Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's going on?

On Monday (6th December), I woke up early but a "dumb dumb" locked the toilet's door to waste my time on doing other things. Until I cannot tahan (stand v.) anymore, I 'stomped' into his room and told him to open the door next time after he had finished using it. At that time, the sky was having drizzly rain. While I walked out to take bus (on my first day of work), I saw a rainbow. What a pleasant view on that morning? Is it a symbol of luck?
This morning (7th December) and knowing it was a holiday, I reached my workplace very early. While I was walking, I saw many promotional papers pastes all the way. From one end to the other end - filled with these yellow colour promotional papers, sticked all over the place. Within my workplace radius, I took out around 7 of these papers. 

Last Monday and Tuesday, I've been taking Sasha out to the park. The cat looks like spying on something. She a bit obsessed with the dogs barked because nearby the park, there is a pet shop. Every morning, the dogs will bark noisily. Sasha paid full attention on it and even lied down like an army going to strike. 

Today was a bit different from Monday because a lady brought her dog along. Sasha wasn't scared or freaked out, while the dog also didn't bark at her. The dog was smelling around and play with her master. Meanwhile, Sasha looking at the dog until the eyes of hers didn't move even an inch from her sight.



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