Monday, June 6, 2011

Robbery attempt

This morning was just normal working morning. I was told by my employers to come earlier to learn some guides for taking care of the two company cats. I was the earliest among other staffs. Since my employers had yet to arrive and no one was around the area, I went to the park behind my workplace to have a seat while reading newspaper.

After I have done with the readings, I went back to try my luck but they still haven't arrive yet. I took out a sheet of newspaper and put it on top of the rubbish place while waiting. I also played with my mobile phone to pass my time.

Few minutes later, a Malay man on his motorcycle stopped at the first parking lot, in front of 99 SpeedMart. However, I already seen him wondering around, before he came by. He asked me, what time does 99 SpeedMart normally open? As a polite Malaysian, I answered him. He went back to his motorcycle.

Then, he again came to me to ask for cigarettes and I replied him as well with a “NO!” He went back to his motorcycle again, came back and stood in front of me. I have been watching him for quite some time. This time, he pointed a knife towards me and said, “I gonna rob you.”

As I already aware with the knife, I was blurred for a second. However, I reacted by yelling loudly at him, “Who do you think you are?” and my right hand was moving towards his neck, wanting to put a hold on it. He immediately turned nervous and ran towards his motorcycle. 

I quickly ran towards him, grabbing my bag and tried to hit him with my bag. Too bad, the hit was missed. A passerby heard my yelling and saw the man fleeing. The passerby asked me what happened and I told him about it. He asked me whether I could recall his face, but I couldn’t because I have short memories.

The passerby had guarded for a few minutes before leaving. This time, an Indian man from nearby car wash came and asked me what had happened. Again, I told him the story. The Indian man said, “Actually I wanted to help!” yet he (Indian man) had a motorcycle and never chase after the Malay robber.

One of the 99 SpeedMart staff came and I asked her whether she could ask her manager to get the footage of the robbery which the ending part was caught on their CCTV. There was no news from 99 SpeedMart. As my employers also had arrived, I also told them about it and they had put high alert especially when the school reopens. One of the employers again asked 99 SpeedMart to view the footage and yet to receive news from them.

This is the 2nd robbery attempt happened to me. Previously (about 2 years ago), my mobile phone at that time – Sony Ericsson W910 was snatched by snatch thief. Half year after the incident, I was nearly robbed by 2 Malay guys on their motorcycle and I managed to run and fled. Few months later, I was on my walking to Pasar Seni LRT station from Mydin Kuala Lumpur. A robbery happened in front of me.


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