Friday, March 26, 2010

Granted: A room by my own

Yesterday night, after my work, I returned home with a tired body. My mother then told me that the main room which my uncle still kept it for himself, although he already moved to Ampang for almost 3 months. My uncle and my aunt kept the room shut and kept some of their properties inside the main room – mainly things that not usable to them (more accurately: were all junks)

The picture on the left was only a decoration for this post. I do not own these picture, which I got it from the net.

I had planned to decorate my own room since long time ago, back to the days when I was without a job. That plan been postponed because they just keep the room for themselves no matter they still live there or not. But I am now working and don’t have time to think of my furniture’s placing of my own room.

My uncle came yesterday and took a little bit of his belonging. Then he changed the lock and gave the key to my mother. This morning, my mom and I with my brother went into the room and took a glance of the room. I told my mother to keep all my uncle’s belonging to some place and start to use the room. But, my mother said wait until my uncle take all of his belonging first, then only will occupy the room.

At first, I told my mother to tell my another aunt (the one that gave us the hospitality) to ask my uncle to stop occupying that room and let my mother to use the room because Connie had grown up and wants to sleep with my parents. However, before the plan can be use, my uncle already has his plan to give it back to my mother. The main question is, when will he take all of his belongings, to let my mother to use the main room?

What else, I need a room of myself so badly since I moved to the house (which I currently shared a room with my brother). My late cousin’s cupboard has many nice shirts. Some can be fit and some not. Further more, I need my privacy when I have special friend come to my house to stay overnight. So, that’s why I need a room so badly (for some reason).


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