Monday, January 10, 2011

New logo update: Tweeter Malaysia

Tweeter Malaysia is a platform where we are bringing together tweeters throughout the country. We are sharing about useful twitter tips and giving the opportunities for everyone to keep in touch with each other. In addition, We might organize some gathering and maybe it will be in your place one day! Interesting right?

So, why not you just join our community and be one of us? Come on! Sign up a twitter account now if you do not have one. Let’s tweet Malaysia!

Sources from:
The logo consist the old Twitter bird, the old Twitter logo and, plus "Let's tweet Malaysia!" slogan.

The old Twitter bird has been "Malaysianized" to make it more like Malaysia. The blue is the colour we can see on the our flag's canton and with the Federal Star of Malaysia

The word of "Tweeter" was merely edited version of previous Twitter logo. The additional "Malaysia" at the bottom of "Tweeter" used Futura font. It's quite hard for me to make it 'balance' as the "Tweeter". However, I could made it entirely.

Motto has been put by using Myraid font type and with another font which similar to "Tweeter" for the ".com"


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