I wanted to apologise to all my visitors for my unableness to update my blog during the festive season. I was trying to do something better but due to certain reasons, I can't do it. Every single updates will be a valuable assets to me for more traffic flows to my blog.
I also had created new buttons for you to click on. In addition, Foursquare button has been added to it. Recently, I had started with Foursquare and I started to gain more knowledge on it.
I also had change the blog icon and will change the header of the blog as soon as I can see a new one. I'm kind of hate the Chinese New Wear header.
For my Cbox, I will also reply it one by one without miss, except those buffaloes who's website doesn't have any Cbox or ShoutBox. Don't worry! It will not be a huge hinder to handle a small things.
Hope to see all of your returns after a day or two for me to complete everything. Before I end this post, I would like to thank all of you for your visits.
{via mobile web}
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