokok bunga itu akhirnya dapat merasai dunia baru. Anda pasti akan teruja dan bertanya diri sendiri, "Adakah bunga ini akan tumbuh dengan cantik?" Selepas itu, anda akan meletakkan baja agar bunga itu akan tumbuh dengan sihat dan cantik.

Kemudian, bunga mula tumbuh dan makin mekar hari demi hari. Anda berasa gembira dengan bunga yang anda tumbuh lalu ianya mekar sepenuhnya. Anda akan takut sekiranya terdapat orang memetik bunga yang cantik ini. Anda juga akan melindunginya daripada dipetik mana-mana orang.

Nanum, bunga yang cantik tidak boleh mekar buat selama-lamanya. Kecantikkannya akan konyok dan akhirnya mati.


Semasa kita masih berada di dalam perut ibu, kita diberi makanan dan dibelai sehingga kita dilahirkan ke dalam kehidupan yang baru. Ibubapa kami akan membayangkan bagaimana rupa kami setelah kami dewasa selepas dilahirkan. Setelah itu, kedua ibubapa kami akan memberi segala yang terbaik - dari permainan kanak-kanak ke persekolahan dan pengajian tinggi.

Apabila kita telah menjadi remaja, ibubapa kami akan risau apa yang akan terjadi kepada kami. Mereka akan melindungi kami tidak kira dalam apa jua keadaan pun, kerana kecantikan kami dan kekacakan kami mengundang seribu satu musuh yang ingin mendampingi kami.

Kita boleh membayangkan kita mempunyai kekacakan dan kejelitaan yang tidak terhingga. Sehingga sanggup membuat apa sahaja termasuk mengadai diri. Namun, kejelitaan dan kekacakan itu tidak akan bertahan lama, oleh kerana satu hari nanti, kita akan menjadi tua (kerepot) dan pada masa itu, kita akan terfikirkan pelbagai perkara sehinggalah kita menemui ajal kita.

Saya disini tidak mahu menyentuh apa jua perkara kerana saya berasa akhlak moral kita pada zaman sekarang telah berubah. Perubahan inilah yang akan membinasakan diri kita sendiri kerana kejelitaan dan kekacakan diri dipentingkan daripada kejelitaan dan kekacakan dalaman.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My First Nine Emperors Festival

Last Friday, I went with Yicol and Henry for tea after our work. Henry and Yicol took me to Taman Muda's night market street (but that time was not at night) to eat something much cooler, Air Batu Campur and Cendol. On the way to Taman Muda, we saw Jane and two of her friends (which later revealed that they were from Ipoh).

We stopped at the the stall lots of Taman Muda and also saw Jane there. But they were at the opposite of the stall that we were in. Three of us talks about our futures in FCC.

Henry asked me whether or not, I want to go to Nine Emperors Festival, which at that day was the second last day. I was warned that the temple was full of dust and ashes, which I don't care much.

After Henry parked his car, we started to walked around. As we reached the temple, I was so excited because this is my first time to go to the temple, although previously I lived in Ampang or I just passed through the temple.

There were many stalls outside the temple. What three of us wanted to find was stinky tofu. But we wanted to walk around while I was snapping pictures - these four pictures. However, I couldn't not step into the temple because of spiritual problem.

As we walked, we saw Chinese opera but there were no one to watch it except three of us. I tried to eat sugar rock candy plum, which also a nice food despise Henry said it was not good. Yicol also get some candies from another stall too.

I saw sister of former big brother of Kuala Ampang too. I went and greeted her, even though I had vowed not to have connections with Kuala Ampang or Kuala Ampang people. However, I did it for the sake of goodness.

As we went out, we unable to get the stinky tofu. There was another one further but we felt that the person who make the tofu a bit too dirty.

I tried to call up Kok Wai (one of my friends that I used to know when I got to know my ex-girlfriend). Since he's not free to meet me, I need to go home - worrying of meet up people who I do not want to meet. Henry and Yicol asked me to stay a bit longer to wait for the stinky tofu, the one at the night market. At that time, it's just an hour left for the stinky tofu stall going to come. But, I know their intentions but I need to go home for preparing the next day.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Confirmation of Buddieship

The word "buddieship" was a direct word for a friendship between two buddies, close friends or best friends (BFF - BEST FRIEND FOREVER). I was the one behind this word, eventually created the word. The root word of the word was buddy. Well! As a teacher, I was supposed to explore new things.

As I said before on my previous post, there were many things that had happened and there are more to come soon. I tried to fit myself in and get used to all my stress but yet I wanted to release it once in a while. In addition with my left ankle started to get pain after a year, I even get more angrier.

Seeing something not right, I posted many wall posts which contains disappointment of certain things - most notable when it comes to friendship. Rex, my buddy saw those comments and started to sms me regarding about it. After a few smses later, we chat on Facebook. Then, I reaffirmed my relationship between him - and he gave me an answer.

Without anymore doubts, I can finally put down all my stresses after seeing the confirmation. He is going to work at Low Yat Plaza Kuala Lumpur. I am also couldn't wait for my new laptop too. I don't care anymore about this damn laptop of that immature guy anymore. I going to give him back and I will need him to come to the designated place that I going to think of.

Trivia: David had suggested to have a group of us and name it as "Brothers-In-Arms".

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The legacy lives on

This few days, I cannot get myself off from Michael Jackson's oldies when he still with the Jacksons. It's all started when I watched "This Is It" and slowly all these songs came into my mind. One thing for sure that, I will not get bored listening to his songs - although he had long gone.

Then, I started to searched for "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'." - which was famous with the phrase of "Mama-say mama-sah ma-ma-coo-sah" - which also appeared in Rihanna's "Don't Stop The Music".

A week after that, I also got myself addicted to "I want you back", "Dancing Machine" and also "Can You Feel It". Besides I watched "This Is It", I am currently watching "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" involved his 4 elder brothers - Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon Jackson.

Nevertheless, the King of Pop's legacy will continue on - without him with out. His songs and his hypes will make me remember him always. Even myself will start to do his hypes when I get excited. Thank you for everything and may God bless you, no matter where you are. Same to the Jacksons - He will protect the First Family of Pop until the end of the world.

My Facebook Unification?

I am currently using two different Facebook account. The first account bears my Japanese name is my primary account and created many years ago before it was made famous. My second account bears my English name. That Facebook account is use to add PLU people and to separate my real life with my work life. Most of my students and colleagues are available in the second account.

After many incidents had happened, I was thinking to unify both of my Facebook account into using just one account which bears my Japanese name. Since Facebook also allows additional name, it do think it will not be a big problem after all. I will only retaining my primary Facebook and wanted to retires my second account.

However, if I do unify both of my accounts, I might need to talk in proper manner. No more bursting out with "unlikely" languages. I need to think twice before I can really unify both of the accounts. The danger is always present to bring you down to the ground. I do need some times to think about it properly before I can continue on with my plan.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Betrayal and True Friendship

Yesterday I received a threat SMS from my ex and demanding for the laptop of his to be return back to him. Eventually I was not happy to see this kind of sms and I never bow down to this kind of threats. I told his ex too about the sms and his ex seems to be like "pretending" that nothing happened. I did told his ex that since he sold my laptop to cover his fine from the school, automatically that laptop will be under my possession. I also give the projects to his ex - to settle things once and for all.

Later that night, I went to Maluri to get a bag at the night market nearby Rex's housing area. At the same time, Jane also will going to join us later. Because of raining at the late evening, not much of stall available at the night market, even the stall that sell bags. Rex and I walked around then bought popiah and bubble milk tea before we went to mamak stall to wait for Jane.

I shown Rex that message and when Jane also reached, I also shown Jane too. Unhappy Jane saw the message and called the sender and questioned him. However, he never answered it nicely and again threaten to tell his parents about what had happened. When Jane asked him with a loud tones, (maybe due to his impatient) he hang up the phone and eventually, he called up his ex. My ex also accused Jane for been rude towards him and said that she never been to the school (somehow even talk about mothers as well).

Things got worsen when I tried to discuss with him. He demanded an apologies and even threaten to let his mother know (and according to what he said, he had recorded the conversation). Jane, Rex and myself try to think a best solution to end the problem but he was keeping his immaturity - and demanded to see my parents if my friends wanted to discuss the problem face to face with his parents. When Rex tried to talk to him, he keep hanging up the phone even warnings were given. At the end, he was the one forcing my friends to search for him and wants me to lead the way.

If he doesn't do all the stupid things and live on, none of the things were going to happened. I had tried my best to avoid letting my friends know where the exact location of his house and I also know that they will be not happy with it. They told me that there is no need to compromise him just for the same of everyone. In order to keep things in order, I proposed and asked him to come out and talk face to face. He plead and even started to get scared.

He asked us to go somewhere which we can really sit down and talk. He proposed to go to Steven's Corner and later to In House. (His ex - most probably) drove him and lead us to In House, where his so-called sister came along too. We had discussions at a nice manner, but his co-called sister also was like thinking that she was talking to a down-graded people. She even can said that Jane never went to school. By right, we should respect each others. While she can tell people that Jane never went to school, she also uttered "What the HELL is this, man?" which surprised me.

As I can't just stay quiet anymore, I talk to them in a serious manner (along with my hand sign emphasizing problems that occurred). He can find his ex to discuss matter with me but when I did the same thing, he doesn't like it. Both himself and the so-called sister also trying to twist the real fact of the stories. When I tried to correct the fact, they were trying to switch the questions. At the end of discussion, we were able to make an agreement. The worst part is, the so-called sister, thinks that she was too educated and let all of us witnesses she puffing cigarette.


Because of helping me, Rex even said that I was his ex and he wanted to help me. Same goes to Jane who uses her car and wasted her petrol to allow this matter to came into a conclusion. However, these so-called highly educated people showed us that they can even twisted anything and everything, in order to help an useless, immature gay who said that he loves people. Yeah! Now, I know that he's going to scare of me for the whole life. At least this will be a lesson for him, not to betray anything that is/are already in his grabs. To me, money isn't everything. To me, there is much more things more important than money.

I really do wish that this matter will not going to happen again within these 2 weeks prior of returning his laptop. I am going to show him that I am a responsible man, not the kind of people as he claimed. In this incident also, I can confirm that I am determine to leave PLU world without regret. I also learn how to appreciate people around me especially towards my buddy, Rex and my sister-in-Christ, Jane. I know that God is going to let me to be freshen and wanted me to start a new life. May God bless me and everyone!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buddiest Buddy

On Friday, I rushed back to meet my buddy, Rex at Times Square. Before I forgot, I went to DiGi Payment Kiosk to pay my bills. After I had pay my bills, the phone cannot be automatically unbarred. I tried quickly to unbarred it while searching for public phones. My gosh! Almost every public phones in Times Square unable to be use (either damages or been vandalized).

Unrealized that I paid RM50 lesser, I went back and pay it again. While I was paying, Rex appears and no need to search here and there for public phones nor to rush to unbarred my number. Then, we walked to 5th floor to allowed Rex to check his salary whether it has been approved or not?

While he went to check his money, I quickly called up DiGi to asked them to unbarred my number. When he was done, we went around to look for a place for our lunch (but that time already 3 something in the evening). Our first suggestion was to McD, but both of us already felt boring with McD because most of the time we ate at McD. So, he asked me whether I will want to try something new or not, and he brought me to Sushi King.

There, we just keep eating and eating to make our stomach full plus the original taste of green tea - just simply irresistible. At the same time, we are also eating during their "Happy Hour" period, so everything that we ate has 20% discounts. For all those things we ate, (as shown on the picture) we only need to pay RM65.30 (of course we also did order side dishes). With our stomach full, we went to amusement park.

We went there and play Initial D at first, which ended up with a tie (draw) after we played for many matches. Then, we went to play with basketball and ends with the tank driving game. We walked around Times Square before I asked my relative who came from Pahang to come over to Times Square. After my relative arrived, we then return home by taking bus.

At night, Jane suddenly FB-ing and asked me whether I am free or not? She will fetch Rex first and later will come and fetch me. With the help of Rex's GPS, they able to find my house. I brought my relative along and thinking where was the best place to go? Jane's first thought was to go pub and have a drink but all of us were wearing slippers, so we went for 'shisha'. Unable to find the nearest one, Jane took us to the one near Tesco but that shop was closing up.

I thought about place for 'shisha' but only realised that there is one at Ampang Avenue (beside Galaxy and opposite Ampang Jaya Police Station), which my former friends used to come last time. I took my laptop along so I can used it during the time. However, because of my greediness, I took too much of 'shisha' and made me feel dizzy and ill. Furthermore, I ate fried rice which I shared with my relative and watermelon juice (large size).

Jane unable to send me home because she needs to reach home early, in which both myself and my relative need to stay at Rex's house. After Jane dropped us at the junction of Rex's house, I puked like water of shower bath - FOR twice. Then I felt better and we sat at mamak stall for a while to settle down my illness first before I went to Rex's house.

Because my relative needed to study tomorrow, Rex let my relative to have his bed and both himself and I slept at the living room of Rex's house. Rex actually sleep on the floor, but I was merely napping and awaken and napped again. Soon after, I realised that Rex went to the sofa and sleep - and all of us except for Rex's father, sister and brother were still sleeping. I was awake and waiting to go home if Rex's mother opened the gate. I also waiting for my relative to wake up but he was already awake and wait for the time. We left the Rex's house at 7:30a.m. the next day.

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