Thursday, June 2, 2011

Humorous Stories

"I made a terrible mistake" says Heir to British Throne.
Prince William Divorces Kate Middleton After 5 Weeks

LONDON — Barely a month after marrying 29-year-old Kate Middleton in a royal wedding ceremony watched by an estimated 2 billion people worldwide, Prince William announced Tuesday that he and Middleton have divorced and that the entire marriage was "a tremendous mistake in every possible regard."

"I really don't know what I was thinking — we're a terrible match, I don't love her and never have, and, to be honest, I never really had any interest in being married in the first place," announced the now unattached Prince William to a dead-silent British press corps.

"People thought our wedding was some sort of fairy tale, but I assure you it was all just some ghastly ceremonial farce that got out of hand. I'm just relieved it's over, frankly. And I'm glad I'll never have to see that awful woman again."

Prince William then told the assembled reporters, "Well, see you all later," smiled, and walked back into Buckingham Palace.

Malaysian activist to apologise 100 times on Twitter in defamation settlement

A MALAYSIAN social activist was being forced today to tweet an apology to a magazine 100 times in a bizarre defamation settlement, the Digital Journal reported.

Fahmi Fadzil agreed to the punishment after lawyers for Female Magazine took action against him in January over claims he made on Twitter. Fadzil had accused the magazine of unfairly treating his pregnant female friend, who was employed by the company.

"17/100 I've DEFAMED Blu Inc Media & Female Magazine. My tweets on their HR Policies are untrue. I retract those words & hereby apologize," his latest apology tweet said.

Fadzil agreed to spread the 100 tweets over three days, from today until Saturday.

The tweets were gaining Fadzil notoriety on his Twitter account, with many followers tweeting their support. The tweet trend #defahmi was also gaining ground Thursday, with some commentators questioning the magazine's legal move.

"They thought they got a good deal, but instead turned themselves into laughingstocks. Fahmi Fadzil, you genius #defahmi," one tweeted.



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