A rabbit without ears was born nearby Fukushima nuclear power plant recently. The news of the rabbit was shown on Italian new, Corriere della Sera Corriere TV.
On May 21, a two minutes footage of a white, no ears rabbit was posted on Youtube. It has became an instant and big impact on the net. The video was viewed about a million times.
The owner of that particular, Mr. Sugimoto Hiroko has been living in the town for a long time. 18 years ago, he began to rear rabbits. The first nuclear power plant in Fukushima is more than 30 kilometers away from the rabbit hutch.
Rabbits normally give birth in spring season. They will give birth in a den inside the cabin and the owner wasn't aware of the rabbit without year. One day, he went to check the status of the baby rabbits and he found out a baby rabbit which has yet to open its eyes, was born with a pair of ears.
Interviewed on May 28 has uncovered the fluffy white rabbit with the size of a palm and with. no rabbit ears. Along with it, there are three other rabbit without this problem.
The user who uploaded the video claims they are a resident of Namie, a town which lies about approximately 7 km north of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, well within the 30 km evacuation zone. According to a May 11 map published by the Japanese government, the area around Namie is measured to be approximately 30 μSv/h, significantly higher than the 10 μSv/h measured in the towns of Tomioka and Narahar where the plant is located.
According to the explanation posted along with the video:
After the incident, while the government was reporting there were no immediate health effects and evacuation was unnecessary, those of us in Namie weren’t being given any information about what was going on.
I thought I was going to be silenced in some cover-up between the national and prefectural governments. I was working outside at home when the #3 reactor exploded and my face and throat were scalded. I thought I was going to die at any moment.
I continued to feed my rabbits the grass from outside of my house, and sometime after the rabbit with no ears was born. It was the first deformity I have ever seen with my rabbits. Rabbits reproduce faster than humans, and so perhaps this is a vision of the children that will be born after this incident.
Of course, it’s very possible that this is just a natural mutation. When accused of posting the video to intentionally cause panic, the user pointed out: “Please don’t get me wrong; I have not explicitly stated that this is a result of the radiation.”
The user added that they sent the rabbit to a research institution for proper examination, and will post an update once the results are known.
Source from: http://sankei.jp.msn.com/life/news/110529/trd11052912010002-n1.htm
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