Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Betrayal and True Friendship

Yesterday I received a threat SMS from my ex and demanding for the laptop of his to be return back to him. Eventually I was not happy to see this kind of sms and I never bow down to this kind of threats. I told his ex too about the sms and his ex seems to be like "pretending" that nothing happened. I did told his ex that since he sold my laptop to cover his fine from the school, automatically that laptop will be under my possession. I also give the projects to his ex - to settle things once and for all.

Later that night, I went to Maluri to get a bag at the night market nearby Rex's housing area. At the same time, Jane also will going to join us later. Because of raining at the late evening, not much of stall available at the night market, even the stall that sell bags. Rex and I walked around then bought popiah and bubble milk tea before we went to mamak stall to wait for Jane.

I shown Rex that message and when Jane also reached, I also shown Jane too. Unhappy Jane saw the message and called the sender and questioned him. However, he never answered it nicely and again threaten to tell his parents about what had happened. When Jane asked him with a loud tones, (maybe due to his impatient) he hang up the phone and eventually, he called up his ex. My ex also accused Jane for been rude towards him and said that she never been to the school (somehow even talk about mothers as well).

Things got worsen when I tried to discuss with him. He demanded an apologies and even threaten to let his mother know (and according to what he said, he had recorded the conversation). Jane, Rex and myself try to think a best solution to end the problem but he was keeping his immaturity - and demanded to see my parents if my friends wanted to discuss the problem face to face with his parents. When Rex tried to talk to him, he keep hanging up the phone even warnings were given. At the end, he was the one forcing my friends to search for him and wants me to lead the way.

If he doesn't do all the stupid things and live on, none of the things were going to happened. I had tried my best to avoid letting my friends know where the exact location of his house and I also know that they will be not happy with it. They told me that there is no need to compromise him just for the same of everyone. In order to keep things in order, I proposed and asked him to come out and talk face to face. He plead and even started to get scared.

He asked us to go somewhere which we can really sit down and talk. He proposed to go to Steven's Corner and later to In House. (His ex - most probably) drove him and lead us to In House, where his so-called sister came along too. We had discussions at a nice manner, but his co-called sister also was like thinking that she was talking to a down-graded people. She even can said that Jane never went to school. By right, we should respect each others. While she can tell people that Jane never went to school, she also uttered "What the HELL is this, man?" which surprised me.

As I can't just stay quiet anymore, I talk to them in a serious manner (along with my hand sign emphasizing problems that occurred). He can find his ex to discuss matter with me but when I did the same thing, he doesn't like it. Both himself and the so-called sister also trying to twist the real fact of the stories. When I tried to correct the fact, they were trying to switch the questions. At the end of discussion, we were able to make an agreement. The worst part is, the so-called sister, thinks that she was too educated and let all of us witnesses she puffing cigarette.


Because of helping me, Rex even said that I was his ex and he wanted to help me. Same goes to Jane who uses her car and wasted her petrol to allow this matter to came into a conclusion. However, these so-called highly educated people showed us that they can even twisted anything and everything, in order to help an useless, immature gay who said that he loves people. Yeah! Now, I know that he's going to scare of me for the whole life. At least this will be a lesson for him, not to betray anything that is/are already in his grabs. To me, money isn't everything. To me, there is much more things more important than money.

I really do wish that this matter will not going to happen again within these 2 weeks prior of returning his laptop. I am going to show him that I am a responsible man, not the kind of people as he claimed. In this incident also, I can confirm that I am determine to leave PLU world without regret. I also learn how to appreciate people around me especially towards my buddy, Rex and my sister-in-Christ, Jane. I know that God is going to let me to be freshen and wanted me to start a new life. May God bless me and everyone!


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