Recently, due to influence of Josh O. I had started to play MapleStory again. Josh O was at first burned a CD containing the new patch of MapleStory (currently version 1 onwards) to replace those in my laptops (version 0.96).
When I took it back, I was so eagerly wanting to play it. Too bad! Luck wasn't at my side. The CD's last 20 seconds unable to fetched to the laptops (both Dell and HP) and making me crazy.
I almost forgotten that back few days ago, I had downloaded the full version of the clients and due to antivirus scanned malware, it has been quarantined. I never noticed that I could deactivate the antivirus first and install the game, then only turn it on again. IT HAS PROVEN THAT MY WAY WORKS!
Within this week since Sunday, my character (which I made a new one) had gained level 27 within 3 days. The other two days, the server was having maintenance. It has obstructing me from reaching level 30.
However, I would like to thank Josh O. for helping me in MapleStory and willingly gave 1 million mesos to me. Also, we have been talking a lot of [censored] things that made Jia Ye also with his !@#$%^&* Thanks guys for giving me a wonderful taste of friendship once more.
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