Thursday, November 11, 2010

WWE goes Old School on WWE RAW

I never noticed that WWE is having a 3-hour special for old school (or Legends) to perform on WWE RAW with the current superstars of WWE. Yes, the classic Monday Night Raw returns for one night only.

In the promo, we can see Shawn Michaels and Marty Jennetty (The Rockers) in it. According to internet sources, Shawn Michaels will not appear on RAW because he did not consider himself as an old school (even he was one of the performers during the starting of Classic Monday Night RAW - Federation Era).

In conjunction of WWE goes Old School, I made this logo which much based on Federation Era's WWF/E Superstar. I get fire-up when I made this logo, plus the Federation Era - WWE logo. Stay tune on Astro SuperSport, November 16 of WWE RAW.


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