Sunday, January 16, 2011

#RoboCop on Twitter

Past weeks, I have downloaded all the RoboCop movies to watch. After I watched it, I put it as my recent movies that I watched into my Facebook. At the same time, I also used the hash tag (#RoboCop) on Twitter. 

Soon after, I received replies from one of fictional Detroit's comedy show, "It's Not My Problem!" with the famous catchphrase, "I'd buy that for a dollar!" @for_a_dollar with Bixby Snyder.

Again, I received another reply from "Old Man", who was the former chairman of fictional Omni Consumer Products (OCP) @OCP_Chairman. 

Don't believe me? Have a try. You will get quick replies from them. Get a Twitter account to do this and please add me @tarotakashi as well.


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