Sunday, November 14, 2010

My 23rd Birthday

Around half an hour later, I am celebrating my 23rd birthday. It is my 2nd year in a row that I am celebrating my birthday alone. Differences between last year and this year is, I can't eat cakes, red eggs and etc.

After being betrayed by my very own friends and comrades, also at the same time, I lost my job as well. However, by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I managed to stand up again and face my own future.

This year's birthday wishes like a bunch of things that I wanted to do. Get my licence and many many more. I know I can force myself to do all things in one year and I know God will watch over me and plan all things according to His timing.

Because I can't eat cakes or egg or anything, I snapped a photo of my own and photoshop it by putting a cup cake on my palm (as you can see from my picture). So sad, still need to wait for 2 months and a week more, then I can eat everything.


Happy 23rd Birthday said...

Many happy returns of the day.....!

Kumar said...

so sweet......nice pic. Happy Birthday.

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