Thursday, June 2, 2011

Anonymous WWE RAW General Manager

"May I have your attention please! I just received an email from our anonymous RAW General Manager... And I quote..." — Michael Cole.
It's been almost 1 year since Bret "The Hitman" Hart was  removed from RAW General Manager post and replaced by a chiming laptop (or sometimes via Michael Cole's iPad), the so-called anonymous RAW General Manager, where no one knows who is he or she. 

He or she had uses many quotes from famous legends. He or she had talked using voice changer which making Edge crazy and destroyed the laptop, making Edge the winner of 2010 Slammy Award for "Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year. WWE Universe has been guessing this and that making it a sensation in Youtube, wrestling news portal and questioning portal.

Everyone knows that professional wrestling is fake and superstars perform based on script provided to them. Storylines to make things happen like real. No doubt, this anonymous RAW General Manager also is a part of entertainment. 

As we know as well that email sometimes will not reach on time depending on their internet services. To avoid this technical glitch, WWE (specifically those in Creative Writings) will make the announcements ready in the laptop (or iPad). That was the reason why the contents were not available for public view and the laptop always (almost) close. 

After they had ready with the announcement, they (Effects Dept.) will get the lighting effects, sound effects and time for appropriate time to chime it. When the time comes, all already set for actions. Then, Michael Cole will stand up with his microphone and he quote the message from the General Manager. This is how it was done to let WWE Universe thinks that they actually have a General Manager for the show. 

To conclude it, I just summarize the story. There is no anonymous RAW General Manager. All those things were made ready for time to come during the show. The show has been scripted few days before prior the show. So-called emails have been typed into the laptop, put it on the stand, make the effects and open up the laptop and read it. All those were pulled by the Mastermind, Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon. By the way, WWE can pay less checkrolls if RAW less one general manager.


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