Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buddiest Buddy

On Friday, I rushed back to meet my buddy, Rex at Times Square. Before I forgot, I went to DiGi Payment Kiosk to pay my bills. After I had pay my bills, the phone cannot be automatically unbarred. I tried quickly to unbarred it while searching for public phones. My gosh! Almost every public phones in Times Square unable to be use (either damages or been vandalized).

Unrealized that I paid RM50 lesser, I went back and pay it again. While I was paying, Rex appears and no need to search here and there for public phones nor to rush to unbarred my number. Then, we walked to 5th floor to allowed Rex to check his salary whether it has been approved or not?

While he went to check his money, I quickly called up DiGi to asked them to unbarred my number. When he was done, we went around to look for a place for our lunch (but that time already 3 something in the evening). Our first suggestion was to McD, but both of us already felt boring with McD because most of the time we ate at McD. So, he asked me whether I will want to try something new or not, and he brought me to Sushi King.

There, we just keep eating and eating to make our stomach full plus the original taste of green tea - just simply irresistible. At the same time, we are also eating during their "Happy Hour" period, so everything that we ate has 20% discounts. For all those things we ate, (as shown on the picture) we only need to pay RM65.30 (of course we also did order side dishes). With our stomach full, we went to amusement park.

We went there and play Initial D at first, which ended up with a tie (draw) after we played for many matches. Then, we went to play with basketball and ends with the tank driving game. We walked around Times Square before I asked my relative who came from Pahang to come over to Times Square. After my relative arrived, we then return home by taking bus.

At night, Jane suddenly FB-ing and asked me whether I am free or not? She will fetch Rex first and later will come and fetch me. With the help of Rex's GPS, they able to find my house. I brought my relative along and thinking where was the best place to go? Jane's first thought was to go pub and have a drink but all of us were wearing slippers, so we went for 'shisha'. Unable to find the nearest one, Jane took us to the one near Tesco but that shop was closing up.

I thought about place for 'shisha' but only realised that there is one at Ampang Avenue (beside Galaxy and opposite Ampang Jaya Police Station), which my former friends used to come last time. I took my laptop along so I can used it during the time. However, because of my greediness, I took too much of 'shisha' and made me feel dizzy and ill. Furthermore, I ate fried rice which I shared with my relative and watermelon juice (large size).

Jane unable to send me home because she needs to reach home early, in which both myself and my relative need to stay at Rex's house. After Jane dropped us at the junction of Rex's house, I puked like water of shower bath - FOR twice. Then I felt better and we sat at mamak stall for a while to settle down my illness first before I went to Rex's house.

Because my relative needed to study tomorrow, Rex let my relative to have his bed and both himself and I slept at the living room of Rex's house. Rex actually sleep on the floor, but I was merely napping and awaken and napped again. Soon after, I realised that Rex went to the sofa and sleep - and all of us except for Rex's father, sister and brother were still sleeping. I was awake and waiting to go home if Rex's mother opened the gate. I also waiting for my relative to wake up but he was already awake and wait for the time. We left the Rex's house at 7:30a.m. the next day.


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