Monday, June 6, 2011

Why I like TNA Wrestling?

I have been watching TNA Wrestling for quite some time. At the same time, I also watch WWE shows too. In the same, I like WWE superstars to perform as how TNA superstars are doing. 

Due to the changes of demographic, WWE changed from rated PG-14 to rated PG. All past glories of WWE/F totally gone from WWE TV. No more hardcore, no more bloodies and no more extreme.

However, TNA Wrestling took those categories and make it big for themselves. Because of it, many former WWE superstars went to TNA after the end of their contracts (with WWE). 

I prefer hardcore, bloodies and extreme types of wrestling. When wrestling is just plain, it's just boring without any excitements. WWE Universe just cheer for the climax of matches available, especially when it involved a hunk like John Cena.

I don't say that I am saying WWE shows are bad BUT to be out from entertainment and out from the perspective of the original way that has made WWE famous, it just as good as dead. 


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