Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Little Grey Rabbit apologised to Dolphin Lyh

Dolphin Lyh is a close friend to Little Grey Rabbit. They had once been a couple. Although, they had broken up, they had maintained the friendship along with Afro Fishé, who is still Little Grey Rabbit beloved sister. Little Rabbit often tell her some of his cold jokes with her whenever he meets her or sometimes when she came to Little Rabbit’s previous hometown to visit Afro Fishé.

Because Little Rabbit left that town for good, rumours had spread all around that town. Without able to left any messages to people around that town, they also presumed the rumours were truth. Afro Fishé and Dolphin Lyh didn’t know any single thing about Little Grey Rabbit after he had left that town.

However, Little Rabbit soon contacted Afro Fishé to tell her the truth after he had settled down in new town. But Little Rabbit unable to reveal him temporarily until a time which consider suitable. Afro Fishé had forgiven Little Rabbit. Afro Fishé keep it as a secret until when the time was suitable to reveal to Dolphin Lyh.

Until one day, Dolphin Lyh had posted something on the public wall about her lost of her address key and she had changed the key. Only then, Little Rabbit without revealing himself, told her to put him into the security contact. She added Little Rabbit and he started his conversation with her. Apparently, she recognised Little Rabbit which he had denied it.

Dolphin Lyh became angry with Little Rabbit for not revealing himself to her. Little Rabbit had shared the problem with Afro Fishé. Afro Fishé also faces some problem with her sister’s elder brother which she loved before. Afro Fishé told Dolphin Lyh about it and once again, Little Rabbit confronted Dolphin Lyh and revealed the entire problem he had faced and the necessary to keep him low profile.

In the end, Little Grey Rabbit apologised to Dolphin Lyh for not telling her the truth. Little Rabbit hoped that the friendship between them can be maintained as how they were before. Dolphin Lyh accepted his apologise with an open-hearted feeling.

Little Rabbit concerned about Afro Fishé who been alone in that wicked town and asked Dolphin Lyh to forgave Afro Fishé for what she had done – for everything she had kept it from her all things about Little Rabbit was because she still care for Little Rabbit. Little Rabbit asked Dolphin Lyh to help him to take care and be with her whenever Afro Fishé needed.


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