Sunday, June 5, 2011

Night Clean-over

I began the first time night clean-over out of no where on earth knows what I was doing. One hour after my dinner, I have been blurring and wondering why something was not right with myself. On that instant, I went to the bathroom with an empty container, filled it with water and put in the water into the air filter. Then, I went to the bathroom again, fill a bigger container with water, opened a brand new lavender soap and began to clean up my room. 

My room was in a total mess, dirty and ugly. I have time to do it but I just don't get my butt(ocks) kicked up to make it done. Even I supposed to make myself wash my shoes but I also had yet to do it. I have been doing layout things for my blog and to assure that my blog stay as its best. 

For almost 4 months, I haven't change my bed sheet. I also has been not washing my table fan for many months. That time was the time for me to do all things. When my mother came into my room, my mother asked me to use anti-ants liquid to wipe tables and cupboard. I went to the toilet and changed the water and refilled it with clean water. 

My mother poured a bit of the liquid into the container and I started to wipe the tables and cupboards one more time. The leftover I used it to mop the floor after I had changed my bed sheet. When I look everything back to the finest, I turned on the air-conditioner and went downstairs to eat a piece of fried chicken. 

I was cleaning my room while I was watching WWE Smackdown from the web. However, I might need new computer chair and a computer table. When I'm going to have time next time, I will be changing my computer table to the site where the window is, due to connection problem. Hopefully, that one day will not come because I hope that TM's UniFi will be here soon.

Lastly, I still need to fold my clothes and wash my shoes tomorrow (today) after I went to the church. I will be going to church (proper) for the first time after many years and with hopes that will stay in that church. I will be going to the church where Joshua and Maverick are attending and I went there under the invitation of Joshua.


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