Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New logo update: WWE Smackdown

WWE Smackdown is celebrating its 600th episode. Since the show has moved to Syfy, it is still remains as the no. 1 show in that particular channel. Before that, I also made Smackdown logo and I am not satisfy with it. But today, I had made another one, which is more likely to be the same. 

This logo is based on the current Smackdown Syfy logo. Traditional trapezium shape has been replaced as in the shape above. Colour codes that used in this logo also heavily borrowed from previous Smackdown logo (the one used before WWE HD introduce). Still the font of the logo remained the same.

In non-related story, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is the host of Wrestlemania XXVII. WWE Universe were happy to see his return to the ring after 7 years. He also wanted tp "layeth the smackdown" to John Cena and the Miz (if he is still the WWE Championship). 

Jerry "The King" Lawler was absent on this week's RAW. According to Michael Cole, The King's mother had passed away and also doubled-confirm that he will still challenge The Miz for the championship. 


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