Thursday, October 7, 2010

The legacy lives on

This few days, I cannot get myself off from Michael Jackson's oldies when he still with the Jacksons. It's all started when I watched "This Is It" and slowly all these songs came into my mind. One thing for sure that, I will not get bored listening to his songs - although he had long gone.

Then, I started to searched for "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'." - which was famous with the phrase of "Mama-say mama-sah ma-ma-coo-sah" - which also appeared in Rihanna's "Don't Stop The Music".

A week after that, I also got myself addicted to "I want you back", "Dancing Machine" and also "Can You Feel It". Besides I watched "This Is It", I am currently watching "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" involved his 4 elder brothers - Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon Jackson.

Nevertheless, the King of Pop's legacy will continue on - without him with out. His songs and his hypes will make me remember him always. Even myself will start to do his hypes when I get excited. Thank you for everything and may God bless you, no matter where you are. Same to the Jacksons - He will protect the First Family of Pop until the end of the world.


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