Sunday, February 20, 2011

Berhadapan masalah kelemumur

Masalah kelemumur bukan lagi satu masalah besar di dalam kehidupan seharian saya. Setelah sekian lama saya cuba mengubati masalah ini, ia tidak memberi apa-apa hasil, selain daripada menggunakan syampu "Clear". Semasa bermulanya masalah kelemumur, saya telah mencuba hampir kesemua syampu yang terdapat di pasaran. Hanya "Clear" dapat mengurangkan masalah ini.

Saya tidak menafikan bahawa cuaca yang buruk (cuaca tidak menentu) telah menjadi punca utama untuk rambut berminyak seterusnya menyebabkan masalah kelemumur. Beberapa bulan sebelum Tahun Baru Cina, masalah kelemumur saya telah beransur pulih oleh kerana saya terus menggunakan syampu "Clear". Namun, sifat tamak dan berjimat cermat menyebabkan saya mengalami kegatalan selepas itu.

Hanya saya sahaja yang menggunakan "Clear" dan seluruh keluarga saya menggunakan "Head n' Shoulder". Saya menggunakannya juga disebabkan tamak kerana tidak mahu menggunakan syampu sendiri. Syampu "Clear" yang diguna pakai sekarang dibeli oleh duit sendiri, manakala syampu "Head n' Shoulder" adalah wang keluarga. Saya tamak juga adalah kerana untuk menjimatkan perbelanjaan saya sendiri.

Kerana tamak, saya telah "membayar"nya dengan kepala sendiri. Hampir setiap hari, kulit kepala saya akan berasa gatal (disebabkan pada waktu malam juga akan mengalami cuaca teramat panas) sehinggakan saya terpaksa menggunakkan penghawa dingin untuk tidur. Saya menyesal diatas ketamakan saya itu dan tidak akan membuatnya lagi. 

Salam 1Malaysia
"Gunakanlah Bahasa Kebangsaan Kita"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011





Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New logo update: WWE Smackdown

WWE Smackdown is celebrating its 600th episode. Since the show has moved to Syfy, it is still remains as the no. 1 show in that particular channel. Before that, I also made Smackdown logo and I am not satisfy with it. But today, I had made another one, which is more likely to be the same. 

This logo is based on the current Smackdown Syfy logo. Traditional trapezium shape has been replaced as in the shape above. Colour codes that used in this logo also heavily borrowed from previous Smackdown logo (the one used before WWE HD introduce). Still the font of the logo remained the same.

In non-related story, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is the host of Wrestlemania XXVII. WWE Universe were happy to see his return to the ring after 7 years. He also wanted tp "layeth the smackdown" to John Cena and the Miz (if he is still the WWE Championship). 

Jerry "The King" Lawler was absent on this week's RAW. According to Michael Cole, The King's mother had passed away and also doubled-confirm that he will still challenge The Miz for the championship. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Controversy of Valentine's Day

PETALING JAYA: Media Prima Bhd has apologised for negative comments made during the programme Halaqah, aired over TV9 two years ago, linking Valentine’s Day with Christianity.

“We regret the comments and opinions expressed by our guest panellist, Siti Nor Bahyah Mahamood during the programme on Feb 15, 2009,” said Media Prima Bhd television networks chief operating officer Ahmad Izham Omar in a press statement.

Siti Nor Bahyah was reported to have said that “immoral activities, discoing, couples meeting in private, were traditions of the Christian community.”

The Christian Federation of Malaysia has stressed that Valentine’s Day was a secular observance which Roman Catholics and Protestants do not commemorate as a religious festival.

“Since the incident, we have been more vigilant and perceptive in monitoring the content of our programmes including Halaqah. We want to ensure that our programmes do not offend or create potentially sensitive content,” Ahmad Izham said.

MCA has urged Media Prima to immediately air a public notification of dissociation from Islamic motivator speaker Siti Nor Bahyah Mahamood's remarks and not to broadcast any programmes with her as a panellist or guest speaker until she apologises to the Christian community.

Comments by motivational speaker Siti Nor Bahyah Mahamood linking Valentine's Day to Christianity and immoral activities by Christians have been criticised by the Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM).

"They have erred in their inference, and therefore has hurt the religious feelings of Christians in the country. Valentine's Day is a secular observance, and it is not celebrated religiously by churches in Malaysia, or, in other parts of the world." said Rev. Dr Herman Shastri, General Secretary of Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) in a statement.

He also added, "In the spirit of One Malaysia, promoted by the government, we appeal to the good conscience of the authorities to repeal such hurting inferences that Christianity promotes sexual promiscuity because of Valentine's Day observance, often made in the media and in the said Fatwah."

In the mean time, several Islamic organisations had started Anti-Valentine's Day campaign. However, Sisters in Islam (SIS) has hit out at PAS over its controversial plans to 'check' sinful activities and play the moral police on Valentine's Day.

'Moral policing is against Islamic values and fundamental liberties. It violates personal dignity and privacy, which is forbidden in the Quran and Hadith,' an SIS spokesperson said.

Road to WrestleMania XXVII: My thoughts

Last week, Mr. McMahon announced that the WrestleMania host will be revealed next week. After months, Mr. McMahon finally made his eagerly-anticipated return to Raw – and it was worth the wait. The Chairman opened the program to inform the WWE Universe that on Monday, the host of this year’s WrestleMania will be revealed!

On February 21st after Elimination Chamber pay-per-view, there will be something "big" going to happen. WWE Universe had saw a promo bear the date "2.21.11", which almost resembled WCW Starrcade 1997. Rumors spread that Sting (from TNA and previously WCW) had signed a contract with WWE. Some say it was the return of Undertaker. No one knows what will happen on that day (except WWE personnel themselves). 

Most importantly, I going to watch The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels as WWE Hall of Famer. Since WrestleMania is "SuperBowl of Wrestling", I don't think that The Miz going to retain the WWE Championship. Jerry "The King" Lawler might advance to Wrestlemania to live his dream. Of course "The King" going to drop the title to someone else during Wrestlemania. We going to see what will happen after 1 month from now at Wrestlemania. 

Valentine's Day

The controversial Valentine's Day had became a mess when certain quarter thinks that Valentine's Day was a Christian teachings and what-so-ever. I would like to stress up that St. Valentine was a priest that preached Christian teachings and he wasn't mentioned in Holy Bible too. Even the Holy Bible itself didn't written any about Valentine's Day. The controversy was just a make-up by these people to condemn other religions and some sort of promoting their own.

For Christians, do remember that that we must always put God first before others. That's why we must love Him as He always loves us – no matter in what kind of situations. Certain people felt miserable just because they unable to have a girlfriends / boyfriends to celebrate Valentine's Day. These are two of few verses that talks about the love of God:-
"Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love." [1 John 4:8]

"We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us. God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him." [1 John 4:16]
Valentine's Day was / is / will not be a part of Christianity. It was just a culture that people wanted to celebrate it for no reason. If we really wanted to celebrate it badly, there are people around us that able to "celebrate" with. For example, you can celebrate that day with your parents to repay your debts for all the efforts they put on you. Or you might choose to celebrate it with your friends. To my understanding, your feelings will reject yourself from having them on that day, but remember the Bible says:-
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." [John 15:12-13]
However, I also wanted to remind Christian in particular that having sex with your partners on Valentine's Day is a must and it must be done because you feel that it's necessary. If you have sex with your unmarried partner, it is also consider as adultery. Currently, people can have sex freely with sweet talks and other ways of pursuing it. The Word says:-
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." [Revelation 21:8]
Hope that people can understand that (1) Christianity had nothing to do with St. Valentine or Valentine's Day, (2) you can celebrate that day with parents or friends, not necessary with opposite sex, and (3) do not go overboard by misuse that day as a day for you to commit sins

Saturday, February 12, 2011

ɐɾɹǝʞɹǝq ıןɐqɯǝʞ sɐdǝןǝs ɐɯǝsןǝs

„ɐʇıʞ uɐɐsƃuɐqǝʞ ɐsɐɥɐq ɥɐןuɐʞɐunƃ„
ɐısʎɐןɐɯ1 ɯɐןɐs

˙ʞɐɾıq uɐƃuǝp ıuı ןǝʞıʇɹɐ ɐɔɐqɯǝɯ ʇɐdɐp ɐnɯǝs ɐpuɐ uɐʞdɐɹɐɥıp ˙nɹɐq ƃuɐʎ nʇɐnsǝs ɐqnɔuǝɯ ʞnʇun ɐʎɐs ɐpɐdǝʞ uɐdɐɹɐɥ ıɹǝqɯǝɯ ɥɐןǝʇ ıuı uɐɯɐן ˙ɐʎuɐɔɐqɯǝd ʞnʇun ɹɐsǝq ɥɐןɐsɐɯ nʇɐs ıɹǝqɯǝɯ ɐı ɐʇɐʎuɹǝʇ ˙ɐqıɹ ɹǝʇndɯoʞ ısnɹǝuǝɯ ɥɐɯnɹ ıp ɐʎuɐqnɔuǝɯ ıdɐʇǝʇ ɥıןɐ ɥɐpnɯ uoɟǝןǝʇ ınןɐןǝɯ uɐɥɐɯǝɾǝʇɹǝd ʇɐnqɯǝɯ ʇɐdɐp ʞɐpıʇ ɐʎɐs ˙ƃuɐsƃuos ɐɹɐɔǝs uɐɐʇɐʞɹǝd ɥɐɯǝɾɹǝʇuǝɯ ƃuɐʎ uɐɯɐן nʇɐs ınɥɐʇǝƃuǝɯ ɐıp ɐʍɐɥɐq sɐʇɐ ʇɐʞƃuıʇ ıp ɹɐɾɐןǝd ɐpɐdıɹɐp ƃuɐɹoǝs ɥɐןɐs

˙ƃuɐʇɐp uɐʞɐ ƃuɐʎ nƃƃuıɯǝs ʞnʇun uɐɥɐʇɹǝq ndɯɐɯ ɥısɐɯ ɐʎɐs 'ןɐʞıʇıɹʞ dɐɥɐʇ ɐpɐd ıƃɐן ɯnןǝq ɐı undɹɐıq ˙ɐɯǝsןǝs ʞnʇun ןɐʍɐ ɐpuɐʇ-ɐpuɐʇ ıɯɐןɐƃuǝɯ ɥɐpns ɐʎɐs 'nʇı uɐʞqɐqǝsıp ˙ɐsɐıq ƃuıpuɐqɹǝq uɐɯnʞ ɹɐqǝʎuǝɯ ɥɐpnɯ ɥıqǝן ɐı ˙ɐɯǝsןǝs uɐp ʞnʇɐq ıɹɐp ɥnqɯǝs ɐɾɐɥɐs nɹɐq ɹɐɾɐןǝd uɐʞɐʎuɐqǝʞ unɯɐu

 ˙ɐʎɐs ɹɐɾɐןǝd-ɹɐɾɐןǝd ɐɯɐsɹǝq ƃuosoʞ ʞɐɹoq-ʞɐɹoq uɐƃuǝp ɐsɐɯ uɐʞƃuɐnןǝɯ ɐʎɐs 'nʇı ɥǝןo ˙uɐɹɐɾɐןǝqɯǝd ɯɐןɐp ɐʎuɥnuǝdǝs ɐsɐɯ uɐʞndɯnuǝɯ ʇɐdɐp uɐʞɐ ʞɐpıʇ ɐʞǝɹǝɯ ɐsɐɹǝq ɐʎɐs 'ɐɯɐs ƃuɐʎ ɐsɐɯ ɐpɐd uɐp ɹɐɾɐƃuǝɯ ʞɐpıʇ ɐʎɐs ɐuɐɹǝʞ ɥɐןɐpɐ ıuı ˙sıɯɐɥʞ ıɹɐɥ ɐpɐd ɐʎɐs ɹɐɾɐןǝd ɐɯɐsɹǝq ɐsɐɯ uɐʞƃuɐnןǝɯ ʞnʇun ƃuɐnןǝdɹǝq ɐƃnɾ ɐʎɐs

˙ıɹɐɥɐʇɐɯ ɐʎɐɥɐɔ ɐpɐdǝʞ ɐʞnqɹǝʇ uɐsɐʍɐʞ ıp ɐɯɐן uɐןɐɾɹǝq ʞnʇun uıƃuı ɐsɐɹǝq ʞɐpıʇ ɐʎɐs ʇɐnqɯǝɯ ʞıɹǝʇ sɐuɐd ƃuɐʎ ɐɔɐnɔ 'ıןɐnɔǝʞɹǝʇ ʞɐpıʇ ˙nʇı ɐʎɐs ƃuɐpıq ɹɐnן ıp ɐɾɹǝʞ uɐʞsnɹǝuǝɯ ɐʎɐs '„ǝɹɐnbsɹnoɟ„ ısɐʞıןdɐ ɐʞoɹǝuǝɯ ןıqɯɐs ˙uɐƃuɐɹoǝsɹǝq uɐɯɐʇ ǝʞ ʇɐʞıɹɐʎs uɐɐʎundǝʞ ƃuıɔnʞ ɐʍɐqɯǝɯ ɐʎɐs 'ɐʎɐs ɐɾɹǝʞǝs uɐʞɐɹ ɐdɐɹǝqǝq uɐɹıpɐɥǝʞ ɐduɐʇ (ʇɐɐɯnɾ uɐp sıɯɐɥʞ) ıɹɐɥ ɐnp-ɐnpǝʞ

˙ɐsɐɯ ɐpɐd ɐʎɐs ɐɾɹǝʞ ʇɐdɯǝʇ ıp ıɐdɯɐs ʞnʇun ndɯɐɯ ɥısɐɯ ɐʎɐs 'ɯɐןɐɯ ʇɐʍǝן ɹnpıʇ ɐuɐɹǝʞ (ƃoןq ןǝʞıʇɹɐ ıuıʞsɐɯǝƃuǝɯ uɐʞqɐqǝsıp) ɹnpıʇ ıɹɐp unƃuɐq ʞnʇun ʇɐʍǝןɹǝʇ undnɐןɐʍ ˙ɐsɐıq ıʇɹǝdǝs sıɯɐɥʞ ıɹɐɥ ɐpɐd ɐןnɯɹǝq ɐɾɹǝʞ 'ɐuıɔ nɹɐq unɥɐʇ uɐʞıɐɹǝɯ ʞnʇun nƃƃuıɯǝs ɐɯɐןǝs ıʇnɔɹǝq ɥɐןǝʇǝs

New logo update: AXE

Axe (or Lynx in the UK, The Republic of Ireland, New Zealand & Australia) is a brand of male grooming products, owned by the British/Dutch company Unilever and marketed towards young males. The scents range from popular scents to the least common scent called lemon-lime.

In Malaysia, it was launched last year (on June 2010) with creative "twist and spray" deodorant body spray can. As for today, AXE is the second "most wanted" deodorant after Rexona. I started to use it since December and bought it from Guardian for RM11.40 after discounts. I am currently using Axe Click (read description below).

Hit the glam girls with an airy freshness that’ll smooth any move you make and an edge of spice that’ll get the chicks and clicks coming on your Facebook profile.

Smooth, rich and sensual – all the qualities the sophisticated ladies love are packed into one spritz of this variant that’ll make you smell really good and tantalizing.

Raise the pulse of that sporty babe with whom you want to play tonsil hockey, with an energizing citrus fragrance that gives you a fresh, sexy beat.

Nice girls now have a vice – you. Turn all of them naughty with the arresting aroma of sweet, succulent fruits that they’d love to sink their lips into.

Unleash your untamed side with a unique melt of hot vanilla with cool mandarin, an exotic fragrance that’ll have her purring like a wild cat.

AXE Malaysia ads featured Indonesian model, Andrew Andika with the in famous "0102253344" phone number.

Sources from:


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Friday, February 11, 2011

Late updates

I wanted to apologise to all my visitors for my unableness to update my blog during the festive season. I was trying to do something better but due to certain reasons, I can't do it. Every single updates will be a valuable assets to me for more traffic flows to my blog.

I also had created new buttons for you to click on. In addition, Foursquare button has been added to it. Recently, I had started with Foursquare and I started to gain more knowledge on it.

I also had change the blog icon and will change the header of the blog as soon as I can see a new one. I'm kind of hate the Chinese New Wear header.

For my Cbox, I will also reply it one by one without miss, except those buffaloes who's website doesn't have any Cbox or ShoutBox. Don't worry! It will not be a huge hinder to handle a small things.

Hope to see all of your returns after a day or two for me to complete everything. Before I end this post, I would like to thank all of you for your visits.

{via mobile web}

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year from Takashi Clan

マレーシア — 日本、高使家族の評議会


Tomorrow, the Chinese communities all around the world will celebrate the Spring Festival or Chinese New Year. Nevertheless the House of Hayashi, Ko, Akechi and Kane will celebrate it as well. This year will be the year of the rabbit. I, myself also was born in the year of the rabbit. As Little Grey Rabbit has became a part of my name, I won’t missed the opportunity to get things that incorporated with rabbits (especially grey rabbits) and even wanting to get 2 real grey rabbits as pet.

This celebration also very meaningful to us, the Chinese-Japanese descendants and due to the influences from our Chinese side had made it more special too. Many unhappy matters happened but with the blessings from the Lord, I was able to move up and continue to be here and share my greetings. I can understand that the cost of living had rises daily. Don’t be afraid! Pray to Him and He will help you. Simple lifestyle is always the best.

Here, as the Head of Takashi Clan, House of Hayashi-Webster, Ko and Patrons to House of Akechi and Kane; would like to wish all Chinese a Happy Chinese New Year.

TARO TAKASHI 高使太郎 (Daniel L. Hayashi-Webster)

A SMS from PM Najib Razak

Salam 1Malaysia,
Selamat Tahun Baru Cina kepada semua rakyat Malaysia. Ikhlas dari Najib Razak & keluarga.

1 Feb. 2011 02:42PM
From : DiGi

Salam 1Malaysia. Selamat Tahun Baru Cina kepada semua rakyat Malaysia terutama kepada kaum Cina. Ikhlas dari Najib Razak & keluarga.

2011年02月02日 9:34 am

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