Sunday, November 14, 2010

Finlay and Goldust appeared on Smackdown Nov 12, 2010

If you watched Smackdown on November 12, 2010, you will noticed that during Lumberjack Match between Nexus' David Otunga and Edge, two notable person can be found in the lumberjack.

First of all was Dave Finlay. Finlay has been to semi-retired, became trainer and one of the producers for Smackdown. For past 7 months, he only appeared on dark matches an wrestled in house. Never thought that he appeared on televised event.

Another wrestler was Goldust. He was part of RAW after drafted in March/April 2010. Even he is a pro to NXT Diva Rookie - Aksana, it was surprising to see him on Smackdown's main event.


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