Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sweet dream once more with my blanket

A week ago, when I started to recovered from chicken pox, I cleaned up my room and changed all my bed sheets. I also asked my mother to sent the blanket to the laundromat to wash that blanket.

I have to use a thinner blanket and unable to turn on the air-cond because of the thinner blanket. By the way, the blanket that I'd sent to laundromat was a thinner one.

Picture: Linus with his blue blanket in Peanut/Snoopy.

I need to wait for the whole one week, in order to get back that blanket. In addition, we are going to have monsoon season very soon.

After I got back my blanket, I used it during last night's sleep. I feel better to have back my own blanket. Once more, I can have a nice, sweet dreams again.


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