Thursday, July 28, 2011

The sealed buddieship

Monday, July 25 — That day, I was supposed to talk to Josh about things that happened a day before. Since, I need to work at the same time, I thought that it's best for us to talk face-to-face when we could. That morning, I need to take the cats out and I SMSed Josh to asked him whether was he able to come over to the park and talk while I am working. He replied me and said would meet me during lunch time.
He came over and I was having my lunch as well. As soon as I finished my lunch and asked my students to vacated the room (classroom). 

We talked about what had happened and Josh truly understand my situation. Few days before, he also "proclaimed" me as his buddy. So, after that, I guided him on how to do his sharing as well. 

We ended our conversation with a hug. It was the first time in my life history to give a hug to a friend because normally will be hugged by my elders, leaders and I will hug my students, my "brothers" and my partners.

However, some of my students saw us hugged... The hug has became the seal of our friendship and buddieship (don't be confuse with buddyship). Hopefully, I didn't regret on it! 


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