Sunday, May 30, 2010

Little Grey Rabbit's Trivia of the Day: 29 May 2010

Little Grey Rabbit just like every fashionable person on earth to wear clothes with specified colors. He had changed his favorite colors from time to time, according to certain relationships or status and etc.

Most notable, his favorite color is/was red. Since he was small, he likes red along. To him, red represented courage. Even the family crest of Takashi Clan (either current or previous) is/was in red.

Soon after the establishment of Takashi Clan, he changed to yellow in accordance (more precise to let his most trusted person to use his favorite color) to his supremacy of Takashi Clan.

A year later, he wore purple color T-shirt as per his relationship with his ex-pet brother and former Deputy of Takashi Clan, Kenjiro. It also marked their 5th years of brotherhood since they had known each other for a long time.

After that year, black became the most wore shirts where he wore black T-shirt almost everyday. The color black also represents Kuroyami from The House of Kane (Ka-ne, not Cane) .

White then since became his favorite after he had been betrayed. However, during this year's spring, under his mother's advice, he wore green as his trademark color. He also used green on his Twitter page.

  • RED: Little Grey Rabbit had many of the teams/groups/crests in red.
  • YELLOW: His first basketball jersey was in yellow.
  • BLACK: He have more black color shirts/T-Shirts THAN other colors.
  • WHITE: He had wore white most of the time when he was still work as sales.
  • GREEN: Little Grey Rabbit's Twitter background is green. He only wore green for "official" functions.


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