Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not lonely Christmas after all...

Yesterday was the day of Christmas. I supposedly got no place to go but yet I went out to Times Square with David C. He called me a day before to accompany him to buy a pair of shoes while we went there and surveying  the price of our Chinese New Year stuffs as well.

After we went around Times Square, we then went to Sungai Wang to have a look and David also bought his shoes there. We went for brunch at Madam Wong Restaurant (3rd floor). A kam hiong fried rice, 3 little char shiew bao, and a glass of ice lemon tea not even much (around RM23 along with David's Ice Blended Champagne).

While waiting for David's underage girl-friend, we went to Low Yat Plaza to visit Rex and also to take the bracelet which I bought a month ago. He said he didn't bring it with him because he didn't went back home because he had celebrated Christmas Eve with his friends and he was drunk at that time. David went down to get his girl-friend and Rex took half day off.

All of us then regrouped at Hong Hong Restaurant at the lower ground floor. Rex wants to go into the toilet but rather for him to go far away, I paid him to go to the VIP toilet (RM1 per entry). I also went inside to take a loo while to see whether he was OK or not?

We went into the HK restaurant and had a drink. Rex wanted to rest while drinking tea (and ginseng tea as well). Rex also ordered a sliced fish meat porridge. All of us were chatting except for David's girl-friend. I asked David via SMSes to do something about her. Even David himself called her as beef steak. Gosh! She also looks like Lancy too. 

After that, most of our time were in Times Square. Both Rex and David playing snooker and David's girl-friend ran away with her friend. While myself, went around to survey things again. We also went to amusement square to play Initial D and basketball, which both Rex and I used to go before leaving. We stopped for another drink before we went to visit Terrance. We went off soon after, while Terrance went back to work.

Rex took taxi and I was following him. David went back alone by taking LRT. Both Rex and I were talking about what happened recently. Actually he also wanted me to go into his house while I refused because his father and mother also were there. I took off after I took the bracelet.

P/S: This is a summary of what had happened on that day. 


David~ said...

she is nt my GF == juz a girl come n find me ~ ==

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