Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Restructuring" my room

I had started to think of "restructuring" my room after I got my chicken pox. In order for me to watch YouTube using the laptop, I took out of of the bed and put it on the floor, so I could watch it while I was laying down on my bed - during the time of the chicken pox period (plus need to do my exam paper as well).

This evening, I cleaned up my room - with help of my mother of course, to changed all bedsheets, vacuum the beds and room, change my pillow (and sticky pillow) and whip all the tables. I was thinking to get all my beds, pillows to 'de-bacterialize' all the bacteria caused me to have chicken pox (although I might get it from the public transports). However, the Sun was covered by clouds recently and unable to put all the items under the sun.

I moved the main table to my bed (previously was close to the wall) to make sure I can still enjoying laying down on my bed to watch videos and observing my blog. also Facebook. Although I am suffering on my back because I can't get the chair to be on my bed anymore. So, the bed is my sitting place. Hmmm... How long can I last with this position?


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