Sunday, November 7, 2010

WWE Smackdown got better than RAW

I've been watching Smackdown since it changed to Syfy on October. I have to admit that the B-show has improved a lot, plus with Theodore Long as the General Manager of Smackdown.

Smackdown has been improving and making it better than WWE RAW. Many new talents has emerged as potential star of WWE even though RAW also have new talents. But the impact weren't as same as Smackdown.

Furthermore, in recent WWE pay-per-view: Bragging Rights, Smackdown has proven to all of us that it wasn't merely a replacement of RAW or whatsoever but proving that they are the dominant of WWE.

RAW has General Manager, but it is silly to have a laptop as the GM - like Edge said. RAW GM should reveal himself instead of hiding. And it doesn't matter if that person is a good guy or a bad guy, make RAW once again the #1 WWE brand is his/her priority.


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