Tuesday, June 22, 2010


After I moved in the house 2 years ago, my family practically saw a shadow went up and down the stairway. Never-the-less, my parents thought that it was the Thai god idol that my crazy uncle had been prayed for before he went crazy been the 'thing' that 'flashed' up and down the stairway (on shadow shape).

If we still encountered the same thing, my mother will definitely, demand 'it' to not disturb any of us for we weren't the one who brought 'it' to this house. My mother also demanded 'it' to find my uncle rather to disturb the whole family.

Before my third uncle moved out from the house, my uncle's son also often been 'disturbed' by (maybe) 'it'. He often cried at night and sometimes midnight too. However, my mother moved to that room with my father along with Connie - didn't encounter such a problem.

After I moved to my mother's room, I encountered such a problem. At the first few weeks, I didn't have any problem with sleeping because I slept before 12a.m. Since I needed to finish my work, I needed to stay awake until midnight. Soon after, the brawl started.

I like to open up the door of my room to allow fresh air from outside to go inside the room - since my room was closed up the entire month or even the entire year. Furthermore, when it comes to hot season/weathers, my room will be extremely hot because my room (back of the house) is facing the southwest.

One night, I heard sound of my wood parquet floor (although my parquet floor will stick on feet and fell down on the group) which totally strange that nothing dropped on the floor or someone walked - because I was the only person to stay in the room. After that strange thing happened, it was followed by a sound near by writing table, as a person flipped paper hard.

Although my neighbor did make a lot of sound when she still haven't sleep but I am so certain that the noises weren't not from my neighbor's room.

I also prayed to God for His blessings and demanded whatever spirits dwell inside my room to leave the room. I kept doing it for a period of time until there was nothing had happened again. Until last week, I went to my staff trip - so I wasn't aware of conditions soon after.

Within this week, I started to encounter strange noises again but it weren't from my room but outside of my room (even outside the house, the back alley). Can you imagined that some people rubbing your door from outside of the room? I encountered that. When it comes to a day before, I heard as someone was punching the cupboard outside the room and followed by voices of people talking at the back alley of my house.

I was a bit traumatized of this problem these few weeks until today my mother used her Chinese method to keep these spirits away from my room. Sooner, I needed to sleep early again because of the work will be starting next Monday. Hope it will not cost me my life.


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