Monday, August 30, 2010

600 tweets... and more....

Wow! I never realized that my Twitter's tweets already reached 600. I know it wasn't a great thing to tell people abut, but to me - I just want it to be a pert of me.

Twitter is my 2nd important social networking site, after Facebook. I don't use Twitter as much as I use Facebook. Even though I linked my Twitter to my Facebook, I just can't see it as important as Facebook.

After seeing my tweets reached 600 and more, I started to think that I suppose to balance the usage of Twitter and Facebook because both also seems important to me too.

However, I found out that there is one particular so-called Christian fellow which I followed being pathetic. In one part he might be exchanging Bible knowledge but in another part, he will "laser" everything that has been discussed.

By the way, I had removed those kept idling with their Twitter to make way for me to follow others. Please do add me in Twitter, @tarotakashi


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