Saturday, November 13, 2010

Loss weight

I losses weight after I got chicken pox. It was contributed due to my eatings has been scale down, especially things I like the most. Since I had chicken pox, I only can enjoy plain foods, rooster chicken and light soy sauce after I was recovered (when I had no more blisters).

I started to realised my weight lost, when I started to return to work. The pants that I wore was loose until I might dropped anything if I was running or doing any extreme things. As a teacher, interacting with students is important. I play along with my students very often during lunch time.

Even my lunch also had only bread with BBQ pork meat and plain nasi lemak with luncheon or bread with blueberry jam/butter.

Yesterday night, I took out the scale and scale for my weight. IT WAS 60KG. My previous weight was 65kg. Wow! I lose 5 kg but because of chicken pox. But I am happy with my current weight as I tried to lose weight as well. Happy to see the result too.


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