Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brand new look

This few days, I had been thinking to change a larger layout template for my blog, so it can be justified will all those proud logo of mine to fit in the blog. Finally I got one.

I had started using this template yesterday, replacing the previous one - which I still like it but due to spacing problems, I choose a new beta template instead. I might get Nuffang for my blog - if I think there are about 20 or more visitors visit my blog each day.

As per today, this blog is still need to fit in many things and need to see if more informations can be put into 2 side layouts of the blog.

I hope that all of you may enjoy this blog and if you have opinions, please do comment. Thank you!


Henry Lee said...

i like the way u impose the header with the background... but with lesser logo n icons, it might look a lil simpler :)

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