Thursday, June 2, 2011

New phone

Main screen with some
important apps.
With Angry Bird apps.
I have been wanting to get a new phone but need to be affordable, nice in style and sharp. Although my first choice to buy is Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc X12 but the price almost make me able to go to Rambutan Bay. 

After a long reviews, I could finally get a touch on my Samsung Galaxy Ace S-5830 with Android 2.2 Froyo, upgradable to Android 2.3 Gingerbread if Samsung going to get it fast. 

One week after, I managed to get myself used to this phone already. Thanks to Eric Chong for making this dream possible to get myself a smartphone (eventhough it is not an expensive smartphone).

Need to understand the situation I am facing, I am glad with the things I am having now. It doesn't matter either it's cheap or what. In the end, I'm happy enough what? Do I need to show to people? PEACE!


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